So here's an update on my VAS therapy and the little moments of success:
I really loved the Dynavap M+, so much so that I decided I needed a backup in case anything bad every happens. So I had a spare M+ in its original packaging, which seemed kind of redundant since I stuck the Tempest head on my MH Revolve Gen2 (and got a Wand to power it).
Bang! Sold!
The M7XL never really showed me why I needed it. The relationship did improve after the first dates, but true love never developed.
Bang! Sold!
I do consider it a success that I never felt an urge to get a Hyperdyn and since I already have a Tempest head I also do not feel any FOMO regarding the Thermal Hyper Cap. Time for a little happy dance!
Bang. Success!
Of course, there is no guarantee for progress every day. At some point after getting the Tempest head I started having thoughts of "What if something happened to my Tempest head?". Since I really, really love the Tempest and considering the fact that Mad Heaters had run out long ago, I quickly snagged an all green complete Tempest from a german shop.
That is not just very VASsy, it is also very convenient: I have the head set to half-bowl and the green one to full-bowl.
Other than that, I don't feel the need to acquire anything right now. I *am* interested in the YLL Aerolite, but feeling no rush to get it once it hits the market. Investing in some high end shit does seem to help in the long run.