Vapor Spam Thread


Weapon Enthusiast
Wow Tokin you are in my state! I cannot beleive that their are 2 people from Colorado on this small board.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Henny, could you please explain the quote in your sig?

"How could you know if that diamonds real if its next to that dig, because the wouldnt fucken not know..them bitches look good."

I'm curious.


? & beyond
Honey Bear said:
SpiralArchitect said:
Spiral, thank you very much. You have no idea how much joy you have brought into my life by sharing that video with me.
You can pay be back by a vial of your DNA. Hair, blood, semen, skin... anything will work.

I will be taking donations from all members.

I am planning my own 'clone colony' on a distant planet.... my intergalactic cab should be here in a few years, so now is the time guys.... get in while you can.


vtac said:
Henny, could you please explain the quote in your sig?

"How could you know if that diamonds real if its next to that dig, because the wouldnt fucken not know..them bitches look good."

I'm curious.
weezy talken about why hes the greatest...its soooo funny...hes saying how you KNOW no doubt if its a real diamond...hes a cash money millionaire :cool:

until i get that GIF ill update my sig. with a quote that youtube video^...ahahah :lol:

a guy is working on making a gif. image for me with lil wayne mouthing that line up there^ no audio to it(duh) but the words will match his lips so it works....

heres a gif.

heres the video im talking about

Survivalism said:
Wow Tokin you are in my state! I cannot beleive that their are 2 people from Colorado on this small board.
i was just thinking that today...we all really need to meet up sometime and vape....i need to sample the SSV/'cano(which is my spawn child called the EXTREME :lol:)

SpiralArchitect said:
You can pay be back by a vial of your DNA. Hair, blood, semen, skin... anything will work.

I will be taking donations from all members.

I am planning my own 'clone colony' on a distant planet.... my intergalactic cab should be here in a few years, so now is the time guys.... get in while you can.
another reason i come to this forum.....the scare tactics :uhoh: ahahhah na i just really love the sarcams from all of out baked asses :)


vapor junkie
Staff member
But... what about the plants. :(

Melting trichomes in my PD... :)


lurking kiwi
For all the snow bound members :p Today its sweltering in my little part of paradise ... even my swimming pool is warm :brow: fucken love summer :wave:


vaporcloud said:
For all the snow bound members :p Today its sweltering in my little part of paradise ... even my swimming pool is warm :brow: fucken love summer :wave:
your turn it seems :)


Well-Known Member
vaporcloud said:
For all the snow bound members :p Today its sweltering in my little part of paradise ... even my swimming pool is warm :brow: fucken love summer :wave:
im snowboard bound in less than a half hour, so i am quite fine with the snow we got.


? & beyond
More snow today! Meh.

Thanks Pammy for the awesome new avatar. It's so trippy! Hypnotic. :p

For anyone who wants more 'trippy', check out this;

One of my favorite websites of all time. Try out the 'Strobe' for quite the experience. Get nice and cheeched first. :D Guaranteed awesomeness. :p


Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
SpiralArchitect said:
Thanks Pammy for the awesome new avatar. It's so trippy! Hypnotic. :p
I just ate a giant piece of BHO fudge and I can feel it in my brain when I look at it.


Well-Known Member
Pfft, I dont feel nothing when looking at it.

in fact I will look at it again.

/looks at Spirals avatar

"Spiral is the leader"



Well-Known Member
thats a great picture spi.

thought i would let the fc'ers know that i put up a new video, my co-host tony is able to join me once again for some quality video making so here we are with a few stoned words. among them, hear about how tony plowed into a couple skiiers like a bowling ball striking down pins on his very first time down a hill on a snowboard.


Well-Known Member
so i got off the phone with steve today and he mentioned that there is an upcoming 7th floor product soon to be released.

i havent seen it or even heard him say anything about how it works, all i know is that it is a hand held unit.
more info and hopefully some pics and a video with a demonstration very soon!

Acolyte of Zinglon

seems like everyones trying to get into the portable racket all of a sudden :rolleyes:

oh by the way, i love this guy ==> :razz:
we need to get crankey in here though

hes the natural counterpoint to :razz:

edit: but maybe not so big :rofl:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


? & beyond
the 'portable racket' is actually a market that has serious potential. this is a good thing aoz.

thanks for that update tokin... I'm really looking forward to it! :D


Well-Known Member
yeah, but i think i will always be an inside smoker
its safer, less sketchy, more comfortable (fuck snow i miss ATL and 70* F weather in december), and is coincidentally where my computer and speakers are. and shower. and fridge.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
SSV portable...really. Maybe that's why they're too busy to answer my e-mails... That does sound intriguing though, thanks for the heads up Tokin.
partially veiled,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
You know Mr. vtac, not everyone is lucky enough to get those sparkly, fresh high grade buds. :p Out here on the East Coast it's sort of're lucky if you can see any trichs on your bud, that's all I can say really. I'm lucky enough that I do get above average stuff for where I live, but that is still far from high me. So partner that with imbibing monumental amounts of the stuff daily...and it's not long before it stops working altogether (well, you know what I never STOPS working, but it sure as hell takes a nose dive towards "no effect"). Now factor in that I've been doing just that for like...way more years than I want to count...without stopping...and yeah...a tolerance break is in order. Sure as hell does suck though. It almost makes me want to start drinking again. But we all know that could NEVER replace the sweet herb. Oh some of that sticky stuff through the PD for me vtac, and I'll dust off the french maids outfit...for old times sake even. BTW, whoever found this -> :goat: is my new hero. That goat rules.
partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
That sounds awful. :( How long do the breaks last?

I'll dust off the french maids outfit...for old times sake even.
Ooooooh start dusting!


Hey! Who told you to stop?!


partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
:lol: Nobody told me to stop, I'm my own man dammit! Hahaha

Well...this is the first time I have attempted this. I shit you not. I've quite once before for a previous GF, but that was waaaaaay back in the very begging of my Cannabis career. I've been smoking since grade 7, vaporizing consistently since I got my PD (I don't even know how long that is's documented in the thread though) and I'm now in my mid 20's. So, it's a lot of years...over half of my life for sure. I haven't always been a daily user, but the last couple of years my use has just been growing and growing. Mostly because it takes more and more to get to the same level. In the last two years at least I have been a straight up daily user, often multiple times a day. I took some time off a while ago, like before Christmas and such...that lasted for like two weeks I think...not too long. When I came back to it though my tolerance had basically not dropped at all, so I think I have a long way to go. You don't get something for nothing, right? I mean...I've been using consistently for so long that it just makes sense that I'm going to have to have an extended break to see some results. I've been off now since Jan 1st. I'm taking some time off work around the 20th of this month, so I'm hoping to make it until then. I will make it until then, rather. Then I have to try and NOT use so constantly...I really don't know. I'm totally just winging this, and trying to listen to my body. Right now my body is telling me that not having Cannabis sucks. That's about as far as we've gotten together. :p
partially veiled,
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