

Space is the Place
The VaporGenie classic was my first vape and still one of my favorites although these days i'm using a teak hand-carved VG I picked up in the classifieds here a few years ago.

My first still looks fine but has the non-removable heat exchanger and it got messed up after daily use for a couple of years when someone was shaking and turning it upside-down instead of stirring the bowl and it's now pretty stinky when it heats up and doesn't taste all that great anymore(it still works).


and it's now pretty stinky when it heats up and doesn't taste all that great anymore(it still works).
Q-Tips, pipe cleaners and regular proof dark rum....
in every place it can reach.. first damp ones, then dry ones right afterwards.... Do this a number of times, and then you can let it rest overnight... or hold it carefully and tightly at the nozzle of a shop-vac.
Things should improve remarkably.


Well-Known Member
Occasionally the need for semi discrete powerful hits arises and nothing does that better than a bat. They will warm quickly but run cold water on it (plug air intake with thumb) and it's ready to go again. Coil hits about as hard but is weighty. Can be cooled via A/C vent on your vehicle

I don't use VGs as much as I once did but they have their place and aluminums were my main ride for years. I still grab one to sample new buds. The revised aluminum is great at dissipating heat.

Vapor Genies are responsible for many people being able to stop combustion. Five stars just for that.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Sorry I dropped off the map there. Packing for the trip and then the trip, and had no time. I'm back from Europe, and my coil is sitting nicely right next to me. I was shocked at how well it works, and how incredibly easy it is to get massive hits from. If I had gotten a VG coil as my first vape, instead of the mflb, I probably would never have gotten anything else and never have spent so much chasing vapes.

Furthermore, once the coil gets you absolutely wrecked, it becomes the most satisfying thing to hold on to. Sober, it's great. Stoned? It's like a worry stone or something and you can't take your hands off it. Mine never got hot to the touch after lots of use, too. Maybe new design keeps it cool?

Since I didn't have a grinder, I had good results just jamming it full of whole buds, vaping it a bunch, then easily crumbling them in my hand and repacking. Worked great, and I got to sample all of the nice things I bought. I was sick part of the trip and, despite the hot and hard throat hit of the vapor, it didn't irritate my throat or make me sicker (smoking DID OUCH).

Interesting thing about stealth- I'm so used to oil pens exclusively for the past couple years that I forgot you have to actually be kinda stealthy with vapes. Oddly, the VG got A LOT of attention, whereever I was, while nobody cared about a joint. At my festival near Amsterdam, I was actually pulled quickly off the dance floor by several security and taken off the premises for a full body search, lot's of questions, and they made me dump out my VG. In a country where weed is legal and everyone in the festival was smoking cone joints. O_O I've never had anything like this happen, or even trouble with security before, so it was a shaken and odd experience. I know the ropes with festival/event security, so I knew everything to say and do, and was allowed back in with the vape. So weird.

It still got lots of use at the festival in secluded spots, and at my airbnb when I wanted to be respectful and stealthy. I used it on the go, too, but wind made that tricky.

Lighter chat (which most of this thread is)- I know clipper is good, so I picked up a few clippers (different designs or I just forgot mine that day), and one blue jet lighter. The clippers work great, because of course they do. Love those things, and they have a nice stir tool built in.

The blue flame lighter was an absolute overpriced piece of garbage, and stopped lighting soon after I got it. I'm going to try to fill it or maybe get it working, since it's cool, but pretty much every lighter like that I've ever bought only worked for a little while. You'd think china could make a simple lighter by now.

Also on the blue flame lighter- I tried pointing the flame directly at the disk and inhaling like normal, but it didn't give the hits you guys seem to get from blue flames. The clippers/bics seem to work better.

Anyway, I love this little coil, and it's got me vaping again (though I still prefer oil pens). It's nice to be able to sample raw flower again. :)

Edit- can't believe I almost forgot these! Taken at one of my favorite coffee shops, DampKring, where I found a strain I've wanted for years.

And their cat

@maremaresing I did exactly the same as you last summer, and bought a coil to take (unused) from the UK to Amsterdam.

I found it performed much better than I expected and was really impressed tbh. Fantastic vape for the ridiculously low price it costs.

I'll never get why this thing (and VG's in general) aren't getting more love as a low cost vaporizer... especially when another low cost butane powered vape (naming no names) pops up in every thread you read (plug in or portable) and is hailed as the second coming and a serious alternative to any vape you may have considered buying for whatever reason. From my experience of both, there is no comparison, the VG wins by a mile every time.

Ended up leaving mine in a coffee shop as I couldn't clean it before my flight back. Haven't got around to getting another yet, but do intend to and highly recommend it.

Couple of observations;
I was at a few evening events when away which were dark/low lighting, found the stirring needed for even extraction a pain as I couldn't see anything (would have been the same with my lotus I guess).
It gets hot, no sticking it straight in your pocket.
If you screw the two parts together too tightly you can get a bit of stretching of the spring and I found this caused some gaps in the front end. I was careful not to overtighten. It'll stay together in your pocket no problem.
Use a torch lighter for quicker, more consistent results, and you can also use it to torch the screen clean too.

Enjoy :peace:

Your post way back when you took it to Amsterdam was one of the final deciders for me buying this! I picked up some iso and cleaned it out in my airbnb. Worked great!

@maremaresing, the disc has become smaller over time and a new filter or top will cure that. Vapor Genie can supply that. A whole new top is $25. Flame will be sucked around the disc and ignite the herb. Particles flake off and it becomes smaller. VG does think they last forever, they do not.

I need to contact them about this, then. Thanks for the info!

While my Glass Sherlock VG is my favorite... and the wooden VG my second,
I have owned the coil for 7 years and it gets used about 3-4 times a week.
While 7 years is surely not forever, my VG coil shows no sign of wear.
I have not had to replace the ceramic insert yet either.

Vitolo, I never can figure out where you have the time to use all these vapes!
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Well-Known Member
I had an original coil that is too flexible. The current one is of heavier wire and is really a hell of a good hitter and for a quick hard hit or two. Same hard hits from aluminum bats and they are lighter. Once you learn to ride the "pull" of herb being vaped, you can get some awesome hits. The bats will take a bit more wind than the conventional VGs.

The coil and bats are almost indestructible and can be quickly cooled when they get too warm. Going out on the deck now with coil and Kush!
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Well-Known Member
I really enjoy my aluminum pipe VaporGenie. It can definitely help with those combustion urges. I want to snag another one, was thinking about the handcarved pipe but they have so many options that look good!

All this talk about the coil makes me want one.. I'd also like to have a glass or bronze Sherlock. I noticed that VG has been out of stock of the Sherlocks though. For those of you that own multiple ones, what's your all around favorite?


Well-Known Member
My most used when they were my daily driver, VG aluminum. When out and carrying in a pocket the aluminum bat gets the nod over the coil because of weight.


Well-Known Member
Nice, of course the bats win out for portability. I guess what I'm really wondering, is it worth springing for the Sherlocks?


New Member
Hi everyone, new to the forum obviously and new to vaping (4 months using the VG Classic). First off, sorry but this thread is huge, so I couldn't search all of it for eventual solutions. I have to say even though I am very pleased with my VGC overall, I still find the vapor a bit harsh for my taste. I use it almost every day, sometimes several times per day. (I've removed the plastic mouthpiece). I realize of course this is a lot for my throat to take. I also understand that the quality of the herb has impact on vapor quality. It's clear if someone doesn't enjoy a product he/she should just buy a more suitable one. In my case, the VGC is all I could spare, so a new device is out of the question.

So what I'm asking is: anyone has any tips on how to make the VG (Classic) vapor less harsh, or more smooth :D I've come across some tips here and there, like putting ice in one's mouth and then inhaling (sounds weird, uncomfortable and *cold*!), and also trying to remoisturize the herb itself etc. None of these methods seem to be what I'm looking for.

I'm also aware that without at least minor modifications, this VG unit is as good as it gets. I can't really modify mine, not only because of my lack of skill but also I'm not from the US so the components' names and the places to get hold of them are not valid for me.

P.S. I believe (of course I cannot prove) that I have the VGC vaping technique 'aced' - meaning that while I don't get good, solid clouds of vapor 100% of the time, but maybe 8-9 times out of 10 I hit that 'sweetspot' you all probably know - big clouds, no herb is burned in the chamber, good taste... Only then is the 'harshness' a problem. It's clear that a combusted herb will result in smoke-like sensations. I tried using smaller lighter flame (I use cheap piezo butane lighters), larger flame etc. With the small flame I often burn my herb (?) but get no vapor. With a medium flame I don't burn it but again, almost no vapor. Large flame does the trick for me, with a fast, steady pull and while the flame is 1/3 actually in the bowl (without touching the filter). I also tried torch lighters, but how people use them with VGC is beyond me.

I understand I'm sucking in and breathing heat, but there should be some simple way to at least make
VGC's vapor a bit smoother. :)

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
Can you not stretch and get a VG Coil? Think they're cheaper than the classic even...

That way you could use it through water if it's too harsh dry.

Edit: maybe some sort of silicone whip attachment for your classic??


Well-Known Member
So what I'm asking is: anyone has any tips on how to make the VG (Classic) vapor less harsh, or more smooth :D I've come across some tips here and there, like putting ice in one's mouth and then inhaling (sounds weird, uncomfortable and *cold*!), and also trying to remoisturize the herb itself etc. None of these methods seem to be what I'm looking for.

Howdy, welcome to the Forum and all the fun (and hopefully some good advice). Sorry you're in a location where spare parts aren't easy to come by, but I think you can make some effective changes.

Being harsh has several causes I think. Some of it is 'chemical', a response to the vapor itself, a function of the herb? Not a lot can be done there aside from cure (you want it dry going in) and perhaps some 'filtering' in water (although that works better with smoke than vapor, the 'bong water' doesn't turn rancid the same way).

The hot and dry air/vapor mix is usually the problem, at least the major part. Heat can be lowered by adding tubing to the MP end. A couple of feet of say half inch ID is not unreasonable to try. Just making it cooler will lessen it's ability to strip water from your throat, lungs and so on, making life easier. Likewise, putting water vapor back in the dry exhaust from the VG can really help. Using even a modest bubbler can do this. I've also used small pieces of cotton fabric or 'all cotton pipe cleaners' poked in the vapor path (even inside the stem) kept moist (I use a small 'drip bottle' with water to drip a few drops on the cotton as it evaporates off. This makes it cooler and less harsh (but can encourage you to take more......).

Some guys get good results by keeping a glass of 'water' handy and taking sips between hits. This can help your mouth and throat somewhat, but I think is worth trying?

I've also resorted to vaping in the bathroom while it's 'steamy' from my morning shower when my throat was 'bothering me'. You feel kinda silly doing it, but the 100% Relative Humidity helps and it's OK if nobody sees you doing it............

Good luck with finding a technique that suits you. You may be hampered by local conditions but I think you have some useful options to explore.

Regards to all.



New Member
Thanks for all the answers, guys. Glad to be on the forums too. Just to clarify, it's not that I'm in a location where spare parts are not easy to come by, it's just I'm not a native English speaker so the technical terms elude me. Even if I translate them somehow, I still don't have the technical knowledge/skill to actually modify the genie too much. For example, naturally the idea of tubing came to me but I have no idea what tubing to use, how to attach it, how to maintain it when using, whether there would be some effect to flavor etc.

And no, I currently have no way to fund a VG coil or any other 'luxury' item. I'm a lawyer by profession, actually, but being one and having clients/income are two very different things. :) I also like the VG classic, like KidFated. said, it's a solid vape. Just want to modify/use it to be a bit less harsh.

A cotton/hemp screen sounds like a very good idea. Won't THC and other active ingredients in the vapor get stuck in those 'filters' though? The shower suggestion is funny yes, but sounds logical and effective. One would not only breathe in more moist air while vaping but also feel clean and fresh while doing so :D And yes, of course I drink plenty of water, I like to stay hydrated and it's logical sucking in hot air/vapor is going to dry one's throat.

I've also misplaced my plastic mouthpiece, which would have probably helped with the 'harshness'. A friend has it and hopefully I'll get it back soon, though. Holding the flame back or using a smaller flame usually requires some long and slow pulling to get any vapor at all and I often burn the herb. Which sounds weird, I know. I get best results when pulling hard/fast with a medium clicker lighter flame that is 1/3 inside the bowl. I get perfect clouds of vapor and big hits, but harsh ones. I guess there are still too many particles at one time hitting my throat, no matter that it's not smoke but vapor.

All of this I'm sure can be easily corrected if I just tone-down my use of the VG (for a while at least). I even came down with the flu with all symptoms related to throat/nose/lungs. I doubt my excessive vaporizer usage these couple of weeks caused this, but it sure didn't help. As in all things, it seems moderation is the key.

Stay healthy, everyone!
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Well-Known Member
Be gentle with flame and breath. Keep flame from descending into opening but just dancing at that level. Inhale gently and steady and soon you will feel a slight drag which indicates vaping is occurring. Nothing beats the first pull from a VG for taste and they do hit as hard as any but there is a learning process. Experience and patience are Gold here. This vape does not drive itself.


New Member
Okay, tried vaping like you said. I have better results compared to a couple of months ago. Maybe I just got better at using the VG. I got steady vapor (less than than before, but also less harsh) and the desired effect.

I am aware this unit does not 'drive itself'. This is why I ask for advice on it's proper usage. I actually love the idea that it has a learning curve and it all depends on skill rather than electronics.

Thanks again for all the replies. For now I won't be modifying the VGC, I'll just change my technique.


Well-Known Member
Just spent a couple days away from the house and the al bat was just wonderful. Flavor and punch. Found that blowing a couple good breaths blown through the intake will begin the cooling quick. You an tell by the temp of the air with your palm. A few seconds and a hot Genie is just about ready again.


New Member
Okay, new issue, I've noticed this before but I wasn't sure if my technique was wrong or if it's the herb itself. It's been a month or so and no problem vaporizing, but now I'm having difficulties again so I assume it's some particular strains of herb that are hard to vaporize. I have these two strains - can't provide more info except that they're both indoor grown. One of them I can vaporize quite easily and get huge clouds and killer hits. With the the other one I can barely manage to get the first hit right and there is little if any vapor left after that (the herb inside the chamber gets discolored like normal). I also get an unpleasant flavor from those tokes, while the 'good' strain's vapor gives away pungent, almost delicious flavor.

Am I doing something wrong again? Do I have to dry/moisten the herb that doesn't vaporize well? Or are just some strains low on oils or something and they just aren't suitable? It's a shame if I have to smoke it, I will have only this strain as an option for a while ahead. And it's good material, no doubt.


Well-Known Member
Okay, new issue, I've noticed this before but I wasn't sure if my technique was wrong or if it's the herb itself. It's been a month or so and no problem vaporizing, but now I'm having difficulties again so I assume it's some particular strains of herb that are hard to vaporize. I have these two strains - can't provide more info except that they're both indoor grown. One of them I can vaporize quite easily and get huge clouds and killer hits. With the the other one I can barely manage to get the first hit right and there is little if any vapor left after that (the herb inside the chamber gets discolored like normal). I also get an unpleasant flavor from those tokes, while the 'good' strain's vapor gives away pungent, almost delicious flavor.

Am I doing something wrong again? Do I have to dry/moisten the herb that doesn't vaporize well? Or are just some strains low on oils or something and they just aren't suitable? It's a shame if I have to smoke it, I will have only this strain as an option for a while ahead. And it's good material, no doubt.
99% of the times that comes from not perfectly cured herb. I had weed producing just a first good pull and then nothing, but that's because it was 0,2% THC weed.


Well-Known Member
More potent bud has more goodies to be vaporized and it does take(last) longer. I have found though that some weed requires higher temps to vape well. Nothing wrong with Genie.

Agreed. It's very good at extracting whatever you put in, but it's not have to do your part and put enough good stuff in and then 'drive it right' to get it out as vapor?

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