vapolaborium. Jaw drop.


Well-Known Member
I’m sorry @Vapolaborium and @CaleidosCope , I think the language barrier is working against us both ways.

I was not saying anything against you or the Vapolaborium, I know it uses custom made parts that would not be easy to unless I was a glass blower. :)

I am working on my own vaporizer designs, but I would buy this from you before trying to build something like it. I know it takes a lot of time, work and revisions to make it the best it can be! :science:

I would not put a box over it either. That was mostly a joke. I don’t believe people would think it was complicated if they could only see the mouthpiece and a hole to drop in flower in.

What I was trying to say is the Vapolaborium is easy to understand if you take off all of the extra pieces. Anyone can understand how a hot beaker heats flower to create vapor.

If you add the other pieces after they understand the heater, they should see it is not as complicated as it looks and it should not be intimidating. :)


Well-Known Member
I’m sorry @Vapolaborium and @CaleidosCope , I think the language barrier is working against us both ways.

I was not saying anything against you or the Vapolaborium, I know it uses custom made parts that would not be easy to unless I was a glass blower. :)

I am working on my own vaporizer designs, but I would buy this from you before trying to build something like it. I know it takes a lot of time, work and revisions to make it the best it can be! :science:

I would not put a box over it either. That was mostly a joke. I don’t believe people would think it was complicated if they could only see the mouthpiece and a hole to drop in flower in.

What I was trying to say is the Vapolaborium is easy to understand if you take off all of the extra pieces. Anyone can understand how a hot beaker heats flower to create vapor.

If you add the other pieces after they understand the heater, they should see it is not as complicated as it looks and it should not be intimidating. :)
It is hard. Sorry. I have to read this stuff over and over... Everything is cool! Sorry. We need Esperanto. Appreciate your writing. I think Vapolaborium thinks the same...I think nearly the same fun the politicians have around the world. :wave:
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IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Okay so a couple of pointers for the German crowd in this thread to avoid further confusion:

a) Let's go easy on the getting offended when your command of the English language is limited. If in doubt about the intention behind a particular statement/comment, presume that the person means well and isn't out to insult you or your product. Innocent until proven otherwise kinda way of approaching conversation. If you get all hoity toity and insulted over what are at worst ambiguously phrased comments, you won't make a lot of friends here, which would suck as this is likely the primary place you will find people who are interested in a vaporizer that looks like you're cooking meth. Everyone is a friend until they explicitly state that they are not may be a good mantra to stick by.

b) How about, if you have a somewhat limited command of the English language, you try to keep it simple. Like, decrease the amount of bizarre metaphors that DO NOT translate AT ALL. Seriously you guys, I speak both the languages, I do not have clue what you're trying to tell us with people riding their friends on bikes and Neanderthals having vision problems and the Guiness book for devices and whatnot. Keep it factual, keep it easy to understand for everyone. No aphorisms, metaphors, symbolic language of any kind please, brief yet complete sentences, push it through deepl and back again before you post it. No need for Esperanto, just stick to the English that you are confident/proficient with. This board and community operates in English, and if English isn't your native language or you don't know it very well, it is kind of your job to avoid lost-in-translation errors. Also, @Vapolaborium, at times what you write makes you look incredibly arrogant, pompous and just plain silly, so (in spirit of point a)) I will presume that is due to your lacking English, but you want to be careful with that.

Please don't get shitty with me either, I was pretty hesitant to post but this is just getting ridiculous and I genuinely mean well. Obviously you've got an interesting setup there, let's not let that drop into obscurity because you end up making yourself look like a maniac when really it was a translation/communication issue. There are several makers and creators on this board where you can get good examples about what good communication with the community looks like. I'd particularly invite you to check out the Woodscents and the Underdog threads in that regard. Noone likes to buy artisinal products from insane people (or at least, much fewer people do).

Noch mal in Deutsch damit es auch wirklich landet:

Wenn Ihr nicht genau wisst was irgein Englischer Kommentar zu bedeuten hat, dann bleibt doch vorsichtshalber lieber gelassen. Ansonsten feuert Ihr mit Kanonen auf Spatzen die nichts Böses meinen und vergrault euch hier die Leute. Am Besten einfach annehmen dass etwas ein wohlgemeinter Witz ist, oder dass jmd etwas nicht verstanden hat, im Zweifel für den Angeklagten. Dieses arrogante Aufplustern als hätte man da irgein Genie nicht erkannt bringt überhaupt nichts, das hier ist wahrscheinlich die einzige Ressource im Internet wo man Interesse für einen Vaporizer der wie ein mobiles Meth Labor aussieht bekommt, also behandelt die Leute mit dem nötigen Respekt und Nachsicht. Vor allem wenn das primäre Problem das Englisch ist. Aber die Annahme sollte immer sein dass die andere Person da einem freundlich gesinnt ist.

Was zum zweiten Punkt führt: Simple Sprache!!!!! Weg mit den ganzen bizarren Metaphern, Analogien und wasweißich. Wenn Ihr nicht gescheit Englisch sprecht, dann probiert doch bitte simple, einfach verständliche Sätze zu schreiben. Ich kann echt beide Sprachen, und ich hab kein Plan von was ihr da quaselt. Was mich am meisten verwundert ist dass ihr euch gegenseitig zu verstehen scheint. Aber diese ganzen bildlichen Ausdrücke, Neanderthaler Kacke und was nicht alles, das macht keinerlei Sinn und ist einfach nur verwirrend. Also wenn ihr schreibt, simple Sätze, schön konkret und fachlich, symbolische Ausdrücke aller Art vermeiden, Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten. Das ganze hier ist nunmal auf Englisch, und es ist eure Aufgabe das dementsprechend anzugehen. Am besten bevor ihr etwas postet das ganze einmal durch deepl und zurück jagen und schauen ob es immernoch Sinn macht. Wenn nein, dann nicht posten, sondern ein paar Minuten damit verbringen was man sagen will noch mal auf die simpelste mögliche Art und Weise aufzusetzen. Und noch mal spezifisch für @Vapolaborium, du kommst mega arrogant rüber, ich weiß nicht ob du das auf dem Schirm hast aber es ist echt unangenehm sich das anzuschauen. Ich nehme an dass das dein Englisch ist (ganz im Sinne von meinem vorhergehenden Paragraphen...), aber deswegen ist es umso vernünftiger die Kuh im Dorf zu lassen (!!!) wenn du hier schreibst.

Und bitte nicht jetzt mich ankacken, ist echt nett gemeint von mir, ist offensichtlich ein interessantes und innovatives Setup und es wäre Schade wenn das verloren geht weil hier die Übersetzung/Kommunikation schief läuft und du dich hier lächerlich machst. Es gibt hier viele Macher und Erfinder die extrem gut mit der hiesigen Community kommunizieren, schaut euch dazu zB die Threads zu Woodscents und zu Underdogs an. Niemand kauft gerne von Leuten die verrückt erscheinen.



Well-Known Member
So a lot is really lost in translation. At your last text I have only noticed it again,
and what sounds like irony, sarcasm and proverbial to us, absolutely does not come out with such barriers.

Your joke with the box I could then so unfortunately not understand, because a small work of art it is already :)

The only thing that may be intimidating are the quantities that you can inhale with it within a very short time :lol:

But it's ok, it wouldn't do any good otherwise if we don't discuss it.


I understood you,
since it is also a product created / designed by me,
I would already very gladly and in detail always answer.
Only should really because of the barrier that unfortunately only very superficial, which I feel is a pity.

Von der Kuh im Dorf bis zum bestimmten Tiger, herrlich, aber ja.
Und ein Hauch von Arroganz ( wenn man sich es leisten kann ) hat auch noch nie geschadet ;)

With all respect, it’s assembled in Germany at best. The basic parts are mainly sourced from China.

That is not so true,
because special designs are included, which I have made directly in DE.

The device (I agree) comes from China,
why? I have also looked in Germany... and only the device alone, would be more expensive than the entire Vaporium...
This would not benefit anyone for us in the world, and does it need this so? After all, it should be accessible and easy for everyone.

(not angry take ) But if you were familiar with my system, you would see that the Chinese have completely different grinding standards than we Europeans.

I must unfortunately bring the comparison, also in our cars is very much "Made in China", if this would all be produced in Germany, the end product would be much too expensive.
But a lot of knowledge, work and time goes into our products.
I don't want to praise us Germans too highly, but apparently we take things very doggedly.
For this, however, no Chinese will promise you 5 or 10 years warranty, but I can do very accommodating with this.

Vape Soda

Sparkling !
That is not so true,
because special designs are included, which I have made directly in DE.

The device (I agree) comes from China,
why? I have also looked in Germany... and only the device alone, would be more expensive than the entire Vaporium...
This would not benefit anyone for us in the world, and does it need this so? After all, it should be accessible and easy for everyone.

(not angry take ) But if you were familiar with my system, you would see that the Chinese have completely different grinding standards than we Europeans.

I must unfortunately bring the comparison, also in our cars is very much "Made in China", if this would all be produced in Germany, the end product would be much too expensive.
But a lot of knowledge, work and time goes into our products.
I don't want to praise us Germans too highly, but apparently we take things very doggedly.
For this, however, no Chinese will promise you 5 or 10 years warranty, but I can do very accommodating with this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve no problem with sourcing parts from China. It’s just not what I would expect from a product called „Made in Germany“. So I think this term is misleading to most people in this case.


Well-Known Member
You recognize / know the "Made in Germany".

You recognize / know the "Made in Germany".......?

I probably should have added a "?" at the end of the text.
It was so interpreted, on the German "value work" behind it.
(And but I have not noted it anywhere on my website! )

I can tell you now for sure, that none of us 80 million in Germany... oh... let's take the whole of Europe... :D
in terms of price / performance could have done better...

It’s just not what I would expect from a product called „Made in Germany“.

Now you have made me curious...
what could you have expected better here from Germany?


Obsessive Collector
How did it handle the shatter that you used it for? It's quite wild that it uses a separate extraction glass piece for that.


Well-Known Member
I actually just wanted to introduce a vape here, which is now daily in use with me. I am still very satisfied. The evening sessions are already something special for me.

For me, this is about a very good vaporizer. What is developing and happening here so between the lines does not interest me. Maybe I don't understand it either. I just don't care. I just try to understand it as a hospitable gesture. Thanks for that.

If anyone has any questions about the system, how to use it or how to extend it, I'll be happy to answer them here. In my possibilities.

You can find my next video about it on my Youtube channel (soon). I would be happy if someone stops by! I won't force it on anyone here. The subtitles can certainly help. Stoned, I'm more confident in my native language. This feels better for me.

Before it goes on here with thread-foreign content after all. Just a quick perspective: my car dealer is not my best friend. On the contrary, I don't like him at all. He is very unsympathetic. Pompous. Arrogant. I don't care. After all, I want his car, not him. I don't want another brand either. I want this car! At a fair price! Maybe he has a bad day, or a lot of bad days. I do not care. I don't want a wedding or dinner with my car dealer either. Fair price, by the way, my dealer makes after I see through his facade.
That's just the way I am.

By the way, I see myself as a citizen of the world. I just live here where I was born. I didn't choose it, but I get along well with it.

So, now I wish you a lot of fun with the thread, which is actually about a vaporiser. Have fun.

Translated with (free version) - blame them! ;)
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Hot plate/mantle heats the boiling flask, boiling flask heats the biomass, vapor is produced. It’s Chem 101

This vaporizer design is over a hundred years old. Problem with cannabis is the boiling points are too high to steam distill (for cannabinoids) so instead of adding water to the boiling flask, you have to heat the biomass dry - this is called a dry distillation. Or simply, “conduction” in our world.

edit: the good news is with the impending vape mail ban, lab setups like this should be fine and could even become commonplace for us vaporizer fans. Something smaller would probably be preferable for most users though, one way I’ve done it is by vaping herb in a quartz banger/enail for the same idea. If you have an enail you can fill a dosing capsule and drop it in. This will keep the herb contained from flying around.
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Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
Just watched the bombassa video. How many times does the "vapour" get heated and cooled until it arrives in the lungs?

Edit: It's cool lab equipment
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Thick Vape,


Apprentice Daydreamer
What a vape for giants. Is seems liek a trend for German vapes - Volcano, Verdamper, this... With a bowl of that size it's probably only best suitable for large group, hot boxing or those insane weedtubers tripping over each other who could smoke more grams of wax in a single hit. I'm more of a fan of avape than I load a little in and it extracts it quickly and thoroughly. Is it simply a conduction plate vape like those old-school ones? Or is it also heating by IR like MFLB? Anyway I'm not sure if that stirrer could stir it thoroughly, but at least it won't get any axels stuck with gunk since it's induction driven. Those ashcatchers on the air intakes are probably puzzling me the most - just... why? Is there any benefit hydrating the air before it enters the heater and load?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I believe having the ashcatchers on the air intakes, as well as the vapor bridge to another bubbler, is helpful in keeping the vapor IN. Otherwise it could float out between uses, or simply get pushed out by the water pipe.

Personally, I think a small 200ml size of this with a whip at the top would be more suitable for more users. I almost priced one out to try, but I have no need of this style of vape.

I don't think that the price of this is unfair, considering he compiled the parts needed and sells it as a complete working unit for not a whole lot more than the parts themselves might cost. I'd like to see a smaller cheaper less complex version.


Well-Known Member
@Vapolaborium I can't tell what type of heating is used here. Is it conduction or convection? How does the heater work?


Here I have taken a quick picture for you.
( Pictures say more than a thousand words... and in translation... :)

It is both. conduction AND convection.
The heat comes from the heater below, and the radiant / storage heat,
heats the precooler stems of the side necks.

Other Translate:
The heat comes once from the heater below, also the radiant / storage heat heats the glass extensions of the side necks.

New precooler stems in progress,
and also extension for 100% pure convection.

Here briefly as a demonstration example:

In the 2nd picture you can see what a pure convection would be.
This is only an example and even works as a prototype.
But in the future without steel wool...
The weed / herb would have to be placed above the steel wool.
It is only for the enthusiasts who want to taste the difference and try it out.
I am extremely satisfied with the Vaporium as it is.
( But curiosity is there, and I want to test it too )

Just watched the bombassa video. How many times does the "vapour" get heated and cooled until it arrives in the lungs?

Edit: It's cool lab equipment

As often as my customers / friends ( or I ) want it in this world my friend.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
[USER = 2] @stickstones [/ USER]
Here I have taken a quick picture for you.
(Pictures say more than a thousand words ... and in translation ... :)

It is both. conduction AND convection.
The heat comes from the heater below, and the radiant / storage heat,
heats the precooler stems of the side necks.
New precooler stems in progress,
and also extension for 100% pure convection.

Here briefly as a demonstration example:

As often as my customers / friends (or I) want it in this world my friend.

Thank you for these diagrams, I think I finally understand it now! Cool stuff indeed :cool:


Apprentice Daydreamer
If you want to heat up air with glass enough to cause convection, the glass has to be VERY hot - enough to easily burn any herb that would touch it there. For example VapeXhale EVO which delivers convection thorugh glass - if any herb fall down into air-heating parts of the glass it would quickly combust. If the flask is heated on the bottom where the herbs are sitting, the air intake couldn't be even hotter than that to do any convection. In fact, it would be cooler, MUCH cooler because glass doesn't transfer het very well - it can keep difference of tens of degrees over centimeters. So that far up it would probably be luke warm at most. So I'm not convinced that it could do convection like on that diagram.
Also if you were actually delivering any airflow to the herbs significant enough to cause any convection vaping - it would lift them up and suck them into the water filter (there is not any screen I think). Since they stay put, there isn't even any significant airflow going through them.
That second picture might possibly work if the bottom gets heater up REALLY REALLY hot. I would be worrid for the device or myself at that point though.
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Well-Known Member

If a small car is enough for you, it doesn't mean that others don't prefer a larger one.

You don't even need the "stirring function" for cooking or washing (as the dishwasher is sufficient) and it only serves as a gimmick.

With convection, the glass does not have to be much hotter.
The appliance has overdimensioned power, is very well insulated, and the round flask has sufficient volume,
to accumulate all the heat.
And up to 400°C ( 752 °F ) it is absolutely sufficient for convection.

Because of the size, power and insulation, it is a very consistent temperature in the flask.

Just let me tell you one thing:

What you think, mean or believe is far from what someone else maybe know for sure. ;)
I have already tried convection,
I don't know how hot 200°C is for you, but it was enough with the vaporium.

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
You don't even need the "stirring function" for cooking or washing (as the dishwasher is sufficient) and it only serves as a gimmick.
So could you vape weed that wasn’t touching the bottom of the flask (like if it were raised on a pedestal of some kind)? It seems that if the convection element works as well as you claim then there’s no real need for direct conduction via glass/weed contact.
staircase slight of hand,


Well-Known Member
That's right.
I tried it as shown in picture 2 (diagram 2) and it worked without any problems.
But I personally don't attach much importance to this difference, but I will develop it further at times and offer it as a matter of course.

I will not tell you any nonsense,
understandably, reason/logic tells you that it works.
It's just the look and handling, which I still need to refine, but it's just an "insert / attachment" optional for the Vaporium.

I see another advantage in that the cleaning could be done even faster then.
  • Haha
Reactions: arb


Well-Known Member
@staircase slight of hand It was designed as a conduction heater, but the second picture in his post above shows a convection mod he’s working on.

I think hybrid heating is more likely since I assume that the area the flower is loaded in is also hot, but if you load it and use it immediately it should lean toward convection. There is a lot of hot glass and a lot of room for the air to heat up in the system, so I don’t know for sure if it would produce the clouds many people want in this configuration, but I think it should work pretty well. :)

@Thick Vape I think you’re asking about how much it’s heated and cooled within the system, and as far as I can tell it’s the same as most rigs. There is water on the air intakes, but that is only affecting incoming air. There is also water before the mouthpiece, but like I said that’s like any rig.

Other than that, the vapor should stay in the glass and since most of it would be concentrated in the heater I don’t think vapor condensation should be a huge problem. The area between the heater and the bubbler before the mouthpiece is the most likely place to collect it.

There is also an alternative setup where you just put something like a hydratube on top of the heater, and that should be better if potential vapor condensation is a worry.

@Stu I think the pictures above answer your airflow question. I couldn’t see anything like that before if it was there, but it is now. :)


Apprentice Daydreamer
With convection, the glass does not have to be much hotter.
It does, the air is only in contact with the glass briefly before hitting the herbs, it will not get heated up all they way to the same temperature as the glass is at. So the glass has to be a lot hotter so the air itself can get as hot as a direct conduction heating plate

The appliance has overdimensioned power, is very well insulated, and the round flask has sufficient volume,
to accumulate all the heat.
A large volume will mostly just help it stay consistent and not cool down too fast when inhaling through it, but I don't think it could make it perform convection if the glass is simply not hot enough (which it can'T be in that first picture with herbs at the bottom).
And up to 400°C ( 752 °F ) it is absolutely sufficient for convection.
I'm sure it is. But where is the glass that hot in that first picture? If it was that hot at the hottest place (bottom) the herbs would go up in flames.
In the second picture if you heat the flask that much it might work, but I'm mostly commenting on that first picture - that I don't think there could be any convection there and in that setup it would just be pure conduction only.
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