

Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in performance between the 0,1g and the new 0,2g chamber, when it comes to hash?
If you think that you might end up using your Vapman with both dry herb and hash, I would recommend getting a Click as it's more beginner friendly and versatile. But if it's for hash only you might want to consider getting a 2.0 instead.

Both will work great with hash (I'd say top 1% on the market for sure) so you can't really go wrong with either one. But the 0.1g chamber is a bit better suited for the concentrate sieve, which is almost a must.

Really, the only thing you would lose out on with the 2.0 is the temperature indication, which isn't as important for hash but could still be used as a starting point.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hello to all you and a happy 2025!
I‘m new to Fc and in my transition from combusting to vaporizing. Because of that, i stumbled across Fc forum and Love it!
I started out with my first vape Arizer Solo 3.
For dry herbs, i like it pretty much!!!
Despite i knew that it isn‘t a good device for hash, i wanted to proof that. 😅
I tried traditional dry sift and bubble with it, but it didn‘t give me a solid buzz.

After a couple of weeks, learning about vapes for hash, i found that a lot folks recommend the Vapman.
I like the idea of the flame powered device and ritual of it.
Long story short, i ended up here.

But to me, as a newby, the different Vapmans are confusing.
I learned that the Vapman Click has got a 0,2g heating champer versus the Vapman 2.0 has only a 0,1g chamber.
On the Inhale website, they recommend the Vapman 2.0 for herbs and solid hash, but the Vapman Classic Click only for dry herbs.

I‘m in the market for a Vapman, especially as a hash device. But i‘m pretty confused what Model gives me the best buzz for hash.

Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in performance between the 0,1g and the new 0,2g chamber, when it comes to hash?

Cheers, Don
Just to add to the excellent response from @T9R.
If you're going to use your vapman mostly for hash then I strongly recommend getting one of the mica versions. The pure, even pre charred, is too heat sensitive.

I'd say go for the 2.0 if your main use will be hash. And don't forget to get a few concentrate screens.


Well-Known Member
Hash user here too, and @T9R and @Radwin Bodnic are just right !
I would add, and this is just for details, the main difference between OG and Click, as for hash on a sieve is concerned, would be the size of the bowl. The OG is smaller, and so, tighter and closer to the sieve. Whereas the Click, with its larger bowl, has its wall further from the sieve. But in the Click the sieve nearly lays on the bottom of the bowl. So probably the heating with radiance / conduction doesn’t act exactly the same way. All in all, you can’t go wrong, worst case scenario is having to buy an extra one :D


Active Member
Thanks guys, that helps me a lot!
According to your replys, i Imagine that the smaller chamber on the og Vm provides a little more concentration of heat, which comes in handy with hash.

Of course i will use the vm with herbs too, just for the sake of it. But since i‘ve got the Solo 3 for herbs, i tend to the Vm 2.0 for hash.

In the end, i got VAS already! 😂😂😂


Big and Bouncy
You really have my wheels turning rn

Simple 25mm rod and a variety of grinding and cutting tools…

I don’t know what material would be best to use. Does anyone think this approach would work?
I think stainless is the way to go to be inductive enough. I'm just not sure what shape would be good for coil contact but also small enough to seat the Vapman. How small can coils get?
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Just tried this :


Herbo set at 10 on the analog dial (max setting). Less than a minute to get to the click. Both clicks at the same time, even on reheats.

The vapman got super hot from radiant heat of the Ti diffuser. And too slow to be functional imo.


Well-Known Member
I think it's quite marginal, but yes, I feel like the airflow is slightly better distributed in the OGs. But the air intake is obviously less adjustable, which probably is a bigger factor for many. I'm on your side though, I wouldn't mind going back to the flute.

The spiral does probably work like @Squidge explained, but I've personally never felt the need to use it as anything other than reclaim filtration. Vapmen have always been very smooth vapes for me, I don't think they really need any extra cooling.
Does anyone know if the accessory spiral available from Inhale will fit the VM OG, as well as maintain the functionality of the OG? I don’t believe the spiral came standard with the OG. Thank you and Happy New Year!


Infinite realities, infinite possibilities
After some weeks with the clicks I reach more to the good old OGs. But I still think the click is great nonetheless!

The good:
Looks great in cherry and the walnut is beautiful too.
Click is neat feature
Clip off screen: love this
Wider audience
A touch of convection adds some brightness to the high.

The bad
I’m not convinced the extra metal and spiral helps. It just feels warmer to me. But the main difference is that I cannot find the OG sweetspot where you heat it just right, feather the flute and feel the heat ramp up. I love those draws. It feels like finding the right gear with a manual car driving up a mountain. :lol: I cannot replicate this with the clicks as easily

The ugly
Round them edges and bring back the egg :)

If you ask me they should sell only OG replicas and clicks in various woods and finishes (along with the sublime lotus and station). And keep the 2.0 midsection adaptations thus exclusively for the click to differentiate.

I feel I might seem a bit negative but that was not the intention but is also due to the fact that I’m biased after using the OG 10+ years. I did not buy the 2.0 and now am glad I did not. But that is purely due to the midsection. I did get an italian OG and the build quality was on par with the swiss so no doubts they can pull this off!

Anyway. Much rambling and who am I?

I’m glad they set forth, innovate and keep two great models of vapes on the market


Well-Known Member
My review of the Click. Used everyday since it was delelivered after release day. No previous Vapman experience.

Amazing as a portable for me, all things considered. Light as a feather. Tiny. Consistent. Able to heat even in the wind.

I love the signature. It feels so conduction heavy, but still has a really pleasant cerebral quality. It makes me want to stretch out my body due to how relaxed it makes me.

I have to be honest. I'm blasting through bowls in 2-3 cycles by going past the click. This device has operated more of a powerhouse, fast, efficient way to get medicated for me. I'm buying an OG soon, and will fully embrace the Zen mode of taking my time. But I think it's important to stress to potential buyers that the click can also be brutally effective.

I find it needs cleaning often. But I like to clean my vapes often anyway. I know I could leave it longer, but I like perfect airflow.

I think this device deserves to take off into mainstream popularity like the DV imo. I think the main benefit of the Click is brining more people into the Vapman Customer base. I expect many people who try the click will go on to own the O.G


How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
My review of the Click. Used everyday since it was delelivered after release day. No previous Vapman experience.

Amazing as a portable for me, all things considered. Light as a feather. Tiny. Consistent. Able to heat even in the wind.

I love the signature. It feels so conduction heavy, but still has a really pleasant cerebral quality. It makes me want to stretch out my body due to how relaxed it makes me.

I have to be honest. I'm blasting through bowls in 2-3 cycles by going past the click. This device has operated more of a powerhouse, fast, efficient way to get medicated for me. I'm buying an OG soon, and will fully embrace the Zen mode of taking my time. But I think it's important to stress to potential buyers that the click can also be brutally effective.

I find it needs cleaning often. But I like to clean my vapes often anyway. I know I could leave it longer, but I like perfect airflow.

I think this device deserves to take off into mainstream popularity like the DV imo. I think the main benefit of the Click is brining more people into the Vapman Customer base. I expect many people who try the click will go on to own the O.G
Great review! It’s good to hear the thoughts from someone with no previous experience.
Just putting it out there since you’re thinking about the OG… René still has a few classics available and you can’t get more og then that.

Also great review @Kozzmozz !
I just wanted to mention that the sweet spot is still there. For me it’s a pause at the click, then heat 3 seconds, pause, and then back in for 2 seconds. That seems to be the magic for me. I’ve been alternating between the og and the click and I really can’t decide which I like more, they both have their merits. René’s craftsmanship is second to none though.

@Grass Yes What don’t you like about the midsection? I would agree though, the spiral isn’t necessary. Stopped using that when I got the wood mp (since it doesn’t fit). The midsection has grown on me though. I originally did not like the changes to the v2 especially the air slot, but since getting used to the click I think the changes are great. Because not only is it easy to clean, the people out there who are sensitive to certain woods get the extra protection of not scorching the wood directly into their vapor.

Grass Yes

Staff member
@Grass Yes What don’t you like about the midsection?
I really don't like the adjustable airflow or the way the new mp sits in the midsection. I don't have feelings about the clips vs screws, although I have never stripped the vm screws.

I strongly prefer the holes for managing the airflow as I hold the vape. The new adjustable one is annoying to set and if used to adjust in session it falls out too easily.

I hoped that my og midsections would fit the click, but they don't. Basically to me they 'fixed' what wasn't broken. Also annoying that none of my MPs fit the new midsection.

I have a lot of other thoughts on the Pronto, but I've only used it exclusively for a week so I want to give it a full two weeks or more before I make up my mind.


Well-Known Member
Just putting it out there since you’re thinking about the OG… René still has a few classics available and you can’t get more og then that.
Hmm, I find myself feeling the same way as RedZep after my first few days with the Click. How would one reach out to Renée?


Well-Known Member
Any successful swaps of the Click pan onto an OG body? I think I saw a post about it earlier in this thread but I can't find it now.


How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
I really don't like the adjustable airflow or the way the new mp sits in the midsection. I don't have feelings about the clips vs screws, although I have never stripped the vm screws.

I strongly prefer the holes for managing the airflow as I hold the vape. The new adjustable one is annoying to set and if used to adjust in session it falls out too easily.

I hoped that my og midsections would fit the click, but they don't. Basically to me they 'fixed' what wasn't broken. Also annoying that none of my MPs fit the new midsection.

I have a lot of other thoughts on the Pronto, but I've only used it exclusively for a week so I want to give it a full two weeks or more before I make up my mind.
Have you tried leaving it wide open and just feathering with your finger? It’s true though, the pom mp does seem to get a little slippery. I haven’t experienced that slippy-ness on the wooden one.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Have you tried leaving it wide open and just feathering with your finger? It’s true though, the pom mp does seem to get a little slippery. I haven’t experienced that slippy-ness on the wooden one.
Yep that was where I started. It's uneven and hard to roll the right amount given the width of the slot. The fly catcher makes this worse but it's not as nice as the even sized holes for me. I know many folks here prefer them completely closed but I don't. So it's surely a personal preference thing.

I'm not looking for some change to the new midsection. I think it signals the direction that vapman has been going. It in no way diminishes my other vapmans. I continue to put them at the top of my collection for unique, meditative, gorgeous vapes.


Well-Known Member
Those who prefer the old middle section need not despair, because in principle it is very easy to adapt it.

As can be seen in the photos, it is only the insertion height of the pins that changes, the diameter is exactly the same. The fact that the overall height of the middle section of the Swiss OG is shorter does not affect its function.

If you have no manual skills or no equipment, you can ask René (or another experienced precision mechanic) if he agrees to adapt a Swiss OG middle section to the new South Tyrolean/Italian shape.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Some people get their kicks from The Fast and the Furious, others from Wolf Hall. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same
Clearly yes...that is what makes the world go around...there is room in this world for everyone's own desires and wishes. At the end of the day we need to stay happy. Choose what YOU wish and not what people say is best. It might not be best for you. Cheers! Clouds or no clouds lets get medicated and get high as fuck. Have a lovely day.
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