Can someone explain how this works in simple English? Or a function video with herbs? Looks really cool but I am not smart enough to get it. Also don't understand the different models and prices. Do non EU customers get a VAT refund?
Advice to manufacturer though, you're obviously very knowledgeable in your craft but learning to be humble goes a long way. Not many people love to buy stuff from dicks, no matter how good it may be. You don't know stickstones just like he's never heard of YOU. You don't hear him dissing you? At least he's a known and respected reviewer/member here. I've not watched a single of his reviews and I'm not a fan but there are tons of people who trusts him. You? You're obviously here to promote your products just like other manufacturers, so play nice. Even if your product is best, other makers still deserve to have their shot at competing in a free market. You expect us to take your word for it, don't request for any independent reviews and cross out every other vape? Just cos you said so? When you figure out how to do this, please teach me LOL! That'll be my strategy for every single product or service i launch!
I'm not trying to offend you. Don't get me wrong. Just don't wanna see you start on the wrong foot with a seemingly great product. I do wish you the best and I look forward to buying one once I figure out how it works? lol
"The export of goods outside the EU is always tax-exempt"
With a free trade agreement, the whole thing would be more straightforward

These are the final prices on the website, if there is a tax exemption, all you have to do is clarify this with you and write to me directly, because I think that the sales shop is not designed that way by itself.
I agree with you and I can understand your reasoning
Let me tell you a little story:
My grandfather was in a posh restaurant with his friend in the United Arab Emirates, when he asked about a pepper mill, the chefcook himself came to the table, only offered to have the food free of house free , and say: Please do not visit us anymore..
What is humble / offending now? The cook, who feels hurt in his star "honor", or I for my grandfather, who didn't get any pepper?
What I'm saying is that I don't need any confirmation or recognition. It's just the fame and honor behind it.
It is like when your Father, the Lord, Jesus or God comes to you and asks you to create / create something for Him, where you say yourself that you could not have done it better because your whole perfection is , Your entire ingenuity and professionalism is reflected in what your father or other gentlemen say: thank you, I couldn't have done it better now. Do you understand what I mean?
Everyone can reasonably afford some quality work.
Do we still need cheap copies, or can we invest the energy and time in more meaningful things like research and science?
If it is important for you to hear the opinion of an experienced and honorable member like Stickstones, then he is welcome to express himself here in the conversation.
For me the subject of vaporizers is finished ... I don't think much anymore, these are just little things and optional / customized,
and I still make it possible for others because we men don't grow up, the toys just get bigger: )
Of course, there shouldn't be too much arrogance involved, I'm sorry if it was understood that way, but the translation ..., the cultural with the mentality behind it ..., then sarcasm, etc. that is just difficult to understand here.
The function is relatively simple,
You just have to understand the system
Have a nice day all
I for one would be interested to know if this vape can be used (for vaporization purposes) without glass or at least with less pieces than shown (multiple bubblers and ashcatchers).
was genau kann er damit meinen?
Und danke Dir!
Leave the guy alone.. Play nice rules goes both ways . It is his product and he decides how go with it,there have been many successful ""asshole"" vaporizer manufacturers,but i doubt that is the case here ,to me the guy seems like a real dude so far.. Just try to put yourself at the place of someone that has never heard of our beloved stickstones,neither thinks that in order to get to people capable of honest and good reviews he needs to send it to other side of the pond to someone that you recommend but havent watched even one of his reviews,will you watch this one if it happens ?!??
This is also expensive gear and breakable , a trip to the other side of the pond will put a serious number $ on the shipping and 20% + taxes . Imagine that he wants to update something and work a bit with the reviewer which might involve sending new parts. If i was at his place and want to send someone a free vaporizer for reviewing i would get someone from the Germany or the EU,but that is just me trying to place myself at other people places.
""Do non EU customers get a VAT refund?""" NO ! The exporter gets a VAT return for the exported goods,this is a practice to stimulate export and avoid double VAT taxation. Art-Of-Vapor has spoiled you i guess, every other seller i know will consider the VAT deduction - Part of the price.
Thanks a lot for your comment,
So when it comes to shipping even across the pond, there are no noteworthy differences (unless your air freight is delivered / dropped from the air
So shipping even at $ 64 would even include 2 Vaporiums in weight. So if I export, there are no further taxes. So it is a fair amount I would like to say.
I don't really worry about shipping and costs because I can make the packages and composition cheaper for non-EU countries. That means that there are fewer fixed costs.
And honestly? Of course, I would be interested in what everyone thinks of the Vaporium. And especially from the Americans who want to test everything, bigger and better need

The profit margin is deliberately kept small, I can guarantee a long guarantee, and everyone is welcome at my place. I want to move forward, and something goes better, then please, we all want to see and know.