I found lavender to be quite strange, remember it's vaped at lower temp. Maybe 130c?
Chamomile is less strange to me but that smell does stick everywhere maybe you could use one bag just for that.
Abv bags are a bit yukky alright and that smell sticks too. With my Hybrid I can do Abv direct draw through water it's a tiny bit nicer that way and I keep my bag fresh.
I use an old whip though, and the bubbler stinks bad after too!
I finally tried out those "Extra fine" screens for powdered materials in easy valve from the S&B site, they are strange as they bend like paper and dont stay in shape well, such a fine weave though!
I didn't find much benefits over a liquid pad when using with ground Abv, and thought some finer dust still got through. But they might be helpful for kief, maybe pushed down on a load?
I couldn't easily get one to hold a capsule down in the reducer like with the regular screens so I gave up but maybe I'll try again sometime.
I found you could lay one over a regular screen to keep shape better, but they might get gunked up fast with regular uses.
It is able to skrew back on, but it keeps coming off maybe like once a week? My s.o an i are significant users about an 1/2 to an oz a week so maybe the constant vibrations are loosining the top off?
Edit: i also second the solid valve. Ive been through 3 solid valve housing clips in 5 years, other than that part everything else is in tip top condition even after heavy abuse.
What i like to do with the solid valve (always use a sandwich of two regular screens with a fine one in the middle for stability for the bowl plunger, makes the bags last longer) is add less than 0.1 at a time to each bag i blow up, i just want the good terpy flavors in my vapor imho.
I remember hearing that part was very tight to unscrew, so if a really good tighten doesn't do it maybe you could source a new screw top with tighter threads. Not sure it's the right place for using a thread locking compound, maybe a tiny amount of the right product in the right place might not cause a problem with smell or fumes after?