you made a solid purchase man. did you go classic or digi? and solid or easy valve system?
have fun man on the classic i like 6.25-7 range for my vape
ok i made the weed hot chocolate from half of a left over vape bag.
We use 1% milk here so i added a 1/3 of a cup of 10% creme into the mix. then filled the rest of the cup with milk.
I put that into a sauce pan and and warmed it on 6/10. i then cut the vape bag into smller strips and put them in the warm milk too. i let it sit for about a min then stirred it every few min to make sure the milk was wearing down the resin on the bag.
After about 20 min, i took it off the heat and took all the bag bits out.
I added quik mix and voila! weed hot chocolate

thanks for the tip man! this is awesome!
the drink has that classic "baked goods" kinda smell to it, and it has a slightly bitter aftertaste. I will report back again once the experience has kicked in!
***edit ok starting to get waves of it rushing though...
and 1n hour after that. oh yeah nice an mellow but a good floaty buzz. will be making that again