This is a flexible PVC plastic extension tube ready to be submitted to a couple hot/cold brutal transitions between super-hot boiling water in the micro-wave and tap water that's as cold as it will come in June:
Once my bracing (read pressurizing) tape was taken off (and glue residues, etc., cleaned with alcohol!) i removed the temporary bi-colour section inside and put a clear one in its place as i didn't want this much colour, only some hues. Temperature choc conditioning appears to render the new shape at least partly permanent, my purpose being to gather tension points away from the glass tube.
So here's the result:
That later strategy with a teflon nipple staying on the pipe pleases me more as i keep thinking of a bronze version with such feature eventually
integrated into the whole profile. The evoked imagery feels stimulating somehow...
Switching between tubing configurations can be fun, for example the 3 sections assembled together allow me to use the blue torch lighter to pre-heat my front puck without risking a surprize: the cloud is stretched a lot on its way out and hence this provides the reaction-time i need, although it's not much this still makes a significant difference to me.
As the sphere & bowl get hotter i change to a shorter setup and if i start coughing then i consider going back to the previous step (for that one toke), etc... The glass tube may create a sense of luxury but the moment when it really shines is when i can conveniently shake off condensed water to be exact.
By the way, ain't that little beast
Self-Moisturizing or what!!
So, this simple custon-made connection system works since the teflon nipple on my modded pipe is used within its operating parameters it seems - or wood should start fuming 1st i believe! The mating female will be a bit colder so i don't mind for high-temperature synthetic material that close to the base, not to mention it's covered with a metal screen that i expect to lower temperature even more...
When cannabic vapour finally touches the PVC plastic i'm guessing there's not much heat left to cause worries, considering the spontaneous formation of a
Oily/Watery Demarcation Point just confirmed my initial observations.
In conclusion PVC plastic wins over glass in some contexts while the later remains quite appreciable in a few select others. LEGO land awaits for my evaluation again in anyway!