This is the last vape I'm going to be purchasing (for now...give me a while to play with what I've got

) so I'll order one with you! Haha to be honest, I was planning on getting one pretty soon. Next week, probably later in the week or maybe just after that...early the week after, or something. Money is tied up at the moment but it will be "set free" soon enough. Sooo you'll probably get one well before me, but perhaps we can help each other through the supposed learning curve...I've never used anything even remotely like this before and it seems like it's going to take a while to truly "master" it. We'll see.
Seems like the dedicated vaporist ought to have something like the VG, though...I like to camp, I like to hike, fish, forage for mushrooms

, etc. and I like to walk around my city, or leave the city altogether and sit in the middle of the portability is therefore worth all the trouble. The butane, the lack of stealth, the learning curve and whatever other nitpicking you'd like to get into...all of that aside, a completely portable, flame powered vapor-pipe is really a common sense addition to my lifestyle. I have no intentions of making it my "primary" vaporizer, but it seems like the perfect capstone to the duo I'm rocking ATM.
I've been looking at this for a while, but I'm still kind of up in the air over which I'll get. I know I'm going to order direct from Vapor Genie...but I don't know whether I'll get the Brown Exotic VG or the Maple VG. I'm leaning towards the Brown Exotic because I love that style, color, etc. (and I like the longer, slender mouthpiece especially); yet the Maple makes sense because I intend to use this vaporizer primarily outside, while moving about or durability is something to consider. I'll probably opt for the Brown, just cause I'm a sucker like that.