Venty by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that your gripe about the plastic taste will be the same as this CU is made out of... plastic? :2c:
So yeah, up to you if that's something you will "enjoy".
I was thinking of getting a water tool and using a J hook.

That cooling unit is awful on their devices, I was hoping they'd pondered a new one for a new device, nice glass or zirconia airpath would have been nice.

Even balls. I'd be happy with balls too.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
A few weeks in since I am using the Venty with capsules...I just ordered the Titanium ones from VGoodies...the Venti is still a beast. The best taste is the 356 F...I saw a video recently that had Jurgen saying that was the best flavor setting and he is right. Wow. The flavor is very good. I used Northern Lights and Kosher Kush...Anyway, the Venti has become a regular at the house...really excellent. I hope Duba starts making covers for it soon....I have been slamming it around but, still looks great.


Well-Known Member
Question: So, I watched that video posted in this thread...guy at the Venty party. The guy was just popping nugs in. Anyone else do this without grinding? Seems like a crazy person's actions, lol. Who does this?

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Question: So, I watched that video posted in this thread...guy at the Venty party. The guy was just popping nugs in. Anyone else do this without grinding? Seems like a crazy person's actions, lol. Who does this?
I do!!! I love it when I get fresh ones from the local place...its wonderful. I splurge now and then...its crazy.
Not been on for a while ,but had to RMA my replacement ..
a weird issue , when switched off and cold my led screen clicks and has a lot of movement up and down ?
i can fiddle with the o ring which helps a bit but funny thing is when its hot or just switched on its ok ,?
also when switched on the cooling unit goes from loose to tight ,
so i guess the bodys plastic swells a lot when hot , never had this with any of my other SnB vapes ,
the plastic does appear soft /more flex but also is robust ,

i was thinking to wait a while until they sort the new vape issues but its one of they annoying things i keep checking ,hoping it stops ,
tried letting it cool face down
, this all started with the clicking plastic just above the up botton ?
its now stopped and the buttons good ,but left with the screen issue

thing is ive stress tested this one and its robust as fuck , no issues there
it seems all minor stuff , if i could remove the orange screw caps with out marking it id see if i could maybe fix it ,
after seeing the pic of one dissembled ,
but could end up losing my vape and money .

SnB have not been very helpful this time ,left me hanging for over a week ,and not answering has made it more stressful than needed to be ,
but eventually they sent a shipping label by email ,so atleast that’s something
seems they jumped when it was possibly 1000s but not the same this time ,anyway posting it on monday ,
even the code i got didnt work ,,got to laugh or crack up ..
just hope i get a good one next time ,
glad to read many enjoying theirs


Thanks guys for recommending the titanium capsules, they completely blew my mind!
I've been a medical user for the past two years, with a 3 strain therapy. Having used the og S&B aluminium capsules, i - even with 3 to 4 time clean/re-use - regularly burned through 2-3 40packs a month. Which added up to quite a chunk of cash.

After reading about the titanium caps, i ordered 3 5packs, 1 for each strain. (EU: ), which also was a bit costly, but has immediately paid for itself.

The caddy's qualitty, o-ring, and the caps are great. Precise machining, no burrs, snazzy fit of the caps. Initially i was a bit worried the top caps might fall off, but they sit there safely.
Performance wise, they are a whole other league compared to the og aluminiums. I'm loading with 0.15g and use the venty with full open air flow and temp stepping at 185/195/210 degrees celsius. Before at each temp i would get about 2-3 decent pulls with good-enough vapour. With the titanium ones, it just seems the vapour is neverending! I can really long pulls and the venty just keeps chiming out non stop, bravo!
It feels i am getting way more out of my material within one capsule, a much fuller extraction.

Thanks again for the suggestion! <3


Wow, 2-3 40 packs a month?
A 40 pack lasts me over a year, that's using 8+ capsules per day.


Well-Known Member
I feel i get a more uniform cook throughout the whole bowl. Furthermore with temp stepping it feels i get distinctly more vapour at each different temperature, whereas before the amount of vapour would decrease with each step up. With using the same amount as before (around 0.15g) i get more and longer vapour out of one capsule, compared to the aluminium ones. Interestingly after completely finishing a bowl at 210 degree celsius (no more vapour coming out), the ABV is cooked a good bit lighter than with the aluminium caps.
Same experience as yours, Sir Dope. In fact I can now enjoy a full-flavor thick cloud starting out at 185. Dumping capsule/stepping up midway around 195 for a second session, then at 210 to finish to a thin whisp.... light brown ABV. It's just right.

Super easy, just swab it with some iso and you are good for refill again! Also the caps. do. not. deform. at. all. I'm really happy to have found them, as i now no longer have to rebuy the aluminiums!
I haven't seen the need to clean the Titanium caps after each use. Maybe after a few times. Perhaps the grind is a factor? The batch I've been working from is a pretty fine grind (too fine maybe), and after cooking it pours out clean.

@Marcus , sometimes I get to coughing, but it's usually if not always when I choose to overdo the inhale for any number of reasons. I've learned to take what I need, and if I waste a tasty hit to save myself from a coughing fit, that's OK.


Well-Known Member
Question: So, I watched that video posted in this thread...guy at the Venty party. The guy was just popping nugs in. Anyone else do this without grinding? Seems like a crazy person's actions, lol. Who does this?
Yes, I didn't really grind
I insert the stick as it grew
even in a capsule, so far only aluminum ones
this is where I see the difference between TM2 and VENTY, that when I do it this way with TM2, I don't manage to cook the herb evenly.
With VENTA it is no problem. I assume that it is the effect of conduction.


Unknown member
Question: So, I watched that video posted in this thread...guy at the Venty party. The guy was just popping nugs in. Anyone else do this without grinding? Seems like a crazy person's actions, lol. Who does this?

LoL, Sneaky is like Charlie in the chocolate factory in that video. :D
I laughed my ass off, sure looks like he had a swell time in the big city!
How sneaky can Sneaky sneak?! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Is this thing making you folks cough???

See, I hated my Mighty with a passion. Real hatred. So much hatred, I needed professional help with a happy ending. :brow:

It got me smashed, but it just wasn't an enjoyable experience with the device making me cough and just every strain tasting of that cooling unit plastic, every time.

Now I've been on the fence about the Venty as I want something to sit on the couch and load capsules without having to get up and go muck while watching a film, but I see even some of the reviews, folks are coughing. Even that Troy fella seems to not want to mention the fact that it makes him cough on his reviews, but he does.

Is that throat tickle still there?

I want a vape that I can enjoy using, not just one that "does the job".

Thanks in advance.
This really raises an interesting question? Why does the Mighty and now evidently the new Venty both induce coughing at times? Both top out at 410F and don't get as hot as other vapes. It happens to me also but I never thought about it all that much. The vapor does not seem more dense but it does have a harshness to it.


Old & In the Way
This really raises an interesting question? Why does the Mighty and now evidently the new Venty both induce coughing at times?
Who else is coughing with Venty?
Troy coughs all the time, trying for those big rips! :lol:

With Mighty, I don't cough until several hits into a bowl. Same with my wife. We often share Mighty and usually if one of us coughs, it's the signal, time for a refill.

For us, I think the S&B tickle is a combination of the weed 'baking' in the conduction oven and the user laying on the bowl a little too long. Mighty tends to keep producing vapor well past the good part, imo, and it is harsh.
But we don't even do highest temps anymore, so ymmv.

I'm thinking Venty might extract fast and open enough so as to not get so harsh?


Well-Known Member
Vapes make you cough because THC is a lung irritant and terpenes are caustic and burn your throat. There's no getting around that if you want fast extraction.

If you want to avoid coughing, extract slower to spread out the irritation. One way is vapor dilution. I did that on the Mighty for years and it works perfectly. The second way is lower temps. My lungs & throat get irritated easily and I never cough if I start the Venty at 170-180C and temp step using the two boost levels when the vapor thins out (draw restriction set to minimum).
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Well-Known Member
Vapes make you cough because THC is a lung irritant and terpenes are caustic and burn your throat. There's no getting around that if you want fast extraction.

If you want to avoid coughing, extract slower to spread out the irritation. One way is vapor dilution. I did that on the Mighty for years and it works perfectly. The second way is lower temps. My lungs & throat get irritated easily and I never cough if I start the Venty at 170-180C and temp step using the two boost levels when the vapor thins out (draw restriction set to minimum).

I rarely cough with any other vapes, and it's mostly if I've gone a bit heavy with a torch and am close to (or I am) combusting.

I was just wondering if the venty still had the "Bickel Tickle" like my old mighty.


Well-Known Member
I rarely cough with any other vapes, and it's mostly if I've gone a bit heavy with a torch and am close to (or I am) combusting.

I was just wondering if the venty still had the "Bickel Tickle" like my old mighty.
I believe I read a few reports that the Venty didn’t give the tickle that their mighty did. I myself don’t have any tickle or sensation to cough unlike my tm2 and air max. It’s by far the smoothest vape I’ve owned. With that said it’s my first bickel so maybe I’m one of the lucky ones who it doesn’t make cough.


Well-Known Member
Who else is coughing with Venty?
Troy coughs all the time, trying for those big rips! :lol:

With Mighty, I don't cough until several hits into a bowl. Same with my wife. We often share Mighty and usually if one of us coughs, it's the signal, time for a refill.

For us, I think the S&B tickle is a combination of the weed 'baking' in the conduction oven and the user laying on the bowl a little too long. Mighty tends to keep producing vapor well past the good part, imo, and it is harsh.
But we don't even do highest temps anymore, so ymmv.

I'm thinking Venty might extract fast and open enough so as to not get so harsh?
Excellent insights!!! My experience is exactly the same. I do run constant 410F and I am sure that is a factor. Thanks for sharing this info.


Well-Known Member
As someone already said cannabis is a lung irritant so that’s why the cough.
I believe the reason of the Bickel tickle phenomenon is that on their old gen portables the CU spreaded out reclaim&abv particles on their whole surfaces. If one doesn’t clean his CU regularly, that stuff goes to vaporization temperature again at every cycle making people cough and bringing bad smells. The new CU seems to be easier to clean and the new filter seems to keep out a lot of particles, especially when using a fine screen in place of the coarse, the way the CU is built is imho less prone to accumulate debris and spreading it out on the whole CU, but has to be cleaned regularly.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I believe the reason of the Bickel tickle
What is the heater made from (still not aluminium like a Mighty I hope), some peeps do not like Ti, some hate the nickel in S/S then there is Kanthal, another known tickler for some.
edit, I am not talking safety here, just taste and people's reaction to different heater materials.


New Member
anyone got any tips for removing the inner mesh? mine is stuck down like glue and cannot remove

would be super grateful for some help
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SEARCH for the treasure...
anyone got any tips for removing the inner mesh? mine is stuck down like glue and cannot remove

would be super grateful for some help

Read my post, LINK BELOW:

I’ll be leaving my bowl screen in, and just swab with Qtips, as removing the screen is not easy.
There are a bunch of posts on this if you scroll up on the same page the link will take you to. There is no real reason to remove this screen unless you just need a new one, cleaning with Ethanol & qtip after sessions will keep the bowl clean for a long time. Good luck!


New Member
Read my post, LINK BELOW:

I’ll be leaving my bowl screen in, and just swab with Qtips, as removing the screen is not easy.
There are a bunch of posts on this if you scroll up on the same page the link will take you to. There is no real reason to remove this screen unless you just need a new one, cleaning with Ethanol & qtip after sessions will keep the bowl clean for a long time. Good luck!
It just got super gunked up really and nasty and started discolouring after ten days of use. Will definitely have to replace it now with all the microplastics in there.

I will give it another go today but very much doubt I'll get it off. Cheers


Old & In the Way
It just got super gunked up really and nasty and started discolouring after ten days of use.
Sounds like a mess.
Discoloration will happen from the heat, you might try to ignore some of that?

Making a habit of emptying the chamber while it is still warm from use can help, stuff falls out easier. A quick brushing maybe.
Some folks will tell you to use capsules, and while that can help keep things tidy, I think the vape should be used the way you prefer.
I go months with Mighty between screen changes in the chamber, and usually then just because it just looks better.

Best of luck with swapping your screen. I think S&B owes Venty owners a how-to video.


New Member
Sounds like a mess.
Discoloration will happen from the heat, you might try to ignore some of that?

Making a habit of emptying the chamber while it is still warm from use can help, stuff falls out easier. A quick brushing maybe.
Some folks will tell you to use capsules, and while that can help keep things tidy, I think the vape should be used the way you prefer.
I go months with Mighty between screen changes in the chamber, and usually then just because it just looks better.

Best of luck with swapping your screen. I think S&B owes Venty owners a how-to video.
Definitely. It got pretty frustrating towards the end. Back on the Crafty+ for the meantime so I can keep my composure with it.

Going to swap it and just use dosing capsules with it from hereon out and the odd bowl or two with friends. Thanks for the tips! :)


Old & In the Way
Agreed. I've had to deal with this...only ten days in and have had to to replace the filter in the cooling unit. I searched for videos from S&B to no avail before having to figure it out on my own!
I understand videos are usually better, but
Instructions are in the manual...
And in the FAQ's on this page,
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