vapolaborium. Jaw drop.


Staff member
Tried it! Video is by the cutter!!!
...OMG...I am "hard baked". Cant remember the last time this happened. I am really trying to cut that vid and throw it out... but man...
WOW. Hang on ... it now takes its time that a stoner takes... and PLEASE LOUDLY LOUGH AT MY "TRYING TO SPEAK ENGLISH" ;) PLEASE...and watch the crash after the first pull. Kudos to the VapeCritic: It's a really hard job! ;)

*this was a teaser!*

... the video was removed because it was too long... hahahahaha... I do two parts. Upload it again. Go to bed.

Part one

Part two

Some afterwords: You saw no vapor? Yes. Sorry no big clouds... but it was really my first try. And I am not a fan of big clouds - OK I love them too. But clouds are such a waste. All rips were delicious! Right now I am playing around a little... crushed, uncrushed, order magnetic glas stirrers. I'll keep you updated. My night session right now is crushed Sour Tangie. In a fresh dumb was letting the whole system cool down while closed. Yep... condensed! As with every new vape ... there is a little learning curve.
It sits on the table and waits for me... 160°C. 5 rips (with pause) still tasty. Now I raise the temp and let it sit...and pull... Good Night!
Thanks for taking the time to put the videos together for us, @CaleidosCope. It's much appreciated.:tup:

How did vaping PTFE taste by the way?


Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Stu :) Cant tell if you are joking about the PTFE cause it is early here,but there isnt any :) ! Stirrer bars are glass .
Abysmal Vapor,
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Staff member
@Stu :) Cant tell if you are joking about the PTFE cause it is early here,but there isnt any :) ! Stirrer bars are glass .
I must've misunderstood then. Watching the vid I thought he mentioned that it was PTFE. My bad.

I'm not sure if I understand the airflow going on here. Is it just across the top of the flask?



Well-Known Member
I must've misunderstood then. Watching the vid I thought he mentioned that it was PTFE. My bad.

I'm not sure if I understand the airflow going on here. Is it just across the top of the flask?


He did say he thought it was PTFE near the beginning of the first video, but @Vapolaborium said:

The key word is:

Glass magnetic stir bars

yes they are rare with us too.
But I have found contact points / addresses, and my glass masters can also make this for me with neodymagnets :)
I want to stay true to my opinion of "Plastic Free" in the circulation system. That's why PTFE magnetic stir bars are not an option, as they cannot withstand the temperatures either.

If it was PTFE then I have to assume it was sent in error, or that he’s at least trying to replace that part.

As for the airflow, I’m not sure this is right, but with water in the ash catchers on the air intakes I’m thinking the air even in the bottom of the flask would be easier to pull through than the air on the other side of the water, so I think it should clear the flask as you start to pull through the ash catchers? Or is that the brownie talking...? :sherlock:

Thanks for the videos @CaleidosCope ! Your English was good enough that I almost always understood what you meant at least. I’m looking forward to seeing the ground flower video and hearing more of your thoughts on it as you use it more. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time to put the videos together for us, @CaleidosCope. It's much appreciated.:tup:

How did vaping PTFE taste by the way?

Hi. No, not at all. In the vid, I dropped it in at some point (PTFE-Stirrer). No taste no smell... but I am looking for glas stirrers for sure. And if possible I will avoid PTFE in the air path ... ;) (Talked to Vapolaborium: "kick out the PTFE-Stirrer ...only up to 175°..." ...cough... aha. KICK!!)

He did say he thought it was PTFE near the beginning of the first video, but @Vapolaborium said:

If it was PTFE then I have to assume it was sent in error, or that he’s at least trying to replace that part.

As for the airflow, I’m not sure this is right, but with water in the ash catchers on the air intakes I’m thinking the air even in the bottom of the flask would be easier to pull through than the air on the other side of the water, so I think it should clear the flask as you start to pull through the ash catchers? Or is that the brownie talking...? :sherlock:

Thanks for the videos @CaleidosCope ! Your English was good enough that I almost always understood what you meant at least. I’m looking forward to seeing the ground flower video and hearing more of your thoughts on it as you use it more. :)
Thanks. I have to play a lot with this vape... actually you don't need the ash catchers/precoolers. but the stems are useful - they heat up too. So the income air is heated before entering the bowl. Drawresistence is (with precoolers) easy. Just the flask plus a mouthpiece could be like breathing... I mean with no "bridge" and no "bottle"... but those make the fun.

The Volcano? :spliff:
Waterfiltration? ;) - for my bad... I Never used a Volcano! I assume (quick research) they filter the air with "foam or else"?! - this is different.
Maybe not necessary ... think of one that has allergies (trees, gras ...whatever breath related), likes to take it's medicine, but don't want to inhale the surrounding air to the deepest lung. Now there are possibilities to filter.

@Stu: I know "back to back" posting. SORRY. I am learning.... ;) (can I delete a post somehow?)

Oh and for the close viewers... before I show the latastans adapter in the vid. The moment I remove the glass stopper and get a little hectic, I comment afterwards "nothings is going to be wasted"... you probably couldn't see: the vapor just ascended through the middle hole of the flask. cool. like "smoke".

And some updates: (you remember...condense water? I had to dry the ABV-bud over night). Pretty impressive (Start: 0,287g - I will do further research).
And it doesn't tastet as it looks ;):
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Well-Known Member
how do I hide it if I have surprise visit ? Id think a cushion-bag in the back of my vaping furniture would do... push everything in the bag, and hope nothing breaks ? I have a hard time Hiding the buddha-bong already !

PTFE is the stuff i put on my cars ... hope no one is consuming "that" ????


Well-Known Member
Let me know when this becomes a portable.

In 1-2 Month:

If it was PTFE then I have to assume it was sent in error, or that he’s at least trying to replace that part.

The PTFE stirring sticks are included as standard.
I leave them in the box and do not remove them as I recommend
that these can be useful for cleaning, but I don't normally use them either.

how do I hide it if I have surprise visit ? Id think a cushion-bag in the back of my vaping furniture would do... push everything in the bag, and hope nothing breaks ? I have a hard time Hiding the buddha-bong already !

PTFE is the stuff i put on my cars ... hope no one is consuming "that" ????

Just put 2 flowers in the pre-cooler,
then a big one in the filling hole,
and 2 pieces in the aftercooler, i.e. something of modern or concrete art, etc.

Back to Topic:
Usually when vaping buds
you can rub this between your fingers like powder / flour,
without the trichome or anything else attached / left behind


Waterfiltration? ;) - for my bad... I Never used a Volcano! I assume (quick research) they filter the air with "foam or else"?! - this is different.
Maybe not necessary ... think of one that has allergies (trees, gras ...whatever breath related), likes to take it's medicine, but don't want to inhale the surrounding air to the deepest lung. Now there are possibilities to filter.

But without a HEPA filter, isn't it the same amount of filtration as any water bong setup?

If someone has allergies and owns this chemistry set, they'd probably be better off to pour a little ethanol into the boiling flask with their herbal material and extract an absolute, it could even be distilled further with the same apparatus.

How did vaping PTFE taste by the way?

Minivap has entered the chat... 😁


Well-Known Member
But without a HEPA filter, isn't it the same amount of filtration as any water bong setup?

If someone has allergies and owns this chemistry set, they'd probably be better off to pour a little ethanol into the boiling flask with their herbal material and extract an absolute, it could even be distilled further with the same apparatus.

Minivap has entered the chat... 😁
"... with the same apparatus!" Welcome. That was my thought... have you seen the extraction Vid from Vapolaborium? And many things that you can do with this cooker... even cocking.
Hepa is for sure brilliant and works. Recycable? Glas and Water Check. I had to open my mind for this too. No Metal-screens, just water and glas.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@CaleidosCope great job on the videos!!! I was not understanding this vape and thought it was kind of a joke until I saw it in action and understood. I didn't really see any exhaled vapor. Can you not get clouds with this?

So, it's a conduction vape with an all glass airpath and the ability to have a HUGE amount of herb loaded in. Right? How much could you put in there and have it still work?

I like the going back to lab glass basics like when lab bongs were in the early stages. This does seem like a missed opportunity to just make it a more compact whip vape without all the extra hamster maze of glass.


Well-Known Member
@CaleidosCope great job on the videos!!! I was not understanding this vape and thought it was kind of a joke until I saw it in action and understood. I didn't really see any exhaled vapor. Can you not get clouds with this?

So, it's a conduction vape with an all glass airpath and the ability to have a HUGE amount of herb loaded in. Right? How much could you put in there and have it still work?

I like the going back to lab glass basics like when lab bongs were in the early stages. This does seem like a missed opportunity to just make it a more compact whip vape without all the extra hamster maze of glass.
Hi and thank you. Right, right and right. The Vapor was visible for me (the moment I got hectic (see above) I saw the vapor...). But no big clouds. Seems to me very efficient. You have to show off with your glas, not with clouds in this game. ;)
For the max. input we have to wait for Vapolaburium. It is a 500ml flask... whatever you put in there... a lot! AND I did some 0.1g vapeings yesterday night ... works also!!! Half the way filled up could possibly be manageable.

For the notes: Heat-up-time - From room temperature to 160°C in under 3 Minutes!
Vapolaborium told me to crank up the temperature to 230°C ... then switch back if it reaches 160°C. No delays while heating up slowly.

The footprint of this vape is adaptable, according to your need of filtration. I will show that in some upcoming vid. The smallest imaginable for me now: Heater - Roundflask with stems only - "Latastans" water filter - whip or glasmouthpiece. Set.
In my setup I have this glasbridge. You only need it if you want extra water filtration.
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Vapor concierge
Hello Stickstones,

can you please tell me what you mean by:
"for biggest piece in the house!"
"could compete"?


It was a reference to size. Your vaporizer would be one of my bigger ones, but maybe not the biggest. Lately I have acquired some vaporizers and accessories with large footprints!

I have long wondered if a true vaporizer could be made with standard lab equipment, but I have no knowledge of the subject. Well done! I look forward to learning more about the Vapolaborium!


Well-Known Member
as another german speaker: his arrogance is not a lost in translation thing. he comes off very insecure and uppity in his german videos too. which then sounds arrogant. but If youre german and from that part of the country, it feels familiar and you can overlook it. and usually behind the facade, there is a nice and sweet interior.
it looks interesting though. If you are into desktop units that take up half a desk.
this could be the thermomix of desktop vapes. it not only vaporizes, but extracts, cooks sousvide and makes low temp flower art. or enhances tea fermentation.


Well-Known Member
You're not running out of popcorn aren't you?

By the way could one make popcorn with that one too? 🤔
hahaha without having tried... 400°C should be sufficient !!! haha ... and you don't need to chew... vape the corn. All in one system!!! hahaha ;)

For the notes: It is not convection only! The chillums inside the Round-3-Neckflask get hot. So it is CONVECTION combined with HOT AIR (if you put a finger on one bubbler (someone said ashcather) and block it for a second while drawing you can "play" with your load... it will fly to the side you blocked... anybody with me?

AND: I did not want to believe it... but yesterday I tried it thoroughly: Vaping whole buds is no problem! I loved my new grinder...damn. Maybe I don't need it no more. I vaped to 210°C and simply dropped the temp and reloaded. Five or more times. No bad taste, but different to a fresh bowl, warmer taste, I can't explain, not unpleasant.

The whole vaping experience is totally different!

My Vapes: VapCap (different models, diy woody induction heater...somewhere here at FC ;) ), Aromed4.0 (my eldest 15y+, with own variations), DivineTribe DC2 (variation), waiting for the ModPod... crashed EagleBillsPipe 18 years ago (or something similar... that reminds me on the Vapolaborium... different size ;) )
Loving my new lighter: PRRL´s Neo. Some other vapes I testet with friends...
NOTHING compares to the Vapolaborium.
And again... SORRY, no big clouds. But strong hits. For now I assume the vaporised thc/cbd is almost gaseous (everything surrounding is at the temp you set! No hotspots or else) you can hardly see anything. You taste it, it hits you, but you SEE almost nothing. At 210°C a little vapor evolves. Again: it seems to me the system is VERY EFFICIENT. (ABV harsh brown (like the pics from Vapolaborium, no combustion signs). Like a pizza in a (not to hot) oven you forgot. Brown, and totally dried out.)

Let me explain: With a vapcap (for example). 1st draw - terpenes. 2nd draw - less terpy, but a hit. 3rd draw - little popocorning, HIT. Every time I exhale lurking for vapor... done.MEDICATED.

With the Vapolaborium: Temp is at 180°C. Drop the bud in. Start vaping immediatly (or simply soon) ! 1st draw - Terpens evolve. 2nd draw - terpy. 3rd draw - terpier. 4th draw Terpy. Temp up to 210°C... inhale further. The terpy hits pass away... another draw...and so on... do you get me? And one more difference: I can concentrate on inhaling... staccato, slow, strong, very deep, shallow...10th draw? 15th? don't know. MEDICATED.

(it is not the perfect comparison... I know. Maybe with something like a Volcano it is more comparable. If your concerns are: What is in my air path? ... we didn't want to compare Vapes. Sorry. I don't do it again...the Aromed has PTFE all over...DONT! ...OK ;))

Oh... and this is not a pocket bike. For sure! No hit and run. How do you enjoy an expensive bottle of wine? With a straw? With a bottle of Caffeine-Lemonade to mix it? Sit back, relax, smell, look, taste, hear, enjoy. Take your time. Dissolve. You don't need to mess around with ashtrays, scrapers, screens, filters, needles or ABV dirt flying around - for the whole night or maybe a whole week.

A great person once said: Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out ... Here it is (maybe totally wrong... I am G(root)erman): "Turn on, Drop in, Tune out" ;)

MEMO to ME: ... I feel the urge to clean the system before the sessions today... but that is just in my head.
2nd MEMO to ME (way out of this universe): ... Can I VAPE a tiny tiny bit of a 50 year old scotch-whiskey... just some drops? How will this "taste" ?... Sip it? Inhale it? ...of course let the alcohol evaporate first! Or not?
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
NOTHING compares to the Vapolaborium.
And again... SORRY, no big clouds. But strong hits. For now I assume the vaporised thc/cbd is almost gaseous (everything surrounding is at the temp you set! No hotspots or else) you can hardly see anything. You taste it, it hits you, but you SEE almost nothing.
This thing is starting to remind me a bit of a giant fragile motorized Magic Flight Launch Box (not an insult! At the same time, not something I ever would have guessed we needed, but I’ve been wrong before).
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Well-Known Member
Did you bring enough popcorn for everyone?
I guess K. I.S.S. left the building?
Too much glass for my high and clumsy ass!
Or KISS just joined the party. ;). You can let it sit while using, and sure it is cool if you put it once a week in the dishwasher, carefully, and as sober as you can (like putting drinking glasses in the dishwasher...). I am just working on an idea to "unload" the ABV out of the running machine... easy. Stoner proof. No mess, not a crumb on the table.

And nobody, doesn't matter in what state of mind, will accidentally tip this thing over. Heavy, and with the Flask-Clamp way.
And there is a hose-adapter. You even can use your old bongs (anybody?) as mouthpieces. Next video. Next week. ;)


And ... WOW... in my next episode on Youtube I will you something about CLOUDS!
Oh my... learning experience! I just left to give the bottle-waterfilter a little water, stream the ABV out ( if you inhale strong it really lands there). In advance I vaped at 180°C about 0.15g, those nice terpy ones, and set the temp up to 220°C short before I left for the cleaning thing (I just hung out this funky bridge, and let it hang in the flask, with glass stopper on it). Not more than two minutes later, hang the bridge back on the bottle (cleaned), installed the mouthpiece and draw - what else. OMG! Big Clouds... 1 draw ... 2 draw ... 3 d rwasnrtu 4 something or damn... switch off! Draw again cloud ... again... oh my... ;) Troy and Jerry can remove their cough-button...testing this.

Just tried "dabbing" the first time. Yummy to the last drop. Cloudy! - 300°C. Enough headroom... (to 400°C) ;) - The ingredient was collected from my VapCaps during cleaning with wine spirit. Airdried. I am more and more in love. Oh, and I am still talking about the Vapolaborium. For this you NEED the glas-bridge and waterfilter-bottle!!!
Can you combust with this baby? Yes you can...if you drop weed in 300°C ...yuck. Have a good week!
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I think that this vape is actually what smokers see when I try to explain my vaporizers to them :razz:

Now imagine trying to explain this actual table-size vaporizer to them!


I think this vape should have been named the Rube-Goldberg Vaporizer! lol

(I still wanna try it though :dog:)
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Well-Known Member
I know it seems big and complicated, but if you remove the filtration system it couldn’t be much more simple. I think anyone could get a hot beaker with a couple of air intake holes.

When you build from there it’s not very hard to understand, but the whole thing together does look like it might be a little intimidating for new vaporists. Maybe just stick a big box over it with a hole to drop in flower and a hole with a little piece of the mouthpiece sticking out? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I know it seems big and complicated, but if you remove the filtration system it couldn’t be much more simple. I think anyone could get a hot beaker with a couple of air intake holes.

When you build from there it’s not very hard to understand, but the whole thing together does look like it might be a little intimidating for new vaporists. Maybe just stick a big box over it with a hole to drop in flower and a hole with a little piece of the mouthpiece sticking out? :lol:
The box is a good idea ... or... Decorate it with Roses and tell: modern art! Would you really hide such a gorgeous compilation of glas? It is in no way stealthy. No way! (as long as there is no case with it... working on a case.). The world is turning... sometime, someday you maybe introduce your guests: "Glad you are here for the BBC... there's the food, the vape...toilets around the house." Oh, just dreaming here in Germany...
The vape works beautiful. Maybe get some bowls as backup for cheap? Just change the bowl before you start the next day session... if you have concerns, and the dishwasher isn't filled up.
As for my vaping experience, this thing is really different. Not stealthy. Just an Example. The same amount in my other vapes gives me 3 to 5 good hits, before pop corning, hot spotting or simply is not tasty anymore. This vape gives me (I admit at the beginning,160°, with almost no vapor) 5 deep terpy hits, then I raise temp. You sip. You inhale...wait... until 200°... you may have 5 draws more...tasty... wait... temp reached 210-215°... wait a minute more...draw deep more than 5 times with nice clouds. No cough. ABV? Totally drained. Harsh brown. NO combustion signs at all. Drop temp. Start over. A hassle? Nope. Nice?

I don't want to tease here for every new Youtube video... please be patient until the weekend. I will explain the possibilities of this vape in its versions - you may don't need the filters...I will show. And to proof ... clouds!
And of course everyone can try to build this thing...but... really? Vapolaborium is in it for about 2 Years, collecting experience. Not one before had this "simple" idea? KUDOS.


Well-Known Member
"...get a hot beaker with a couple of air intake holes."

My friend, I am glad that you are well.

It's just really complicated for Neanderthals
for exactly the species that can never think further,
than what your field of vision allows.

This reflects so much know-how, elegance and professionalism that I would be even more ashamed to tell my friends from a ... "... get a hot beaker with a couple of air intake holes."
to let smoke.

intimidating for... :lol:

Yes, it's intimidating ... like me with my 115kg, and a good 1.9 meters, and now you also know and you see what dad needs every day, why he built such a vaporizer for that?
So that it can be used quickly, efficiently, practically, reliably and extensively.

This ain't a little bit of hobby for smoking weed, lad
I recognize this as a world record attempt:

but not the amount / weight. And my device goes into the league of the Guinness World Records officially approved devices of competitions, from the highest possible record of purity degrees to large amounts of consumption.

Now you know what is written here and what is being strived for, so that it can really be used 100% for everyone in a way that suits them and without everyday restrictions (only advantageous).

Let me guess .. You are one of those people who take your friends home on his bike?

but at the latest after your attempt with sometime:
"... get a hot beaker with a couple of air inlet holes."
would you ... (when you are there finished) even set up the Vaporium Plus in front see of you ...

Maybe just stick a big box over it with a hole to drop in flower and a hole with a little piece of the mouthpiece sticking out? :lol:

Have you already built, developed and designed something that is bigger than the box above my Vaporium, and what you stand for with your face and don't have to hide under holes because it was created with so much love in detail . You recognize / know the "Made in Germany".
You are welcome to show me how it works better at any time.. I am grateful for every advisable suggestion and am always happy about new innovations.

Otherwise I only wish you a lot of fun and success with your hot beaker ..
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