What should my next glass purchase be?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@~vapeslut.xo~ Was it @Cannabiker who brought Goo Roo into the thread? THANK YOU
!...Nope, that was me who did.

I know right? The HD3 is $112...if I hadn't just bought another Errlectric controller and TI nail with quartz insert from an FC member AND a 710 colis setup and banger I'd get it right this second. I hope GooRoo doesn't take that coupon down anytime soon....everyone...sssshhhhhhhhhhhh

Damn it yeah now I looked at the other stuff, nice bangers, and I just broke mine! Also I think I actually really like the small inline more for my needs in fact (and cheaper price) but I'm not sure about that mouthpiece... blerg I don't need glass!

@Sour Dream lol those tater tots are funky, but they don't have standard connection do they? What are you going to use it with

@~vapeslut.xo~ Yeah it just means it has three parts, what you got was good, I think it was good to save a little bit more money, I think you got a really nice solid all-around piece for flavor chasing water filtration! I also think it is simpler with the mouthpiece fixed, you can experiment later with other stuff... Did you order the FC-UFO? Because that'll give you the modular experience of the HD3 sort of basically, DHgate play for that!


HAL is a StarChild
@SSVUN~YAH posts of heady stuff got me back on instagram even though I can't afford any heady pieces at the moment.
@~vapeslut.xo~ you think your head is spinning now, wait a few months/years...as you explore you will find so many things you can consume MJ and it's derivatives with that it will blow you away...some these artists and what they're doing with glass astounds me.

EDIT: Dang @SSVUN~YAH I want that Joda colab piece, it's f'n gorgeous! I will always praise Joda because he fixed my Sheldon Black DubBub that I broke, awesome bro!
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Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
@Sour Dream lol those tater tots are funky, but they don't have standard connection do they? What are you going to use it with

these have a 14mm female connection I double-checked with them like a week or two ago just to be safe

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)

these have a 14mm female connection I double-checked with them like a week or two ago just to be safe

Ah the welded! Cool!

@SSVUN~YAH popping in teasing all the nice heady glass (and logs) he just dropped in the classifieds! Love it


Well-Known Member
No problem! i'm peeping into the Classifieds myself... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: How many of y'all value an ash-catcher? is it worth sixty dollars, for vaping?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
How many of y'all value an ash-catcher? is it worth sixty dollars, for vaping?

Like I said I tried one back in the day, but I sold it, not necessary, I mean it would be similar to getting a hydro tube as a mouthpiece, but it's more cumbersome than it's worth, the extra diffusion and chambers, better as a hydro tube than ash catcher in my experience... Some people like to use the ash catcher with a j-hook or dry glass mouthpiece to turn it into a little bubbler though! I don't think it's worth the price here, Ash catchers are fine from China ;)

Damnit. You guys, I DON"T NEED ANY GLASS!!!! Who found the coupon, I'm blaming you...

Haha I know right, of course she found it, which I would say is giving back to the community, but it's also something none of us asked for damn it! :lmao:

Haha no I am definitely buying bangers since I needed a new one anyway, puff it up out of stock, but I am so tempted by this small inline for no good reason!

I even found out y'all were just discussing it over here, the photo on the website is not accurate apparently:

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
i have heard cranberry extract is good to put in your vape water...could anyone summarize what i need to do ?? :D:D

I don't know what you need to do, but people do it to keep their water cleaner longer, I've never tried it myself!

In case anyone is wondering I fought off the urge to order the small inline... I did order an opaque bottom banger and a thermal banger though, $40 shipped, not bad at all, thanks again for that code discovery!

This has rewoken my bubbler rig glass wishlist, and it is still comprised of rattlecan and showerhead hydrabase to complete my collection! Then perhaps a heady RBR custom someday??

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)


Well-Known Member
When it comes to crazy ones...

I love it!


Putin is a War Criminal
i have heard cranberry extract is good to put in your vape water...could anyone summarize what i need to do ?? :D:D
I am a huge believer in Cranberry extract. I use it in every fill of a water piece. It dramatically reduces the cleanup of my glass. All that is necessary to keep my glass clean is a hot water rinse. It is surprisingly effective.
Some people like to use the ash catcher with a j-hook or dry glass mouthpiece to turn it into a little bubbler though!
This is how I use ash catchers. Quick and dirty bubbler...
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