Absolutely love my VG! I recommend it everyone as the biggest sleeper vape out there. I dare anyone to hit a VG for the first time, of course with a single-flame torch, and not say "Woah, wtf? Seriously?!?"

It hits hard and harsh and I love that about it. It's a no nonsense vape. I reserve my VG for getting baked and needing the full spectrum blast if you know what I mean. Usually at night as the last hoorah. Comes out a bit more on weekends

It's funny you brought up SB in the same post. I received my VG at the same time or within a day apart. It took me a good handful of uses to get the hang of my SB Jr. It hit hard and smooth. Much smoother than the VG. In the end, I traded away my SB Jr. I felt the VG was the same quality of hit with a lot less trouble. I can dig the ritual of the SB Jr. I loved it's quality. In fact I think I enjoyed conditioning and polishing the wood more than vaping from it. But in the long run the VG sits nicely in the hand, is easy to clean, super portable, and quickly became my preference.