
Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I like the funnel and always use it. Part of the ritual for me and I appreciate how it is designed.
That is how I feel. I love that I have to spend time with the Vapman. It is for me a complete ritual and when I do medicate it just takes me to a different level than any of my other multitudes of vapes....(that I wasted tons of money on). Anyway, the design of the Vapman is perfect.
Dr. G,
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Well-Known Member
I checked on the history of the post and you are correct, he initially wrote "stupid question" in self-deprication. But by the time I read the post he removed the "stupid" part, putting your post in a very different light to the reader.

I've removed the warning point as I now see that it was a mere misunderstanding.

Apologies for the confusion.

also sorry, it didn't occur to me that he could have deleted it himself.
maybe he did it with good intentions.
love to all


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Damn i managed to fully block the hypotubes on my new click. Where the concentrate screen isn’t perfectly fitted to the new style bowl of the hash’s oils have run down and blocked the hypotubes.

Would be great to see a new concentrate screen sized for the click but for now I have returned to using my classic for hash (hasn’t blocked in a decade) and will attempt to clean the click and use it only for flower.

If the manufacturer reads this. Make the concentrate screen fit tight like it does in the original, tight to the center pole and sit above the hypotubes, you want some distance between the screen and MP screen, this was a positive about the new bowl, but def needs to fit snug.


Well-Known Member
Damn i managed to fully block the hypotubes on my new click. Where the concentrate screen isn’t perfectly fitted to the new style bowl of the hash’s oils have run down and blocked the hypotubes.

Would be great to see a new concentrate screen sized for the click but for now I have returned to using my classic for hash (hasn’t blocked in a decade) and will attempt to clean the click and use it only for flower.

If the manufacturer reads this. Make the concentrate screen fit tight like it does in the original, tight to the center pole and sit above the hypotubes, you want some distance between the screen and MP screen, this was a positive about the new bowl, but def needs to fit snug.
Yeah I no longer use the concentrate screen with the Click. Not fit for purpose. To be fair NowInhale never remotely suggested they go together.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings Everyone,

There seems to be some new Vapman fans and users...when you get a chance and want to read about the history of the Vapman-their website at INHALE has a timeline...there is amazing history behind this piece of art. Did you also know there is a Vapman Fan Page on Facebook? It is really excellent, and you can see many photos and read some facts as well.

A gentleman by the name of Rene Balli is the creator of the original Vapman and now the new creators are Michael and David. All three of these gentlemen are still together. Well, Cheers to all of the new Vapman aficionados...I hope you have a beautiful experience with the Vapman...I hope it changes you and enhances your vaping experience.


Well-Known Member
For those who don't use the screen, what's your preferred method for all types of hash?
I really want to try a different method but not sure what would work I need to get more degummed hemp fiber?
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Well-Known Member
For those who don't use the screen, what's your preferred method for all types of hash?
I really want to try a different method but not sure what would work I need to get more unbleached hemp fiber?
I've just stopped using concentrates or squidgy hash. I'm using dry sifted hash with it atm. I just sandwich it with some flower in the Click and the results are wonderful. No mess either.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Personally I love the screen (but obv not in my click).

I have in the past used a normal pipe screen, I’m personally not a fan of hemp fiber or cotton, I really like to use high heat with traditional hashes though.

Dry sift (unpressed) is the king tbh, if I’ve nice sift I just use the flower sandwich.


Well-Known Member
I actually use the little stop bottle as a hash container. I scrape a bunch of dry sift hash until it's nice and fluffy, and fill the bottle. Then I just tip a little on top of my flower bowls when I feel like it.
The little bottle is not enough space to carry much gound flower. But when filled with hash it is quite a lot. It served me a whole week in London, and I still had some left in the bottle when I came home.


Well-Known Member
The funnel is made of Aluminium.
Al melting point is 660°C.
Vapman torch temperature is about 1200°C.

Please don't burn yourself with a drop of liquid Al and don't inhale Al fumes.
Absolute agreement!

With a little technical logic and common sense, one understands the purpose of the opening between the pan and the Vapman body as that of a chimney, where the heat and gases can flow out. Otherwise it would damage the Vapman in the long run, especially for those who like to heat a lot.

Not sure I'd describe a tiny metal screen at 4.5 euros each as overly cheap-)
For an INOX part that works great for many years without breaking, even if you burn it out countless times, the price is very reasonable.
My oldest sieve must be around 5 years old, there would be an older one if I hadn't lost it. The fact is, I haven't thrown away a single sieve yet.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Does anyone know the advantages and differences between the different Vapman stations?
If you did not tell me beforehand that there were improvements or differences between the two you would never know. I don't find any differences.

If you pushed me to answer and I had to choose between the two I have I would choose the Blue one....why? I don't know really...

This post did not bloody help you at all perhaps...I know that there are improvements with the current Green one. There is newer technology or tweaking of the old one attached to this, get that one. You would get a warranty. Or at least it would be from this century.

Good luck...I am waiting for my Black One...and I am sure I am not going to feel a difference between it either.


How Soon Is Now?
color matching is ma thang



Well-Known Member
You can try vape wool too. Works fine with concentrats and hash.
I have some, but found it destroyed the airflow on every vape I tried it with. Is it the same with the Vapman? How arm you doing it? Are you wrapping the extract, or putting a thin layer of wool on the bowl and just putting the extract on top?


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