Cool man. I'm happy to hear about your purchase SA. How's you new batch!?

I'm sure after feels like an old blanket on a rainy day.

I'm looking forward in seeing how you like this vape.
I got my present from Canada today

, and I'm trying some in the PD now. WOW!!!

I wonder how well this strain I have vapes in the VG...? It's sticky for sure, but a little damp. I think I'll pre grind some to dry it out a bit before the genie arrives.
Also...that brings up something else I was wondering about the genie. Is there an instance here of a VG user having a hard time getting the correct temp? IE: A. Bud is too damp, and never gets to good vape temp no matter how much you put a lighter to it? B. Bud is really dry, and combusts too easily?...Just a querry.
I've read all the posts in this thread about the lighter situation, and the general concensus seems to be to stick with regular lighters. I thought I had read that the "jet flame" lighters were too hard to control the temp. I thought I read that there was very little variation between the sweet spot, and combustion. I could be getting my wires crossed with non-digital box vapes. AHHHHHHH INFO OVERLOAD!
I would like one more general thought on if I should go out and buy a refillable electric lighter (no flint!) with butane, or a "jet flame" lighter...? If it isn't too much to ask.