As I can't find the Sherlock style pipe without having to import it, I've settled ...
Hey misanthrope,
The hole u draw from is the same size for both models, but it depends where u are going
to buy from, i noticed that at some places the vaporgenie sold are older models and they
do have smaller drawholes.
With my vaporgenie its 5mm, but a someone i know has a newer model which has about 7-8mm.
I've smoked from both vaporgenies and noticed that it takes more time to get vapor out of the
newer model with the larger drawhole (it also has a larger hole to put the flame in), but the heat
seems to be the same as the older model because u will need a bigger flame for the newer.
However i never use the VG outside, even when there is very little wind it's very hard to
keep the flame on, you would need a strong jet flame lighter and i wouldn't even say for sure if it will be easy outside, so just keep that in mind.