Unknown Member
I'm always on my phone so I don't update it that often really. After work, if I remember! Along with pictures of my "lost" basic@KidFated. how come the Vapman isn't in your sig??
I'm always on my phone so I don't update it that often really. After work, if I remember! Along with pictures of my "lost" basic@KidFated. how come the Vapman isn't in your sig??
Yes indeed! My Hi, and Vapman are in heavy rotation. This combo has caused me to sell off a few of my vapes.I agree that log vapes make excellent pairings with the Vapman especially if you are into efficiency and conserving herb. Another reason I love my enano is that there is no learning curve when sharing with friends.
I don't need more than a vapman and a UD.. Except maybe an exotic vapman. But that's no need.
Yew is exotic enough for meAlmost didnt post this but what the hell...I am so new I am still shiny and you all know it! LOL! But when i read Kidfated's post above, i read it as "vapeman and a IUD" and almost choked on my soup laughing trying to figure out what an IUD had to do with anything here and yes, one usually only needs one of those and there are not any "exotic" models, trust me!![]()
one usually only needs one of those and there are not any "exotic" models, trust me!
While I'm no expert on IUDs, I can absolutely assure you there a LOTS of exotic models with IUDs......
Whether there are enough exotic models available to satisfy all of us is an open I think many are reflecting on at this very moment? I suspect that demand could be darn near insatiable........
Now if you could just replace the gentleman with David Tenant and those beers with 3 different Vapmans.. we would have a little sophisticated vaping porn
The screens we send are already cleaned. Torching is an excellent method to get rid of residues. Is it really black? Torch lighters don`t really leave any soot, my screen got beautiful rainbow colorsI just received my screens with an extra one, thanks Vapman!
I decided to give mine a torch to clean off any factory residue, like you do with cheap SS screens. I held it with tweezers and torched it to glowing red. There wasn't any off gas like the cheap pipe screens but now my screen is pitch black in colour? And I can't seem to clean the black off.
This seems a bit strange to me but I'm quite high so maybe one of you could shed some light on this event.
I'm just gonna load up a fresh screen and test this badboy out so I'll be sure to report back!
Good question! My answer is: because I didn`t know any better, because English is obviously not my first language and because I dreamed instead of doing some research. During the development I could not think of a name for the device I was working on. One day a friend visited me to see how things are progressing and when he was leaving I asked him casually if he could think of a suitable name for it. Vap(e)man came instantly out of his mouth, this linked my thoughts to the portable Sony Walkman tape player I used to have in the 80`s. I said, what a brilliant idea and he replied: "it`s yours you can have it". I said thank you, wrote the name vapman on a piece of paper and never ever looked back. Today I know better and would probably spell it vapeman, too late now i guess. Fortunately, the wrong spelling doesn`t affect the function of vapman in any way but might put a smile on your face when you read it now.Ok Vapman, here's a minor question for you. Why Vapman and not Vapeman? Thank you for dreaming up such a wonderful device!
Today I know better and would probably spell it vapeman, too late now i guess.
Thank you so much OF, this is balm on my beaten English language soul.Boy, I for one sure am glad that didn't happen. Say, look, we invented the "vape" term to start with (you won't find 'vape' in the Bible.....) so spelling it any old way that amuses us is according to Hoyle. Don't let those English language snobs over at Cambridge worry you, what do they really know about VM, or vaping in general, to start with I ask you?
Thank you so much OF, this is balm on my beaten English language soul.