@maremaresing I did exactly the same as you last summer, and bought a coil to take (unused) from the UK to Amsterdam.
I found it performed much better than I expected and was really impressed tbh. Fantastic vape for the ridiculously low price it costs.
I'll never get why this thing (and VG's in general) aren't getting more love as a low cost vaporizer... especially when another low cost butane powered vape (naming no names) pops up in every thread you read (plug in or portable) and is hailed as the second coming and a serious alternative to any vape you may have considered buying for whatever reason. From my experience of both, there is no comparison, the VG wins by a mile every time.
Ended up leaving mine in a coffee shop as I couldn't clean it before my flight back. Haven't got around to getting another yet, but do intend to and highly recommend it.
Couple of observations;
I was at a few evening events when away which were dark/low lighting, found the stirring needed for even extraction a pain as I couldn't see anything (would have been the same with my lotus I guess).
It gets hot, no sticking it straight in your pocket.
If you screw the two parts together too tightly you can get a bit of stretching of the spring and I found this caused some gaps in the front end. I was careful not to overtighten. It'll stay together in your pocket no problem.
Use a torch lighter for quicker, more consistent results, and you can also use it to torch the screen clean too.