How are these going after some revisions, kind of miss my mighty+, are they still erroring. I live where it’s about to 100+ degrees outside for 3-4 months lol my mighty+ would always error but turn off and turn back on. Also how’s the tickle on these ?
If you read the last 3 pages of the thread you should be able to read a post stating that SB changed how the LCD screen of the unit is linked to it.
They discovered that e04 was linked to the old way the screen was connected to the body and that heavy drops would trigger errors.
So the newer version should be less prone to e04, in any case don't drop it.
I'm on my 4th unit and I think drops were probably the trigger for my last RMA, the first one doesn't count as it was mandatory from SB, the second.. I probably dropped it hard at least once.