Salutations everybody,
Better late than never, it's been a long while (since 2015-Jan-28!), so here's what input i can add after spending significant resources, including my fair share of customized VG pipes used as a "Prototyping Platform", over a period of 5 years...
In respect of intellectual property owned and patented by this manufacturer, always.

Admire my transformed pipe and also some future "killer" niche, still awaiting. M'well, good luck finding anything like it!
That day eventually came and i even managed to evaluate 3 models: Classic, "Classic" look Aluminium and Bronze Sherlock. Most unfortunately free reliable picture hosts appear to be volatile these days, hence i'll begin with a direct link to my Google-Plus Photo collection considering that's the source i'll be using in this present post:
Pictures are a major aspect of my contributions, for example this sample illustrates an early need i felt to promote safety, relatively to skin burns, though i must admit in retrospective that overheating mostly resulted from my early experimentations actually:
The next picture is a reminder that it was necessary to move my heat source closer to its workload:
The Brass Screen wrap disperses heat along its plane to delay hot-spotting while also providing resilient mechanical support for the Top-of-Bowl SiC Puck of a Hybrid Core (with 2 such "Pucks" inside). Details right below:
It simply was a matter of implementing an extended version of the forgotten Fig. 11/12 item from VG's patent (US7434584 B2): to add a metal disk to the core, essentially... On top i tagged this the "SiC Front Puck", followed by the "17-Holes Metal Disc" (where each hole is #53 dia. as i recall), then the "Top-of-Bowl SiC Puck" wrapped in what seems to be MESH-50 Brass Screen.
Both the metal Flame-Catcher and Monobloc inside my Sphere had to be cut in length because i wanted to switch to a blue torch flame though using the genuine path it turned out my flames kept self-extinguishing themselves, because of accumulating hot exhaust gases in excess, which was the normal result to expect from a clean-burning (blue) butane flame (H2O + CO2)... So i made the path shorter while half of my core was migrated into the Sphere's/Monobloc "Screw-Base Aperture".
2 PinHoles "à la VapMan" are present but the main one couldn't be located optimally, e.g. right on the sphere.
On the long run flexible plastic PVC Tubing Extensions was verified to be absolutely appropriate for my purpose; its inside surface changes visually as it absorbs moisture approximately reflecting consumption, which offers a clear hint to help developing self-awareness...
The Plastic/Metal Junctions proved being a perfect spot where to install 100 % "bio" cotton swabs meant to filter out particles - also promissing tasty reclaims as a bonus:
I think this later multi-function feature should be exploited for "Bio-Feedback" tablet/phone applets when it becomes desirable to accelerate climbing the "Learning Curve" even further. My horizontal arrow points at an auxiliary PinHole from where airflow sound can be picked up by a tiny condenser mike; the 2 vertical ones point at sites capable of holding 2 pairs of optical sensory fibers, so that speed & pressure can be extrapolated from cloud opacity, i figure...
The plastic tubes themselves are easy to replace using standard supplies from a local hardware store, in addition the later Plastic/Metal Junctions simplified all necessary plastic reshaping necessary for convenient terminations that match and lock hermetically.
Below this was my all-time tastiest handle layout of all 3, the "Classic" look Aluminium VG pipe:
Take note those were older cfg. "iterations", here's a recent one evaluated with the wood "Classic" instead:
Aroma/taste appreciation was similar in both Classic layouts, the Bronze Sherlock appears to have too much of a "vortex" effect in the large base cavity below its bowl.
Below these are illustrations of my multi-purpose Reversible/Near-Symetrical Capsule concept where 2 Hybrid Cores enclose a bowl from each side:
In this basic case the capsule would work unidirectionally, requiring its user to reverse it once in a while, to keep it clean by virtue of a probable self-cleaning effect. The flashing feature (next) indicates where the Main PinHole shall need to be displaced, for much better performance eventually ("conservation" wise):
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Better late than never, it's been a long while (since 2015-Jan-28!), so here's what input i can add after spending significant resources, including my fair share of customized VG pipes used as a "Prototyping Platform", over a period of 5 years...
In respect of intellectual property owned and patented by this manufacturer, always.

Admire my transformed pipe and also some future "killer" niche, still awaiting. M'well, good luck finding anything like it!
...I think I may get myself a bronze VaporGenie soon...
The day there's one in front of me at a local shop i'll be likely to want/get mine too.
That day eventually came and i even managed to evaluate 3 models: Classic, "Classic" look Aluminium and Bronze Sherlock. Most unfortunately free reliable picture hosts appear to be volatile these days, hence i'll begin with a direct link to my Google-Plus Photo collection considering that's the source i'll be using in this present post:
Pictures are a major aspect of my contributions, for example this sample illustrates an early need i felt to promote safety, relatively to skin burns, though i must admit in retrospective that overheating mostly resulted from my early experimentations actually:
Both the metal Flame-Catcher and Monobloc inside my Sphere had to be cut in length because i wanted to switch to a blue torch flame though using the genuine path it turned out my flames kept self-extinguishing themselves, because of accumulating hot exhaust gases in excess, which was the normal result to expect from a clean-burning (blue) butane flame (H2O + CO2)... So i made the path shorter while half of my core was migrated into the Sphere's/Monobloc "Screw-Base Aperture".
2 PinHoles "à la VapMan" are present but the main one couldn't be located optimally, e.g. right on the sphere.
On the long run flexible plastic PVC Tubing Extensions was verified to be absolutely appropriate for my purpose; its inside surface changes visually as it absorbs moisture approximately reflecting consumption, which offers a clear hint to help developing self-awareness...
The Plastic/Metal Junctions proved being a perfect spot where to install 100 % "bio" cotton swabs meant to filter out particles - also promissing tasty reclaims as a bonus:
Below this was my all-time tastiest handle layout of all 3, the "Classic" look Aluminium VG pipe:
Below these are illustrations of my multi-purpose Reversible/Near-Symetrical Capsule concept where 2 Hybrid Cores enclose a bowl from each side:
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