Active Member
Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to the Volcano Vaporizer? (Same type of format, stationary+bags+fan) Or am I just being too optimistic?

Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to the Volcano Vaporizer? (Same type of format, stationary+bags+fan) Or am I just being too optimistic?haha
Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to the Volcano Vaporizer? (Same type of format, stationary+bags+fan) Or am I just being too optimistic?haha
Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to the Volcano Vaporizer? (Same type of format, stationary+bags+fan) Or am I just being too optimistic?haha
Did someone say direct hit?
is there anything wrong with doing that?
Not from where I am sitting!
I sometimes let it sit for a minute or more... then I blast a touch of air into a bag.....
Then I stop.. inhale the "wispy beginin's"
and reconnect the bag to fill 'er up good... with nuttin but
the thickest richest cream filling!
The delightful "filet o' vapor"
The heart of the romaine.
the main event!
What I meant to say was no, there is nothing wrong with that.
Only issue I can think of is losing terpenes which would be a lose in flavor and effect. Now does it get hot enough for the terpenes to vaporize? Probably notI love my volcano, before pressing the fan button to fill my bag I let it heat up my material for 10 secs first, and then let it blow air into the balloon, is there anything wrong with doing that? tells my experience.I have read a number of posts that refer to harvesting reclaim in a variety of vapes, just curious what your experiences have been with the (seemingly) considerable amount the volcano produces.
More vapor at the lose of terpenes? No thankssamsung: when the heating light goes off, let the fan push hot air through your material for 10 secs before you put your bag on, this way you get more vapor in each bag.
The instruction manual says to do so for 5 secs.