Vapor Spam Thread


tokinGLX said:
not intrusive at all, i just wasnt totally sure if he wanted plant specs or video camera specs

i will have a second light up and day here, but for now im just running a single 600w in the flower room, my veg closet is running a 4bank of t5 fluoros.

the shishkaberry was a plant that my friend had been vegging for a couple months, it got a bit big for his room so he gave her to me. she started out in soil, when i got her i transplanted into a 5 gallon hempy bucket(vermiculite and perlite)

temps get a little low during the lights off time(during daylight hours) sometimes dipping into the high 50s, never gets hotter than 75 in there during lights on.

i very rarely deal with seeds, almost all of my plants come from clones i or my friends took.

with just the one light in there i just have a single oscillating fan, not much else needed to keep things cool.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mamma! thats a very nice set man :cool:

I would love love LOVE to be growing with all this cold mountain air...FREE A/C

do you ever pay for cooling down your room? or do you use all the cool air the rocky mountains give off


YouDontKnowMe said:
Other than that, if you have some money to give out shoot me a PM.
dude your the coolest member to date :brow:

hell yeah...god I laughed my ass off when I read that :lol:



Well-Known Member
i had the craziest question earlier..

how can you filter smoke through water and it smoke doesn't get wet?


? & beyond
Maybe because it's an air/solid mix?


I love the Alex Grey avatar. :) My 2009 calender is on the way.... can't wait. :D
I just can't get enough of his art.... amazing stuff.


Well-Known Member
henne, it does get warm here for a month or two during the summer, but overall it is usually not too bad.

got another plant in hd for everybody today.
this plant is either a strawberry cough or a blueberry cross(any straugh growers out there recognize it). there was some minor confusion when it was a youngin that should be all sorted out after some nuggage gets vaped in a couple weeks.

it is growing in a one liter hempy bucket under a 600w hps and is being fed an sensi a + b with big bud/overdrive/final phase. she has been flowering for about 8 weeks and will be cut at 9.

as always, i highly recommend full screening the video after clicking "watch in hd."
trichomus maximus.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Wow, one more full week until I can hit my vapes...yargh. :uhoh:

I'm not craving in any real sense (I was a bit the other day)--although, hanging here with you guys all night hasn't really helped to subdue my desire for vapor :lol:--but I sure do miss my herb. It's weird...I've quit many things, among those things many hard drugs (nicotine, opiates, alcohol and fast food/processed food, to name a few...) but there is such a difference between those efforts and this effort. With the other stuff, opiates especially, the cravings made me angry and irritable, short tempered and generally just foul to be around. I have been feeling great without Cannabis (physically and mentally), and I don't really have any cravings to speak of...I have DESIRES sure, but I wouldn't really classify them as cravings. I had horrible cravings for the longest time when quitting fact, I had to "quit" many times before it would work/stick for me...the last time, when it finally clicked, it was just like it was "time" or something...because there was no cravings, no second thoughts, nothing...and I've not relapsed since then, not even for a puff.

What I feel is more like something is missing. I suppose it could just be that I have such a strong habit built up around Cannabis that I miss the ritualistic, habitual nature of my vapor sessions. It's a strange enough sensation that I can't put my finger on it though... I just miss that part of my life, and the thing that keeps me going most (besides the general beauty of life, all it has to offer, and the wonderful people in my life) is knowing that this doesn't have to be forever, and soon enough I can begin my love affair with Cannabis anew. So the feeling is one of loss...but there are no other real feelings. I don't feel irritated or angry, not even slightly depressed. I have been 100% myself and I have in fact been quite productive over the last couple of weeks.

I don't know how I would react if it were a forever type of commitment; if this feeling of loss would eventually dissipate or what...but it's interesting to note that, just based on the fact there's been no cannabinoids in my system for much longer than usual, there's been no physical reaction to this abstinence. Another testimony to the relative safety of the herb, IMO.

Anyways...I'll be picking up some treats over the weekend, so at least I'll have something to look at/smell (oh boy do I miss the smell), even if I can't vape it for a little while longer. I am going to see how long I can stretch this break (go go gadget willpower!), but I PLAN to break it sometime between the 20th and the 28th, as I'm on vacation then. I'm also planning another T. Peruv session for that time...gawd, I've got to get my head in shape.

:peace: and g'night all...don't take that sweet vapor for granted--savor every last breath and heat up an extra one for me!! :lol:
partially veiled,


dude^^^^ your awesome! :D you always draw many-a-smile to my face when ever i read your posts
*loads a bowl of purp in the ;pd;*

have you been only vaporizing for a long while? i mean not really smoking...possibly taking3-4 bong tokes a week ;) but overall was it only vapors?

another cheer for weed! hip hip hooray :bigleaf:

:peace: (just found out that a maple billy bowl is on its way) :brow:

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Bah. Can't sleep...again. I'm not about to chalk that up to the abstinence though; I've been an insomniac since I was 10, and I've only been using since I was it can't be an A to A correlation. Anyway...

Henny, first of all, TY--I really appreciate the kind words. To answer your question...I just relived some of my past history here on FC :luv:. I honestly could not remember how long I've had my PD for, or just how long I've been vaporizing, so I dug up my first post in the PD thread. First post was #95 in the thread, and I received my PD on August 5th of last year (as recorded in post #159). That means I've been on the vapor path for 5 months and 9 days. It honestly feels like much longer.

In that time I have combusted a handful of times (somewhere between 10 and less than 20 times). This includes one time when I hit my pipe, to remind myself of what it was like (in case you were was fucking nasty), and the remainder of these times have been smoking pure herb joints with my friends. Seeing as I was a daily smoker, most days combusting more than once (up to five or sometimes even 10+ times), this is a HUGE step in a healthier direction for the time span that I would have combusted WELL over 200 pipe bowls and many, many joints, I've only smoked a handful of times instead...I owe it to vapor, I owe it to the ;pd;.

Although I've adapted to and learned to love my new habit, there are some things I do miss about combusting. As silly as it seems, I miss the gurgle of a waterpipe. This sound will forever be etched in my mind as synonymous with good times, good herbs, good friends. I also miss some of the communal aspect of passing a joint around in a circle, but the truth is I just don't get to be in the social setting as much these days. I've said this before, and I do stand by it: a joint can never really be replaced. I will probably always be open to smoking the odd joint here and there, and you can be assured it's not for the taste. It's the community I love, and for some reason I just can't replicate that feeling with a vaporizer...maybe it will just take more time. At least the VHW will satisfy my craving to hear that sweet old gurgle again :cool: was really fun reading through old posts on this forum...really made me laugh and really made me smile. I sometimes forget what special people populate this forum...sometimes, but not often :) Thanks for giving me a reason to look back on my time here Henn. It's been more than fun. It's funny how much this place has grown in such a short time...the internet is strange like that. When I arrived here this place was more like an all boys club than an internet forum!! :lol: Change is both inevitable and welcome however, so I'm just happy to still be around. Reading old posts made me miss that nut Cannabudz though...I really do hope he's okay, wherever he's at (CB if you just HAPPEN to be reading this somehow...and it's okay if you're hovering but not participating, that's well understood...but I wanted to say I hope your mum is doing well...I do know what it's like to care for a sick mother...nothing gets you motived and breaks your heart like watching/living that sort of thing...wherever you are my friend, I hope you're well).

Also, where the hell is DD? I know he's busy as hell but I hope he hasn't jumped ship! I was just about to ask the same thing about you V_C, but I noticed you joined us again today. Phew! Hope all is well with every one out there in vapor land. :p

Alright, well if I can't sleep I better go do something brew some tea...:p
partially veiled,


Well-Known Member
Haha, Partially Vieled, I've been doing some of the same, reading back through some old posts. Intersting...

I like the new Avatar,

DD is still alive, Pammy writes to him. A very busy fellow who has a family too, so finding time is probably the issue.

Yeah, PV, nothing will replace the joint for social fun. Maybe it's just my memories of a time I can't get back to. The back lot at college, a friends basement full of 'the gang'. And darn you for mentioning the sound of gurgling in a waterpipe, , one friend who has been gone a long time used to insist on his ceramic thing that made a unique gurgle, missing him and his ceramic gurgle, but not the un-pleasantness of smoke.

Just had the thought of the caveman eating raw meat day after day and saying Ugg, pretty good meat. Till the day somebody threw a steak on the fire... that raw meat just never tasted as good as the old days, after eating one medium rare.


? & beyond
Speaking of raw meat.... I guess..... :lol:

Sushi night! :D

Anyone else like sushi? Mmmmmm, something about sushi... so scrumptious.

Maybe it's my love for fish.

It's such a shame how we treat our oceans, our most valuable resource, and I've seen some of the travesties first hand here in Alaska.... cruise ships dumping their sewage in our pristine channel ( :rolleyes: ), fisherman catching and keeping female crabs ( BIG NO NO! ), oil spills and deep sea trawling scarring the tranquil ocean bed.... :(

Acolyte of Zinglon

i like sushi but it sits really badly with me unfortunately, my girl says its most likely the vinegar in the rice that gets me
Acolyte of Zinglon,


? & beyond
Bummer AoZ. :(

I just got back from walking my dog real quick and left my copper top on the PD....... I load a stem, top it with kief and am reading something on the computer screen and instinctively put it on top to heat up.... :lol: right into a big pile of warm lavender juice. Oops.

Lets try that again.... :D


tokinGLX said:
a plant of mine.
vegged by a friend in soil and now in a 5 gallon hempy bucket, she has been flowering for 11 days.
this is another hd video, so once again be sure to select that and then full screen it
hey tokin if that vid is really up to date within a couple of days i would recommend cutting off some of the lower branches(the ones that are pretty close to where the stem goes into the ground)...they seem like they havent been getting as much light....its early enough that you could chop the lower shoots so it doesn't affect the final product. those smaller branches only give you the pop corn nuggets...if you have it semi lolli-popped it will make denser top buds.

just my :2c:


oh and hell yeah new sig :lol:


Well-Known Member
already done

i usually do all that before the plant is a couple weeks into flower. i have been busy these past few nights tho and hand really been able to do it till last night, right after shooting the video.
right now i got a nice batch of freshly cut bubbleberry clones to tend, so ill type at yas later.

next hd video on deck......the trainwreck

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Sup y'all. Working on a deadline tonight so I can't sift through all the new posts, although I'd like to...but it will be the weekend soon, say by Tuesday :rolleyes: Ah well...this shit has its ups and downs.

Anyway, I won't be back for a few as I'm scrambling like a pony on roller-skates to get my deadline met, but in the meantime I have a question to pose to you, my fellow vape cadets. I am thinking about picking up a "nice" bong to go with my upcoming VripTech VHW (I was thinking of picking up the VWT from Vrip, but I've never owned a really nice I thought "first time for everything" and figured I could afford to splurge a little right now). I have narrowed it down to two selections, both are found online.

Unfortunately Head Shops don't really exist around here, and the ones that do don't carry anything like "name brand" glass...more like no-name acrylic. There's some nice local-ish glass blowers (Red Eye Glass is available here, and the one pipe I did keep is a Red Eye...I loves it and will never part with it, even if I never use it again), but the bongs you can find in shops here are so ridiculously overpriced that to me it's worth going the online route and paying a little extra to get something much nicer.

So here are my two choices, both EHLE. and both found on

I really like these bongs...and the price really isn't too bad. I'm stoked :D

Anyway, I'm leaning towards the 45cm "Straight Cylinder" over the 40cm "Ball Cylinder" but I would really, REALLY appreciate your input. I know it will be my decision in the end...but I trust y'all here and heck, this is the spam thread after all (my very own home away from home, it is!) :lol:

I'm still going to take a rip around to the local shops before I order anything, but there's honestly only three in any sort of reasonable, or feasible, driving distance...and I've been to each of them so many times I practically know what they're stocking by rote. Never hurts to check though...most likely I'll be picking up one of these EHLE baddies from EDIT though, so I'd like to hear some opinions! Wee-haw, back to work. Night all. :p
partially veiled,


pick the bubble bottom tube :)

dont use a down stem and fill the bubble up with water...(the stem from the 12mm VHW bowl will be sticking in there. dont let it become a water filter) fill the water line just below the line of the vapor would get FAT filter...all vapor..all :ko:

I do this with my roor steam roller...its pretty nice man. epically when you have more "tube" to fill up with vapor/ice :)

so now its just a straight tube right to your head with a fat chamber of water in the base to keep it steady and un-filtered.




? & beyond
My :2c:

If it's going to be a beaker bottom, it shouldn't have a stand... Personally, I'd go with the top one, it looks much 'cleaner'.


vapor junkie
Staff member
I don't know how well it would translate, but here is some related reading.

Of those 2 EHLEs I'd go for the straight tube as well. :cool: I don't think we've seen anyone use the VHW with non Vriptech glass, probably be fine with that little adapter but make sure you double check all the measurements. But I'm sure you already have.

No need to put nice in quotes. :p


Escape Artist
partially veiled said:
but the bongs you can find in shops here are so ridiculously overpriced that to me it's worth going the online route and paying a little extra to get something much nicer.
I'll second that. You know there's something wrong when it cost me half as much to have a bong delivered to Canada from Britain then it would if I bought it at a local headshop. And it was nicer. Anyways, I like , good selection and the bong got here in about a week.

Here's some gratuitous pictures of it in action with my SSV. Can't wait to try it with the VHW :D . Please excuse the CrappyCam, I need to get a real camera...


Acolyte of Zinglon

I don't think we've seen anyone use the VHW with non Vriptech glass, probably be fine with that little adapter but make sure you double check all the measurements. But I'm sure you already have.
i dont think weve seen anybody but stonemonkey using it. period :rofl:

i plan on using my 7" bong (as pictured here ) mark commented that he thought that the smaller water tools were best anyway, because smaller chamber=less air=higher vapor to air ratio

i really like the looks of those ehles though, i would go for the 14" over the 18" and then later on id get an inline ac and just use that as the moistureizing part, use the ehle tube only for the ice (something like stonemokeys doing for his pro water tool)
Acolyte of Zinglon,
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