Nobody told me to stop, I'm my own man dammit! Hahaha
Well...this is the first time I have attempted this. I shit you not. I've quite once before for a previous GF, but that was waaaaaay back in the very begging of my Cannabis career. I've been smoking since grade 7, vaporizing consistently since I got my PD (I don't even know how long that is now...it's documented in the thread though) and I'm now in my mid 20's. So, it's a lot of years...over half of my life for sure. I haven't always been a daily user, but the last couple of years my use has just been growing and growing. Mostly because it takes more and more to get to the same level. In the last two years at least I have been a straight up daily user, often multiple times a day. I took some time off a while ago, like before Christmas and such...that lasted for like two weeks I think...not too long. When I came back to it though my tolerance had basically not dropped at all, so I think I have a long way to go. You don't get something for nothing, right? I mean...I've been using consistently for so long that it just makes sense that I'm going to have to have an extended break to see some results. I've been off now since Jan 1st. I'm taking some time off work around the 20th of this month, so I'm hoping to make it until then. I will make it until then, rather. Then I have to try and NOT use so constantly...I really don't know. I'm totally just winging this, and trying to listen to my body. Right now my body is telling me that not having Cannabis sucks. That's about as far as we've gotten together.