Vapor Spam Thread


vapor junkie
Staff member
The thing that really sucks is your lack of access to a wide variety of high quality natural medicine. :rolleyes:



This bowl's for you. Goodnight!


just GROW your problems away man....home depot wants you to cultivate the seeds that bring out the DANK in life :D

this is, of course, if your living space is safe enough for such a prospect


partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Trust me Henn...I am intelligent enough to know what is and isn't feasible in my current situation. Been there before, and we'll be there again. Not now though. Life is complicated, but often beautiful. I agree with you though...nothing will ever beat self sufficiency. :brow:
partially veiled,


hahhaha word up man.

so i guess you will be the first to E vaporizer pooped out on me....i think the power strip failed or something...sent arizer an e-mail...hoping for the best...

at least i have the PD....awww what am i sayen i always use the PD but the E was so nice....really good for loading with a bunch of friends :)

i kno ill come out high :ko:


partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Everything I've heard about Arizers customer service has been good. I'm sure they'll treat you right Henn. And yes, at least you've got the PD. Haha "at least" if it's a compromise, right? You'll have your E again! Keep us updated though (you should post about it in the Extreme thread).

So I just picked up a Space Case Titanium Grinder/Sifter (Magnetic 4 Piece Medium) from Grateful Buys on ebay...all said it was $110.47 CAD!!! :o For a 2.5" Grinder!!! :o I reeeeeally hope this is worth it...
partially veiled,


partially veiled said:
And yes, at least you've got the PD. Haha "at least" if it's a compromise, right?
:lol: awesome...i love the quickness of the safe/reliable investment i picked up ;pd;

this breaking of the E really has me down...shows me that i should just get an SSV and the VHW...

(but the bag/remote are so cool) <----- im really questioning that these days :hmm:


So I just picked up a Space Case Titanium Grinder/Sifter (Magnetic 4 Piece Medium) from Grateful Buys on ebay...all said it was $110.47 CAD!!! :o For a 2.5" Grinder!!! :o I reeeeeally hope this is worth it...
dont tell me you just dropped that much for a grinder?!!?!??! you could have gotten a cosmic grinder for a lil less...and i thought those were a lot! :rolleyes:

i would want top shelf quality STAT if i had shreds coming out of my grinder like that...sorry you vaporized with that

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator

Yeah well that's sort of the point. After what I went through with the Mendo, I'm just sort of burned on the whole hand grinder experience. I NEVER would have thought about dropping that much cash on a grinder before that experience. That's not to say that I couldn't have found a nice grinder that didn't flake for way, way less...but what to do. I don't like the Cosmic. Cosmic Case? Sounds a little something like Space Case, doesn't it...but if YOU'RE interested, they seem to be listed here -> for less than what they were selling in the other link...although I think it's the same distributor..? So go figure what that's about...

But yeah, I'm not saying I had to drop 110 bones to get a good grinder. I'm just hoping that Space Case is as good as their name and is truly a cut above the rest...really, it was the finish that did it for me though. I had been looking at the Mix 'N' Ball for the same reason, but fuck waiting for 8 weeks...:rolleyes: I'm not THAT patient. I'm hoping that the supposed hard anodized finish on this grinder will make it a) last forever b) not dump flakes into my precious herb and c) stay relatively resin free, and require less cleaning (the Mendo also collected resin like a mother...)

420downunder has a Titanium Space Case and seems to love it; he posted pictures of it on another board after months of usage, without any cleaning, and it looks more or less like it's brand build up whatsoever. And the grind quality also seems to be superb, judging from those same pictures. I's a lot of cash, no doubt...but if it means I don't have to go through this hassle again, then in my mind it WILL be worth it...yaaargh. Here's to hoping.
partially veiled,


Well-Known Member
couple things:

space case is expensive but they ARE as good as their name.... very solid, esp. the Ti. should last basically your whole life. dont lose it.

a while ago i took about a month long break because i had a court appearance after being picked up by the Man. i've been a daily+ user (I'd say, normally 2-4 times daily, and on avg miss ~1 day a month) for maybe a year now. that fateful night when i was able to smoke again, i was sooooooo excited. but i didnt find my tolerance to have changed. :( but the literature i've read says 10-20 days is all you need. all traces are typically out of your system after no more than a month. good luck, and let us know how it goes. though id be surprised if you where still really jonesing for canna after a good little while.... the depravity and whythefuckcantismoke factor faded after a while for me, just to be replaced by crazy lucid dreams.

you must be pretty far north? there's good bud all up and down the east coast, from FL to VT on up to Montreal and i'd assume further... its just about finding the right connect... keeping lookin, askin around... are you in a city?

your E broke henn? that SUCKS. thats kinda the one thing steering me away from the herbo and towards the ssv... the herbo is just about the most breakable looking thing ive seen, while the ssv looks stronger than my vb, which you could throw around all day. hrmm.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Holy fuck that looked fun! Funny thing is, those guys were probably in complete zen-like control. Well, except for the cars and everything else... couple stray rocks in the wrong spot... :ninja:

This one made my hands a little moist the first time I saw it. skip to about -2:00


Well-Known Member
partially veiled said:
SSV portable...really. Maybe that's why they're too busy to answer my e-mails... That does sound intriguing though, thanks for the heads up Tokin.
could be. tho they are growing, they are still a small company. i know they dont intend to ignore anybody, but at times it can happen. have you tried calling them between 12pm and 5pm m-f(us mountain time zone, gmt -07:00)

if no answer you can leave a message, but i would still try calling throughout the day.

i am not sure if the new unit is going to be a fully portable unit or maybe just something smaller, like the vriptech heat wand.
either way, i can assume steve has made another solid product and i cant wait to try it out.


? & beyond

That longboarding video was wicked. 2 of my friends are really good long boarders and have traveled the pacific northwest for slopes. Their are a few huge ones here I have seen them hit at speeds that would easily break every bone in their body :uhoh:... gravity doesn't like me, otherwise I'd give that a shot.

Their isn't a better feeling of being 'alive' than inches away from death. :2c:


I'll take my mountain bike over a board anyday, thank you very much. :cool:

LMAO: I found this.... thought I should share;

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Goodnight all. Happy vaping to all...savour those clouds, people! I'm off to work on my thesis about the health benifits and general merits of anal vapor induction...:peace:
partially veiled,


partially veiled said:
Goodnight all. Happy vaping to all...savour those clouds, people! I'm off to work on my thesis about the health benifits and general merits of anal vapor induction...:peace:

ahahhah you made me laugh so hard :lol:



Well-Known Member
a link for anybody looking for a forums that is non strictly weed related. it has a weed section that got started up after i joined, so the site is definitely herb friendly but overall it is an anything goes kindof place.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Hey tGLX, those HD vids are lookin' SHARP. :cool:

Any specs on it?


tokinGLX said:
there should be plenty more hd videos to come.

specs on what in particular
light wattage?
what kind of lights?
room temps?
how long they vegged for?
total room wattage?

that kind of stuff.....sorry if it seems intrusive...i just really love growing and finding out all i can



Well-Known Member
Hennessy1414 said:
tokinGLX said:
there should be plenty more hd videos to come.

specs on what in particular
light wattage?
what kind of lights?
room temps?
how long they vegged for?
total room wattage?

that kind of stuff.....sorry if it seems intrusive...i just really love growing and finding out all i can

not intrusive at all, i just wasnt totally sure if he wanted plant specs or video camera specs

i will have a second light up and day here, but for now im just running a single 600w in the flower room, my veg closet is running a 4bank of t5 fluoros.

the shishkaberry was a plant that my friend had been vegging for a couple months, it got a bit big for his room so he gave her to me. she started out in soil, when i got her i transplanted into a 5 gallon hempy bucket(vermiculite and perlite)

temps get a little low during the lights off time(during daylight hours) sometimes dipping into the high 50s, never gets hotter than 75 in there during lights on.

i very rarely deal with seeds, almost all of my plants come from clones i or my friends took.

with just the one light in there i just have a single oscillating fan, not much else needed to keep things cool.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
That's a very smooth set up, tokin. Looking green and sparkly :brow:

But...I don't want to put words in his mouth, yet my guess would be that vtac was wondering about video camera specs. He's a dork like that :p Correct me if I'm wrong, Meester tac.

PS. Tokin, I'm just about to post some pics of my new Surfer wand in the Silver Surfer should check 'em out :cool:
partially veiled,
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