What should my next glass purchase be?


Well-Known Member
So, first, you all are talking about 2 different UFOs. The FC-UFO is the big one we provided input into the design, and that is the one I have. There is another UFO that Sneaky Pete sells, and I have never seen in person. I love the FC-UFO, particularly as a base for frakenvapes because it is heavy and kinda a large can. I like to use it sitting on my vape station rather than handheld like the Rattlecan or the smaller guys like the D020 and it's variants. I also love that it has a mouthpiece joint so I can switch the mouthpiece style for variety, including a whip if that is desired.
The FC-187 is the Mobius clone that there are a few variants of including putting the sidecar on the right or left side or the joint being 18mm or 14mm. I also like this piece a lot, and here is a pic of it next to the D020 (which I also like) for size...
For me the Stereo Matrix has too much percolation for vaping, but that is just personal preference. Too much perc reduces flavor in my experience.

And, btw, the Dhgate pieces that have FC in the name were designed or at least altered with some assistance from users in this newsgroup. For a while there we were influencing at least a couple different vendors.

That spiked MP that @Shit Snacks posted above looks like it would be great for cooling but a bit too fragile for me and a little hard to clean. I LOVE OGB tho, and have had them make me a few custom stems. I generally can't really afford American glass, so nearly all the glass in my sig is china glass.

The one other thing I wanted to add here is a lot of pieces can be combined to make great vape glass. I have a tendency to often use an ash catcher and a J-Hook when looking for something simple.
Such a helpful post, thank you @cybrguy !
the pictures are great. I have decided on the D020 for one of my pieces :)
Same as @Bologna I've been kinda reading your journey. I personally think you should go with this.

GooRoo glass HD 3 piece bubbler. Its large enough for flower but not too big for concentrate. I plan on getting one since it is a close resemblence to my Sheldon Black Dub Bub but waaaaay cheaper in price. It's not an exact replica, but I like how it looks and it's simplicity.
thank you @CrazyDiamond for your suggestion! From DHGate i can get three pieces for $90. Since i'm so indecisive the only option is to buy multiples!!
I have a few bubblers, j hooks, and ash catchers that sit around not being used. For me, I need something small and easy to stash away when not in use. I bought one of these a few years ago. It is just enough cooling and so easy to use with a dynavap or anything 14mm. Great with a dab pen too. Looks like the price doubled since I got mine. There are cheaper versions that are pretty similar.
I love this little guy:
Very cool @BabyFacedFinster ! I have a similar piece in my order that will fill the same purpose. (The UFO knock-off!)

So i have decided to order these three from DHGate!
this is definitely, 100% the ones i'm getting (LMAO yeah rightttt Jenny!)
Well. i'll post this and await feedback :) i will wait a few days before pulling the trigger :)

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Such a helpful post, thank you @cybrguy !
the pictures are great. I have decided on the D020 for one of my pieces :)

thank you @CrazyDiamond for your suggestion! From DHGate i can get three pieces for $90. Since i'm so indecisive the only option is to buy multiples!!

Very cool @BabyFacedFinster ! I have a similar piece in my order that will fill the same purpose. (The UFO knock-off!)

View attachment 8591
So i have decided to order these three from DHGate!
this is definitely, 100% the ones i'm getting (LMAO yeah rightttt Jenny!)
Well. i'll post this and await feedback :) i will wait a few days before pulling the trigger :)

Haha nice, I would actually suggest ordering all three from Sunshine, I'm sure they have a plain bong like that, because then they would all arrive in one package together? And they've been reliable seller with fairly fast shipping (no idea about these others)

I have mixed feelings about that honeycomb knock off, it could be cool but it also could be more novelty, not sure I like the mouthpiece, and I'm not sure how well it would work, I guess it would be cool to watch the vapor at the top, but even so...


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Such a helpful post, thank you @cybrguy !
the pictures are great. I have decided on the D020 for one of my pieces :)

thank you @CrazyDiamond for your suggestion! From DHGate i can get three pieces for $90. Since i'm so indecisive the only option is to buy multiples!!

Very cool @BabyFacedFinster ! I have a similar piece in my order that will fill the same purpose. (The UFO knock-off!)

View attachment 8591
So i have decided to order these three from DHGate!
this is definitely, 100% the ones i'm getting (LMAO yeah rightttt Jenny!)
Well. i'll post this and await feedback :) i will wait a few days before pulling the trigger :)
SneakyPete sells the UFO for 40 bucks. Shipping would definitely be faster.
Was this already mentioned?


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
I own the FC UFO. It’s my go to glass I don’t use the whip just the bent neck glass or i will switch to other glass stems to spice it up but it’s still the only glass I grab. Mines got a fracture through the bottom the last 6 months and it’s still holding water well. It slipped when I was shaking iso salt in it and bounced off the bottom of the sink. Ain’t going to lie I’m probably going to get another or buy the glass they cloned from getskyglass.com the starter rig. Oh fwiw I own a decent collection and the mega globe is in it also, I do lack in recyclers though I really want to check out an RBR

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I own the FC UFO. It’s my go to glass I don’t use the whip just the bent neck glass or i will switch to other glass stems to spice it up but it’s still the only glass I grab. Mines got a fracture through the bottom the last 6 months and it’s still holding water well. It slipped when I was shaking iso salt in it and bounced off the bottom of the sink. Ain’t going to lie I’m probably going to get another or buy the glass they cloned from getskyglass.com the starter rig. Oh fwiw I own a decent collection and the mega globe is in it also, I do lack in recyclers though I really want to check out an RBR

Apparently an RBR with a UFO type (male instead of female) connection is a thing... Pretty appealing thing I've seen in colors too


Well-Known Member
SneakyPete sells the UFO for 40 bucks. Shipping would definitely be faster.
Was this already mentioned?
Oh shoot. OK i'm canceling my DHGate one! i will either get this from Pete, or...

I own the FC UFO. It’s my go to glass I don’t use the whip just the bent neck glass or i will switch to other glass stems to spice it up but it’s still the only glass I grab. Mines got a fracture through the bottom the last 6 months and it’s still holding water well. It slipped when I was shaking iso salt in it and bounced off the bottom of the sink. Ain’t going to lie I’m probably going to get another or buy the glass they cloned from getskyglass.com the starter rig. Oh fwiw I own a decent collection and the mega globe is in it also, I do lack in recyclers though I really want to check out an RBR
get this instead? But if i get the FC-UFO i doubt i will ever use the D020. So maybe i could drop the D020. And get the Pete UFO.

So it would be:
-Pete UFO
-Beaker Bong (
DHGate) or from sunshinestore seller

Edit: (well now i'm thinking i wouldn't use both UFOs, they are sort of similar. Pete's UFO is just so ugly lmao.
so maybe just the FC-UFO, and a nice tall bong that would remind me of my high school years? :science: :science: :science: )

Edit 2: Ok one last question i swear guys...:)
I am using my mobius trying to figure out what it "lacks"
And i think it IS, not enough flavor...
Now i am not a connoseiur or "flavor chaser" by any means, but i think the lack of flavor just
makes it seem like i'm smoking nothing. And maybe thats why "ah ain't satisfied!" hmmph :)

Also i dont like the sidecar position! :) i would rather go straight-on...I'm a traditional kinda gal:rofl:
So any way...i watched some videos of a Rattlecan, which is supposed to be great for flavor, right?
Perhaps that and the FC-UFO would be a good combination...but where would my tall bong fit in?
i have $90 to spend.

Edit3: i've ordered the FC-UFO and the FC-710 (Diffusion Pump). wish me luck!
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I am using my mobius trying to figure out what it "lacks"
And i think it IS, not enough flavor...

Not enough flavor compared to what?

In your other thread you said the brick had the absolute best flavor, but this morning I see you're ready to sell it? Water pipes do affect flavor, but I wouldn't consider in the main variable. Your cannabis quality and the vape you use are the main factor.


Putin is a War Criminal
Edit3: i've ordered the FC-UFO and the FC-710 (Diffusion Pump). wish me luck!
In the end I think you made a good choice with different types of glass that compliment what you already have. You could have made other choices and still been happy, but these should serve you well. The UFO is an excellent base piece for building or for using alone and with the jointed mouthpiece provides the most flexibility of my collection. The 710 is very similar to the Rattlecan that I truly enjoy and is a great hand held piece. I think it has a male joint, however, and that may be an issue for you. You hadn't mentioned it in your ruminations. A female to female adapter should resolve any issues.

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Well-Known Member
Not enough flavor compared to what?

In your other thread you said the brick had the absolute best flavor, but this morning I see you're ready to sell it? Water pipes do affect flavor, but I wouldn't consider in the main variable. Your cannabis quality and the vape you use are the main factor.
Nonono...let me reiterate! i think the "flavor" is what lets me sense when to stop inhaling. Since it's sort of wisp-y and nothingness, and i have seen others say the same about glass with these "matrix percs"
Anyway since its like that, i was guessing its flavor, but maybe there is a better word for it.
In the end I think you made a good choice with different types of glass that compliment what you already have. You could have made other choices and still been happy, but these should serve you well. The UFO is an excellent base piece for building or for using alone and with the jointed mouthpiece provides the most flexibility of my collection. The 710 is very similar to the Rattlecan that I truly enjoy and is a great hand held piece. I think it has a male joint, however, and that may be an issue for you. You hadn't mentioned it in your ruminations. A female to female adapter should resolve any issues.

Aw crud. I already need like seven adapters but they're coming via dhGate so they are taking for-evvvv-er!

if I need any small accessories i'll go to my local smoke shop :) I so despise squinting 😝😝😝 at glass adapters on a screen!


Well-Known Member
Sure thing, man!:

I didn't read this but it's probably better than the mess I wrote below:

Post in thread 'How to post pictures'

click that pop-up menu image above here we we enter text for replies that looks like a picture (just to the left of the smiley face) and click "drop image here" and then navigate on your 'puter and select the image and upload... or you can upload multiple images at once by clicking "Attach files" just below here and place them individually as thumbnails or full-size wherever you want with the cursor. :peace:
Thank you! The link revealed the problem--I needed to change my preferences to allow for image downloads.

To keep on topic, here's a shot of my new Goo Roo Small Inline Bubbler, recommended from this thread. I really like it, though I may contact them to see if they do custom, and what it would cost to make one about 25% larger--mostly for a larger chamber and bigger diameter stem. Regardless, I'm really psyched to be enjoying locally-sourced glass. IMG_3755(med).JPG


Gentleman Of Leisure
It's smart to pass on the D020, I think. The D020-D is the one I use over the smaller D020 I bought first but even that seems redundant since you already have that matrix one.

Flavor is always worse with water in my limited experience. You can try using your matrix or globe dry to see if the cooling is sufficient.

I never did try a rattlecan so I'll be curious what you think of it.


Putin is a War Criminal
The Rattlecan and the 710 are interesting. The vapor spends a lot of it's voyage under water, but inside the glass channel. Most of the cooling takes place there. There is only an inch or so that it actually spends in the water. It is surprising that as much cooling takes place as it does, but I think the small distance it travels through water is why it retains flavor so well. I use mine quite a bit. It uses a lot of water so requires the most CE of any of my pieces.

The D020 is a small basic piece. I think it may have been the first glass piece I bought as a vaper. It works fine for what it is as long as you aren't expecting too much.

My favorite piece of the D020 family is the D022. It is tall and kinda thin, basicly of the Sheldon Black style like the Goo Roo pieces. That is frankly what makes me want one of them. It also has a removable downstem which I like. The D022 has kinda a "tumor" on the stem side that is inconvenient to clean. The originals of this design don't have that and that is why I lust for them, but I do love the D022, tumor and all. I'll include a link or pic...
Didn't have a pic. Had to take one.

BTW, there IS an upside to the "tumor". It extends the stem out significantly so you can get a good look at the can when you are taking a hit so it is easier to know what to expect. If/when I get the Goo Roo I may well use one of my stems that angle me away from the can.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Edit: (well now i'm thinking i wouldn't use both UFOs, they are sort of similar. Pete's UFO is just so ugly lmao.
so maybe just the FC-UFO, and a nice tall bong that would remind me of my high school years? :science: :science: :science: )

Edit 2: Ok one last question i swear guys...:)
I am using my mobius trying to figure out what it "lacks"
And i think it IS, not enough flavor...
Now i am not a connoseiur or "flavor chaser" by any means, but i think the lack of flavor just
makes it seem like i'm smoking nothing. And maybe thats why "ah ain't satisfied!" hmmph :)

Also i dont like the sidecar position! :) i would rather go straight-on...I'm a traditional kinda gal:rofl:
So any way...i watched some videos of a Rattlecan, which is supposed to be great for flavor, right?
Perhaps that and the FC-UFO would be a good combination...but where would my tall bong fit in?
i have $90 to spend.

Edit3: i've ordered the FC-UFO and the FC-710 (Diffusion Pump). wish me luck!

Haha yeah so there's no reason to get the Sneaky Pete UFO if you don't even like the looks of it! Never seen anyone using that piece around here before anyway...

Yeah that is why I sold my matrix, aside from the deeper female joint in it, and not liking the mouthpiece (mine was not a sidecar) it really diffuses way too much compared to others I've tried... Also it was just too big?

Yeah the FC UFO will be very versatile, allows you to add hydro tubes and other crazy mouthpiece options... Seems like a good balance of diffusion and flavor with that big circ perc (I like those much better than matrix, which is why I chose that style for the FC-Mod I got, which is a knock off of vxl devastator for hydrotube connection)

I understand the temptation to grab a classic tube bong, but they're really not so effective for most vapes in my experience, I think you will get more good use out of that FC710, I've never tried a rattle can either but does sound pretty nice!

Of course best flavor with dry cooling J hooks etc.... ;)

In the end I think you made a good choice with different types of glass that compliment what you already have. You could have made other choices and still been happy, but these should serve you well. The UFO is an excellent base piece for building or for using alone and with the jointed mouthpiece provides the most flexibility of my collection. The 710 is very similar to the Rattlecan that I truly enjoy and is a great hand held piece. I think it has a male joint, however, and that may be an issue for you. You hadn't mentioned it in your ruminations. A female to female adapter should resolve any issues.

Damn yeah, I forgot I do kind of want to get FC UFO for myself still even though I have no need, I think I would like it more than the FC Mod I got, short fat can instead of tall narrow can, though I guess they really would work similarly? I have been tempted to sell my FC mod so I can replace it with one of those Sunshine store Hydra Base knock-offs instead, they have male 18 mm joint for the mouthpiece hydro tube instead of female like the FC UFO, but not sure what would really be different practically??

Seems like rattle can maybe should be the next thing on my list finally though...

Nonono...let me reiterate! i think the "flavor" is what lets me sense when to stop inhaling. Since it's sort of wisp-y and nothingness, and i have seen others say the same about glass with these "matrix percs"
Anyway since its like that, i was guessing its flavor, but maybe there is a better word for it.

Yeah air flow is really a different thing, dependent on the vape and the glass, how you load and you yourself how you are inhaling!

Aw crud. I already need like seven adapters but they're coming via dhGate so they are taking for-evvvv-er!

if I need any small accessories i'll go to my local smoke shop :) I so despise squinting 😝😝😝 at glass adapters on a screen!

Oh you ordered adapters from DHgate? I would have told you not to, better to order them from eBay so you can choose local suppliers, much much faster shipping and still super cheap... Even Amazon has some stuff sometimes, and many other US online stores, but yeah if you can go to a local shop and pick something up in person that would be very nice and hopefully not overpriced!

The Rattlecan and the 710 are interesting. The vapor spends a lot of it's voyage under water, but inside the glass channel. Most of the cooling takes place there. There is only an inch or so that it actually spends in the water. It is surprising that as much cooling takes place as it does, but I think the small distance it travels through water is why it retains flavor so well. I use mine quite a bit. It uses a lot of water so requires the most CE of any of my pieces.

The D020 is a small basic piece. I think it may have been the first glass piece I bought as a vaper. It works fine for what it is as long as you aren't expecting too much.

My favorite piece of the D020 family is the D022. It is tall and kinda thin, basicly of the Sheldon Black style like the Goo Roo pieces. That is frankly what makes me want one of them. It also has a removable downstem which I like. The D022 has kinda a "tumor" on the stem side that is inconvenient to clean. The originals of this design don't have that and that is why I lust for them, but I do love the D022, tumor and all. I'll include a link or pic...
Didn't have a pic. Had to take one.

BTW, there IS an upside to the "tumor". It extends the stem out significantly so you can get a good look at the can when you are taking a hit so it is easier to know what to expect. If/when I get the Goo Roo I may well use one of my stems that angle me away from the can.

I remember that one! It also always tempted me in the past, I had skipped the D020 originally and got one with ratchet perc instead, then honeycomb ashcatcher, used with LSV and underdog, before I got my inline honeycomb rig that replaced them... That one is just so broadly effective, good balance of flavor and diffusion, good air flow, solid form factor, to use with any vape at all and even for dabbing (though a recycler is more fun for that do I have a little one of those now too) but yeah seems like I should be looking into the rattle can now after all!
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Putin is a War Criminal
Pretty sure it was @ataxian who originally recommended the D020 and the D022 to me, and it was his use of the Lotus that got me on that. He was probably the biggest influence on my early days of vaping. He certainly brought the frakenvape joy out in me. I'd blame him for my irreverence, but I'm sure I brought that here with me. :lol:


Pretty sure it was @ataxian who originally recommended the D020 and the D022 to me, and it was his use of the Lotus that got me on that. He was probably the biggest influence on my early days of vaping. He certainly brought the frakenvape joy out in me. I'd blame him for my irreverence, but I'm sure I brought that here with me. :lol:
I was a recreational stoned out hippy since 1970 after the older hippy’s dropped LSD.
So many rock & roller’s died from excessive indulgence?
CANNABIS (marijuana) should have not been declared war on?
I had about 50 or so H2O pipe’s until I broke a few?
It took until 2013 when I finally learn how 2 use a WP?
JOINT’s were how I began this Quest of CIVILIZATION by COLAS!
The D020 is damaged as well as the D22 (perk fell on the fake rock floor)
The FC186 I use the most 2-b CIVILIZED!
I use one of the smaller unit’s 4-PORTABLE.
What 2-get next concerning vaporizing?
CANNABIS taste insanely decent!


Semi shaved ape
Depends.........will it be sitting on a table and you go to it or are you sitting back and bringing it to you?
That to me determines the shape of the piece.
I definitely prefer a simple beaker for sitting on the couch.
Minimal flavor loss and love the chug.
Leaning over it on a table.........not so much.


Well-Known Member
This has been a fun thread to follow as I am trying to find a new piece as well. Something I found on my search that I thought some of you might find interesting. The price is a bit high for China glass but I haven’t been able to find it on DHgate



Putin is a War Criminal
A FAB egg and a straight FAB are 2 pieces that I have been very close to purchasing but have never pulled the trigger on. I think it was CCGs straight fab that got the closest. I will have one some day. The UFO mod that @Shit Snacks mentioned above is another. I like it most for it's flexibility.
If I actually bought all the glass I liked I would have no room for furniture around here. Or, of course, any money in the bank. Though I have rarely been enticed by original designer pieces that cost hundreds to thousands. Then again all my clothing is no name as well.

Here is Steven's FAB Egg.
I found a nice straight fab too, but it has Mothership labels on it so I won't post it. You can find it on dhgate by searching for straight fab.

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Semi shaved ape
A FAB egg and a straight FAB are 2 pieces that I have been very close to purchasing but have never pulled the trigger on. I think it was CCGs straight fab that got the closest. I will have one some day. The UFO mod that @Shit Snacks mentioned above is another. I like it most for it's flexibility.
If I actually bought all the glass I liked I would have no room for furniture around here. Or, of course, any money in the bank. Though I have rarely been enticed by original designer pieces that cost hundreds to thousands. Then again all my clothing is no
How much furniture do you really need anyways.....😹


Well-Known Member
Hello gang! well long story short my friend wants to buy me some glass for $40
so it looks like i have to order ANOTHER piece.
What a quality problem!

@Shit Snacks you mentioned an in-line percolator. After looking at them i really want one lmao!
Have you seen anything small, cheap with an inline perc?
so far i have found a tiny one on DHGate

TLDR: $40 Waterpipe with inline perc?

How about this one?
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Well-Known Member
Hello gang! well long story short my friend wants to buy me some glass for $40
so it looks like i have to order ANOTHER piece.
What a quality problem!

@Shit Snacks you mentioned an in-line percolator. After looking at them i really want one lmao!
Have you seen anything small, cheap with an inline perc?
so far i have found a tiny one on DHGate

TLDR: $40 Waterpipe with inline perc?

How about this one?
This one looks pretty good to me I just wish it had a curved neck

Open my favorite app! Don't wait to get more surprises: https://m.dhgate.com/product/yui201...94EA7F3D917795CACC6269ADA3203D9E6E33F3866A757
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