Bah. Can't sleep...again. I'm not about to chalk that up to the abstinence though; I've been an insomniac since I was 10, and I've only been using since I was it can't be an A to A correlation. Anyway...
Henny, first of all, TY--I really appreciate the kind words. To answer your question...I just relived some of my past history here on FC

. I honestly could not remember how long I've had my PD for, or just how long I've been vaporizing, so I dug up my first post in the PD thread. First post was #95 in the thread, and I received my PD on August 5th of last year (as recorded in post #159). That means I've been on the vapor path for 5 months and 9 days. It honestly feels like
much longer.
In that time I have combusted a handful of times (somewhere between 10 and less than 20 times). This includes one time when I hit my pipe, to remind myself of what it was like (in case you were was fucking nasty), and the remainder of these times have been smoking pure herb joints with my friends. Seeing as I was a daily smoker, most days combusting more than once (up to five or sometimes even 10+ times), this is a HUGE step in a healthier direction for the time span that I would have combusted WELL over 200 pipe bowls and many, many joints, I've only smoked a handful of times instead...I owe it to vapor, I owe it to the

Although I've adapted to and learned to love my new habit, there are some things I do miss about combusting. As silly as it seems, I miss the gurgle of a waterpipe. This sound will forever be etched in my mind as synonymous with
good times, good herbs, good friends. I also miss some of the communal aspect of passing a joint around in a circle, but the truth is I just don't get to be in the social setting as much these days. I've said this before, and I do stand by it: a joint can never really be replaced. I will probably always be open to smoking the odd joint here and there, and you can be assured it's not for the taste. It's the community I love, and for some reason I just can't replicate that feeling with a vaporizer...maybe it will just take more time. At least the VHW will satisfy my craving to hear that sweet old gurgle again was really fun reading through old posts on this forum...really made me laugh and really made me smile. I sometimes forget what special people populate this forum...sometimes, but not often

Thanks for giving me a reason to look back on my time here Henn. It's been more than fun. It's funny how much this place has grown in such a short time...the internet is strange like that. When I arrived here this place was more like an all boys club than an internet forum!!

Change is both inevitable and welcome however, so I'm just happy to still be around. Reading old posts made me miss that nut Cannabudz though...I really do hope he's okay, wherever he's at (CB if you just HAPPEN to be reading this somehow...and it's okay if you're hovering but not participating, that's well understood...but I wanted to say I hope your mum is doing well...I do know what it's like to care for a sick mother...nothing gets you motived and breaks your heart like watching/living that sort of thing...wherever you are my friend, I hope you're well).
Also, where the hell is DD? I know he's busy as hell but I hope he hasn't jumped ship! I was just about to ask the same thing about you V_C, but I noticed you joined us again today. Phew! Hope all is well with every one out there in vapor land.
Alright, well if I can't sleep I better go do something brew some tea...