Vapor Spam Thread


Well-Known Member
SpiralArchitect said:
Cool. I'd assume you'll be vending 7th floor products?

IDK if you saw above tokinGLX, but I might get myself a SSV for the holidays. :D Did you know if they were having any kind of holiday specials?
for now it will probably be just 7th floor goods, but i would love to expand to other quality vapes in the future when i can afford to.

im not sure if they have any holiday deals, i havent asked and they didnt mention anything to me last time we talked. regardless, a ssv is always money well spent.


Out to lunch
I'll second that advice vc. If I had gotten married early in life, my wife and I would both be on our 2nd marriages. Her sister is getting divorced from her 3rd husband. :rolleyes: For most people, marriage is the toughest of life's tasks.


? & beyond
Exactly why I plan on having multiple wives. :brow:

Too bad it's illegal in US.... but I'm sure no one will mind out here in AK, I'll find me some Inupiat gals and start my 'own lil' tribe'. :cool: :lol:

Seriously though.... what I can't understand is all these people are trying to protect the 'sanctity' of marriage by not allowing homosexuals to wed, but what is the divorce rate again? What happen 'till death do us part'? It just seems so, hypocritical....


Out to lunch
Yes. Marriage is sacred until one or both parties says 'Fuck it. I'm outa here.' :lol:

I wonder how the people who want constitutional amendments to ban same sex marriage would feel if they got their wish but then the same amendment banned divorce. I think we'd see a spike in the murder rate. ;)


Well-Known Member
I wonder if all of these nuts pushing that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman because the bible tells them so, realize it says this nowhere in the big book o' fairy tales. In fact if we go back to early marriages in the bible, we're talking polygamy and incest being endorsed by god. If these people are going to use the bible to inform others of their rightousness at least know whats in it.


Well-Known Member
The Purple Gang was a mob of bootleggers and hijackers in the 1920s. Under the leadership of Abe Bernstein...

Is that the Abe? I never caught his last name... :lol:

Acolyte of Zinglon

not to mention, cannabis was discovered by the ancient hebrews and is referred to several times in the bible, but it was conveniently "mistranslated"

im a christian myself, but i also acknowledge that there has been plenty of time (and mistranslations) for the bible to have been corrupted
its also very easy just to take some random scriptures and put them out of context so that they appear to support something that would go against the original meaning of the scriptures

i fully believe man has corrupted gods word, and so i follow a more "real" path of spirituality

bong hits for jesus :cool: :peace:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
God is a vaporist on the other edge of a dimension we can't possibly comprehend.

A cloud goes up in It's honor. Now back to SPAM...


edit: :uhoh: ps. I thought the Chinese were first, correct me, please...


? & beyond
bong hits for jesus :cool: :peace:
This happened in my town, at the High School I graduated for. :D A little piece of history at my High School.... way cool. :cool:

And Tom, did you mean Chinese first using MJ? I always thought it would've been some ancient civilization in the Fertile Cresent, or possibly in the Pakistan/India region. Not positive though...

Acolyte of Zinglon

And Tom, did you mean Chinese first using MJ? I always thought it would've been some ancient civilization in the Fertile Cresent, or possibly in the Pakistan/India region. Not positive though...
i believe it was the scythians first, then the hebrews got it from them, and it became a large part of the hebrew culture, so much that they would annoint their kings and such with cannabis oil
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
I always refer back to this timeline which shows the Chinese as first.

The oldest physical evidence of use (that is, they found someone's stash) was recently covered here. But there is documentary evidence going back further than that.


? & beyond

The earliest record of man's use of cannabis comes from the island of Taiwan located off the coast of mainland China. In this densely populated part of the world, archaeologists have unearthed an ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years to the Stone Age.

Scattered among the trash and debris from this prehistoric community were some broken pieces of pottery the sides of which had been decorated by pressing strips of cord into the wet clay before it hardened. Also dispersed among the pottery fragments were some elongated rod-shaped tools, very similar in appearance to those later used to loosen cannabis fibers from their stems.[1] These simple pots, with their patterns of twisted fiber embedded in their sides, suggest that men have been using the marijuana plant in some manner since the dawn of history.


Since the Chinese are the first people on record to use the marijuana plant for their clothes, their writing materials, their confrontation with evil spirits, and in their treatment of pain and disease, it is not surprising that they are also the first people on record to experience marijuana's peculiar psychedelic effects.

As so many other testimonials to marijuana's multifaceted past have been found interred deep within the bowels of the earth, so too was the proof of China's early flirtation with marijuana's intoxicating chemistry found buried away in an ancient tomb. Rather than any piece of cloth or handful of seeds, however, the evidence takes the form of an inscription containing the symbol for marijuana, along with the adjective or connotation meaning "negative".[21]

Unfortunately, we will never know what the gravediggers had in mind when they were chiselling these words in granite. Was it just a mindless piece of graffiti? Even if it were, it indicates that the Chinese were well aware of marijuana's unusual properties from very ancient times, whether they approved of them or not.
Yup. Chinese.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, my plumber says. "Bong Hits Indeed!"

Nice little article, but you can hear the un-approving tone... "peculiar psychedelic effects" ... "negative" ... "whether they approved of them or not" . . .


Pammy got an interesting phone call the other day., speaking of SPAM... They told her she hadn't paid her Geico car insurance, and she could stay insured if she could make a payment right away... I was out and apm is very cautious about giving any info on the phone... so she put them off and trhey gave her a false 800 number... I get home and tel her we paid, remember, we got new cards and all? She gets on web and it says we paid, she calls the ereal Geico and they say we paid, and that they have no record of any contact with us...

So, what they were after was a checking and routing number or credit card info... I had never heard of this scam and thought I would pass it on...



Out to lunch
We got a call the other night where someone told my wife our car warranty had expired (it hasn't-car is only 18 months old and low mileage). She handed me the phone and I hung up. I'm sure they wanted to extend it for us right then on the phone :rolleyes:. Don't know how they got our number though (random dialing?), since we're on the 'don't call list'.


Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
Dude my car's like 10 years old with 200,000 miles and I get those calls ALL THE TIME.

One of these days I'm going to answer them and tell them I have a 1962 volkswagen beetle with half a million miles and to sign me up right away as I had NO IDEA my factory warranty may have lapsed!!!


? & beyond

DUDE! So do we. We have a like 1999 Rav4 and we get about 2 calls a week about our 'factory warranty expiring'! Crazy! :o It's always a recorded voice message though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the F=250 is a bit out of warranty and we get the recorded calls, :Your warranty is about to expire", but this was different, not just a sales pitch, this was downright fraud. And funny enough, Geico never followed up on it after we reported it... just make random calls till you find a Geico customer and keep making calls till you get a stupid one.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Hey y'all. I've been busy as shit, working almost all the time and doing lots of traveling and such...but I was on the computer for something else tonight, and my fingers began to drift over this way. I just wanted to drop in and say Merry Christmas, to all of you who celebrate. To all of those who don't, what the hell is wrong with you? No seriously I'm just kidding, I hope EVERYONE is having a really good time right now, and I hope those who do celebrate these holidays are doing so in style. I do not necessarily believe in Jesus (or the Bible), and I certainly don't believe in capitalism/materialism, so I'm not one for "traditional" Holiday events...but I do love the spirit which imbues peoples lives at this time of year.

I hope you all find time to share your time, with the ones you love, with strangers, with those who need it most and with those who you need the most. I hope you all are eating well, staying safe and having lots and lots of fun. The weather is getting very cold and blustery here, and Winter has finally decended in full force. It always make me think of how hard it must be to be homeless at this time of year (as if it isn't ALWAYS hard...) If you can, I hope some of the big hearts that frequent this board will take the time to make a difference in someone else's life this year: something as small as donating old clothes you never wear anymore can make a world of difference to someone who is truly in need...

Anyway, I also wanted to leave a little note for Tom and Pam. Guys, I have been thinking...and I can honestly say that the PD is far and away the best material object I've aquired this year, which has actually been a year filled with the shedding of material possesions for me. What you've given me, and so many others, has DRASTICALLY changed my habits, helped me to heal my lungs/body in general and given me cause to think about my usage patterns. The PD is an intellegent machine, designed by compassionate people for those in need of it. It is not for everyone, but to those who open their minds to this beautiful vaporizer...prepare to be innundated by change. Thank you Tom, and thank you Pam, for your kindness and your work. You're really making a difference in this community.

To the community--thanks for being here! Thanks for being all that you are, down to the last individual. I miss this place a lot and lament that life is so chaotic right now, but I am happy just knowing that there are informed individuals such as yourselves out there, fighting the good fight and beating back the stereotypes that swarm around Cannabis users everywhere: with vapor we will show the world we are capable of critically analyzing a situation AND enjoying the gifts of the earth...the stereotype of a vapid stoner must be done away with...and vapor is, I think, a corner stone in this revolutionization of the image of the Cannabis user.

Anyway, best of luck to everyone over the Holidays, please stay safe and don't drink too much (if you drink). Remember that spirits can be raised in more ways than one...

:peace: and :luv: to all, and best of luck in the coming year (I have a feeling this is going to be a big one...)

partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Ho ho ho to you.

-30C here with lots of snow. Excellent time to donate some clothes!

If zombies ever walk the earth 'you better watch out', PV.



combustion fucker
Thanks for the good vibes PV, I enjoy reading your posts.


lurking kiwi
Its 7:35am Christma Eve her at the bottom of the earth. I'm working from home today. My kids got to open one Christmas present this morning ... I love seeing there faces when they open gifts :D


Out to lunch
Nice vid tokin. :tup: Good advice for newbies. Thanks for the site referral too. :cheers:
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