So I’ve had some interesting changes to my vape lineup these last few weeks.. call it VAS, I prefer the phrase “exploratory purchasing”
I’ve been a big fan of the Solo 3 for a minute now, I love the heavy extraction and signature when running it over 200. The throat hit natively at my desired roast level had finally got too much for me though, on top of the (to me) finicky nature of the stems and how they must be loaded for maintaining airflow. So with a heavy heart I sold it. I could’ve used a WPA and solved all my issues but I’m almost 100% a native user. I think if I revisit the hybrid electric vape area it’ll be with a FW9, it seems like it has similar hybrid heating to the S3 but with more power, a proper bowl (my preference to stem bowls as it’s less fussy in some ways) and longer vapour path with better cooling features like a bend and dimples.
I then got a vapman to replace the one I had a couple years ago. This is probably sacrilege on this forum to say, but I just didn’t enjoy it like I remembered. I think I forgot why I was never in a rush to replace it in the first place, and the rose tinted glasses had slowly formed on my memory of it. It’s now with a friend who appreciates what it offers a lot more than me. Maybe I’ll revisit it with time but for now I think me and the vapman aren’t meant for each other.
Finally I ordered the Fusion 2.0 long woody and I’m satisfied again. Some key differences to my last time with the fusion are that I’ve left the airflow fully open, domed the screen to lift it off the bottom of the chamber, and I’m heating it as slowly as I can. I use a DV sized eagle torch equivalent and go 15 seconds past the click. I get huge dense clouds that keep going as long as I can inhale for, perfectly even extraction and a strong high with a hybrid signature that lasts a few hours. I was enjoying some mixed herb and hash bowls last night and the fusion just shredded through it in no time - and left me similarly shredded! It’s a surprisingly competent vape with pure hash bowls too, something I didn’t explore too much with previous Dani’s. Flavour is excellent, and if you’re like me and try to go as close to the line as possible it is very forgiving. I’m getting my preferred dark coffee AVB every time. After coming from the S3 it was very noticeable how smooth and well conditioned the vapour is from the fusion, these big dense clouds cause no irritation whatsoever and I only tend to cough from the sheer terp overload. I’ve also got a triple flame for when I want a faster heat up or a less intense high for daily use. It works great too, but the slow roast is definitely my preference for the heavy hybrid effects. It’s honestly crazy you can get this sort of quality for £120. The long wooden stem I’ve gone with this time is absolutely beautiful as well, and stays very cool.
Where do I go from here? Well, I miss the convenience of electric so a FW9 may be on the cards. Either that or a flare IH for my fusion when it’s out again with the improvements. Who knows where my vape journey will take me but I try to never look back with regret on my purchases, only knowledge and experience gained