I have both but I don’
I have both solid Valve, Easy valve, easy valve with reducer. And Liquid pads. I always use normal Easy valve with no pad or reducer and I don’t find the Solid Valve to be so much better or efficient. It may be, but it gets dirtier, has screws and a couple more screens to keep tidy, and has to be hold in place while inflating a bag.
The reducer is probably useless if you micro dose. It can hold 300mg (250mg using a capsule) or else, better defining micro dosing first

I just set it to 230C, sprinkle a pinch of grounded weed and collect the wispy vapor inside a bag.
I have a volcano classic.
I use the easy valve.
I use the full size chamber.
I use the liquid pad.
I use a Bag which is about 1/2 the volume of a "normal" S&B bag.
On average I put in 50mg flower. (Here in CA I look for flower which is 20% or more THC as tested)
I use a measured "pinch" spoon and fill it between 2/3 and 3/4 the way full depending of the strength of the flower.
My temp is set to 7 1/2 on the dial.
I spread out the flower very thin so that I can see through it and the fine screen.
I prefer a very fine grind.
I get complete extraction within that small bag.
I only get one bag per 50mg flower. A second blow does not yield good results.
If the flower is 20% THC each bag has about 8-10mg thc in vapor.
This does not produce smoke like milky bags.
It does produce nice semi dense vapor with HUGE flavor
It does produce very smooth bags.
I have a theory that
Too much flower is harsh.
Too much heat is harsh.
Using Less flower and a smaller bag is better because when you fill a Normal bag and you have a lot of flower in the chamber you do not get complete extraction and the regular size bag seems to get more HOT AIR pumped into it. It also doesn't taste anywhere near as good. Just my perspective.
Using small amounts of flower (under 80mg), finley ground flower spread thin covered with a liquid pad heated at 71/2 (your Volcano temp may be different than mine so try different temps to get the best results).
So YEARS of using the Volcano has helped me to figure out how to do it most efficiently while maximizing flavor and just plain making a little go a long way.