After always wanting the Vapman I finally pulled the trigger Monday and ordered the Vapman Basic

My tracking number updated this morning and now shows it should be delivered today instead of tomorrow

. So now the big decision do I leave it "plain" or do I take my torch and completely charr it? I really like what
@Mojo did with his Vapman and if I do Charr mine I want it to be very dark like as close to Black as possible.
So I guess what I really need to find out is
1.) do I use Olive oil or Linseed oil?
I read that Olive oil can go rancid over time but I also read Linseed oil can be toxic.
2.) Should I oil the bottom also?
3.) After I oil my Vapman, with Olive or Linseed oil, how long should I wait to use it?
Thanks in advance! I'm so excited, I can't stop checking and re-checking the U.S.P.S. tracking number
