Well-Known Member
As long as I didn't have a device in my hand and played a bit with it, there's no way I will recommend it in the first place. And that goes the other way around too: I myself have never used a Grasshopper; we all know about the bad cs reputation Hopper Labs has, *however*, I avoid to recommend against the Hopper as long as I can not even refer to my own experiences.
Ville / the maker / anyone from the company never took part in the TM thread here on fc, just like many other manufacturers don't, so it's a bit odd to look for their answers to several issues here – however, TM owners have had conversations directly with the company in the past and received *extensive* customer support and explanations too (which often gets shared / quoted in the thread btw).
In my opinion you are not in the position to decide how bleeding edge the TM really is. We should avoid to be co-hyped by a new device and recommend it without having personal experiences with it.
I get it, we see recommendations differently. I have rarely recommended the grasshopper specifically because of frequent failures, battery shortages and customer service issues reported here (even though it would be a great fit for some people), and I have recommended quite a few others I’ve never used based on a lot of reading and my respect for the opinions of a lot of other FCers.
I think it’s worth passing on what I do know to people who aren’t going to read thousands of pages about dozens of vaporizers like I have (or who just need to catch up on a specific one quickly), but I try to leave direct performance/vapor comparisons and stuff to people who have actually used them if I haven’t
If you only want to talk about things you use yourself, that’s fine and I can see why you might prefer that.
You’re right that there were a lot of great customer service reports early on, but lately there are a lot of people complaining about not getting responses for a long time, and I believe the only people saying they’ve got a quick response recently are people who have talked to him a lot in the past or who tracked him down on Instagram.
Like I said, I think the support issues will be worked out and I’ll recommend that more people check it out at that point. For now though, as long as we’re seeing people report significant malfunctions and delays in CS responses and we’re not seeing reports of any kind of resolution for several users, let alone finding out what the problems actually are, regardless of its “bleeding edge” status I have to recommend average users look at other options or wait and watch to see when TM customer service is back to what it was early on.
I’m sure most people reading this part of the thread are sick of it, so I hope we can just let each other recommend or not recommend what we think we should. I think it helps to hear more than one opinion on things.

Oh, and if anyone still reading knows about these issues and wants to order a TinyMight right now anyway, go for it. Most users are happy and aren’t having any real problems with theirs, and I expect support to get back on track at some point.