Salutations A Train,
I've found that a torch lighter is indeed the best way... ...the greater, more focused heat will give you bigger clouds faster, but...
Blue flames worked for me once...
...a significant enhancement in comparison to ballons.
I feel like i've got news to post today.
For starters: Wow! Just wow!! This is the word i got in mind when i tried another moddification which i'm about to describe later...
It was tempting to revisit your comments about using a blue/jet/torch lighter, actually i believe it was the thing to do since i enjoyed giving it another try eventually, for the most part, expecially now because my modded Classic VG pipe finally works in ways i didn't imagine were possible even in my dreams!
Champion tokes is the next exclamation i had, twice, in my veranda, a moment ago... Right now i'm still tasting the 3rd test. Ritual has become much more replicable, visual feedback through the front puck is evident practically anywhere, but such convenient dim red spot would probably imply that this foamy stone is subjected to additional stress since it now works like a delayed heat-storage device, made of ceramic. So, where would that lead?...
Anyway, don't take my word for it: try it and see by yourself!! There's no need to epilogue for long... The improvement is obvious to me so i'll bet there may be something in this that can benefit some of the readers. At least i found the experiment was a necessary step, so to speak it was like simply turning up the volume, like flipping a switch!
All i needed was to begin with heating up the ball repetitively, after a few days the fume related issues started to vanish. Likely because i didn't leave much varnish/paint finish to be torched... By chance an aquarium pump can deal with that.
What's been roasted once doesn't easily get toasted again i noticed.
So, if i'm reasonable the wooden ball can handle my Slick "Gun" jet lighter after all!!
Not only that, if i add a 3rd stone on the bowl side of the ball then i have access to a whole new range of application which i'm only starting to appreciate as of this writing.
I can only testify of my experience by relating it as the words come. So, i'd say the 2-stones version required more lung effort and thick clouds would translate as coughing, etc., possibly with some intolerance to low-temperature vaping. Ha, and i was about to forget the 3rd item of my last modding: the screen support can be pushed down in order to put more distance between the bowl's screen and the 3rd stone facing that bowl's top, on the ball piece. The new version allowed me to enjoy excellent expirations, perhaps in part because i've possibly avoided some low-temperature irritants, the other part being self-moisturization.
In short the pipe layout has become:
1 Front stone
1 Heat-Sink/Heater assembly made of 2 aluminium supports and 1 stone
1 Top-of-Bowl stone
While i turn my front puck dim red there's an aluminium "tripod" support behind, on which it sits, that sinks/dissipates heat. Past the metal bits hot air, water vapor and carbon dioxyde diffuse again, through a middle stone before it reaches a second "tripod" used to hold a shielding glass "deflector" (tripod shaped too)... The 3rd (and final) stone keeps the glass shield in place by closing my bowl-side aperture.
In use it's practically child's play: aim at the front puck and heat up its center until luminescent. The force of inhalation controls intensity. I found this configuration was much more forgiving than ever before, the problem is it may fail to work well with yellow flames, euh...
More testing to be done! I just wish moisture condensation in my PVC extension tube won't cause me worries, it has happened before!
In a way it's too bad the new modding depends on my Slick "Gun" torch, as i figure the Xikar Ressource ain't strong enough anymore - but that remains to be determined...
Well, that's all i can tell for now.
Good day, have fun!