VAS: Vape Aquisition Syndrome The malady we love to hate


cantre member
yep, emptied my wallet again, just like last month, and the 1 before....


Well-Known Member
yep, emptied my wallet again, just like last month, and the 1 before....
Tell me about it dude. I tell myself I’ve ‘cured’ my VAS ordering a wand and the preorder tempest / reload combo. I already have a vong & armoured cap, I’ll have my conduction-convection duo.

That’ll be all I need… oh and I’ll probably get a TA head, cause it’s a bigger bowl to use through glass. Might as well get the flare if I’m getting the TA. If I’m getting the flare, may as well look at fusion… and on and on it goes 😅

Also, that purple simrell is damn beautiful


New Member
Penso che sia correttamente identificato come una sindrome, perché è qualcosa che è nel tuo corredo genetico e lo gestisci. Non se ne va mai veramente per sempre. Per me di solito si attenua per colpa o perché sei ancora in una fase di luna di miele con il tuo nuovo acquisto (o nuovi acquisti), o entrambe le cose.

VAS è aggravato dal fatto che non vendo la mia vecchia roba da svapo per recuperare un po' di soldi. Mi limito a restare nel cimitero dello svapo e ad andare avanti.

A volte VAS mi colpisce per soddisfare un bisogno. La giusta sigaretta elettronica per la giusta situazione.
A volte è dovuto alla rottura o all'abbandono di un vecchio vaporizzatore.
A volte è perché tutti i ragazzi più fighi ne hanno uno.
A volte entra in gioco la cosa artigianale e lo vuoi per la sua bellezza o per la qualità della costruzione. Sai cosa intendo, quelli di voi che devono averlo in radica esotica. :cenno:

RPAS (Rosin Press Acquisition Syndrome): quella sì che era costosa!

Ho un'altra cosa con i concentrati dall'aspetto fantastico. Quando il dispensario ha qualcosa di nuovo, terpy e piccante, devo correre lì e prenderlo. Ho una bella collezione di piccoli barattoli che riempiono il cassetto del burro nel frigorifero!
Lo stesso di te.
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I feel like having multiple devices is only natural, I started with a cheap battery portable (fog pro) and fell in love with vaping after the very first session, I just couldn't believe how high I was with so little herb and on top of that vastly superior flavor compared to smoking.

After that I wanted a desktop device as to not wear down my portable as fast, got an XQ2 and at first I didn't like it, but after learning to use my mind was blown away again, this thing slapped hard.

Then I realized that I loved vaping so much I didn't want to go back to smoke even in case of emergency so I bought a Dynavap M7XL in case I ever find myself with no access to electricity haha, got a very nice 4/20 offer with an induction heater and again after some learning and accidental combustions I started to love the device.

Then I wanted a portable that could handle traditional hash, my fog pro can't, and the dynavap isn't very portable with the IH (mine is bigger than 3 fog pros together) and the torch is too blatant for an illegal country. I did some research and opted for an starry4, works fine for what I wanted (hash on the go) but flavor is quite lacking when compared to the M7 and the xq2.

Now I find myself wanting a high end portable, something capable of vaping herb and hash to the fullest, but I haven't decided yet.

I've been looking at the tinymight 2 but it bothers me that it hasn't screen and I'd rather have something more sturdy too. I find replaceable batteries a must so the solo3 is out of the picture. Angus enhanced seems too bulky and also no screen. The nectar hex seems to tick all my boxes but I'm unsure and anyway I plan to wait for a good sale so I'm not in a hurry...

Probably after that I'd like to get a ball vape although I'm afraid it would put my XQ2 out of commission and finally I'd also like a high end butane like the tempest or the anvil.

But I absolutely think it is normal to fill all the use cases we can think of for doing something we love haha

Like I for one still use all my devices regularly and for different cases, although I guess that as my collection grows some will end up left behind sold or gifted...
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cantre member
lucky for me ???? I have a limited lung capacity that pretty much negates any need for a ballvape or desktop of any sort, so the money saved went right out the dynaverse sideways!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I have a solo 3 arriving in the next hour and that should be enough right? wrong because i find myself browsing and wanting more, an Angus enhanced perhaps? or some accessories? :D
You will absolutely love the solo 3 only thing to add would be an open airflow stem. Changed the game open airflow huge clouds .
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You will absolutely love the solo 3 only thing to add would be an open airflow stem. Changed the game open airflow huge clouds .

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I know, but this is the Tempest. So after some back and forth with myself I am now waiting to see how long it takes to ship from Croatia.
Quick update: After the Tempest head arrived, of course I realized that it would work with neither of my induction heaters. So I ordered a Wand. Technically, that was not VAS, but a necessity.

Since then, nothing much has happened. Except, of course for the DynaVap M7 XL. Nice design, but so far my feeling is that the tip sucks. But that wasn't really VAS either, I try to tell myself.


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Yess I’m able to hit at 365 and get clouds like i did with the mighty back in the days.
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