

"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Ok ... so I'm considering the flowing purchase designed to get me over the 170 euro free shipping if I go with the olivewood premium classic set ... 25% discount still in effect ... are the spare parts I added a good idea to include (springs, sieve, filter, screws) ? ... thanks


Grass Yes

Staff member
Ok ... so I'm considering the flowing purchase designed to get me over the 170 euro free shipping if I go with the olivewood premium classic set ... 25% discount still in effect ... are the spare parts I added a good idea to include (springs, sieve, filter, screws) ? ... thanks

I would not bother with the spare springs, filter, and screws. I suppose you know how you are with your vapes but I have never come close to needing to replace those parts. The screws seem the most likely to lose if you are planning to field strip your vapman, but also found easily locally.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Ok ... so I'm considering the flowing purchase designed to get me over the 170 euro free shipping if I go with the olivewood premium classic set ... 25% discount still in effect ... are the spare parts I added a good idea to include (springs, sieve, filter, screws) ? ... thanks

I bought everything on their website. Why? Because it is available to purchase and you know that something will break or you will loose a piece...or maybe not. But, I am prepared just in case. It is also a great way to beat the shipping costs...


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
I bought everything on their website. Why? Because it is available to purchase and you know that something will break or you will loose a piece...or maybe not. But, I am prepared just in case. It is also a great way to beat the shipping costs...
I hear ya Dr.:science:

I definitely will need the middle piece ... I'm thinking from the pics that the filter comes with it so I can drop the other spare filter I had on my list ... but wondering where the classic heating element part is ??? Only see the pure one on their site ... hmmm found this on reddit ...


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Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
I was going to say sieves, a screen and MP’s. I bought all of the bits in case as well, but as others have alluded to have absolutely no use for them. I’m pretty rough on my vapes (I’ve actually never cleaned my Vapman…/flameproof) and this one is well put together, normal use will not create any repair needs.


Well-Known Member
Ok ... so I'm considering the flowing purchase designed to get me over the 170 euro free shipping if I go with the olivewood premium classic set ... 25% discount still in effect ... are the spare parts I added a good idea to include (springs, sieve, filter, screws) ? ... thanks

concentrate sieves are what I had to order first, some months after the initital purchase. burnt the first one when trying out with hash. you can clean them, I like to have a few ready in my box.


Well-Known Member
If you want to do a deep cleaning you could try this (or parts of it ;))
This is quite easy and has been discussed a few times in this forum but here is a quick reminder…
Only the middle piece and the mouthpiece needs a deep cleaning (they are the only pieces in the vapor path).

1. Take the bottom piece (ring), middle piece and mouthpiece apart.
2. Unscrew the 2 screws that holds the screen (filter) on the middle piece. A magnet can be useful to keep the screws safe.
3. Soak the wood piece in pure acetone in the smallest jar possible (to use the less acetone possible). Soak for 1 h, gently shake the jar from time to time. The acetone will color. (If your mouthpiece is wood, put it in acetone too.)
4. Soak the steel parts (filter + heat protection ring if your Vapman is from 2014 or more recent) and the POM (or Ti or SS) mouthpiece in ISO.
5. Let the wood dry and oil the middle piece (coconut virgin oil, boiled linseed oil, beeswax…)
6. Rinse the steel and POM/Ti/SS pieces through hot water (not the wood !)
7. Put everything back together.

If you feel the need to clean the bowl, keep reading.

The bowl is the same for both Swiss and Italian, Classic and Basic (Pure) models. The three tiny tubes that holds the conical bowl are stamped in place manually, using a custom tool. It is like a hollow rivet assembly but at a jewelry scale, with really tight tolerances. You can see how it is made on this video from 2:05 to 2:20.

I think that you and @jeffp have this issue : the tubes have set apart from the bowl. Unless you can have the exact same custom tool you won't be able to stamp back the tubes properly. Moreover copper is a soft metal and when the tubes have been set apart form the bowl, the indentation where it connects to the bowl and the holes in the bowl may have been deformed. I doubt they can be put back together as easily as brand new parts.

You have the possibility to change the whole assembly bowl + tubes.
If you have an Italian Pure Vapman it is easy : the hole in the ring is wide enough to let the bowl pass through. Just unscrew the 3 screws that hold the tubes, place the new assembly and screw back.
If you have an Italian Classic Vapman, there is one more step : you have to get the mica off before. It's easy since it is only held by a few screws.

The Mica is bent in shape on a custom tool so try to keep it in shape when you set it apart from the ring.

Unfortunately, both of you have Swiss Vapmen. And I think you too @Cheebsy.
As you can see in the video, on the Swiss Classic version, the tubes are stamped on the bowl in situ (inside the ring) :
1. Loosely screw the tubes in place
2. Adjust the bowl on the tubes
3. Tighten the screws
4. Stamp the tubes ends on the bowl

I believe that they are assembled this way because the hole in the Swiss Vapemen is not wide enough to let the bowl pass through.
I don't have a Swiss Basic so maybe someone who already have took apart one can tell if the ring hole allows the bowl to pass through. @Gourmet maybe ?

I only have Classic Vapemen and on the Swiss version, the mica shield is held by the tubes screws and forced into a groove after shaping (video from 0:35 to 0:45). The vapman is buffed, oiled and polished with the mica in place. This is why on the Swiss Classic the mica appear to be "glued" to the wood at its edges. (Linseed oil harden the mica edges.) I wouldn't risk removing the mica on these ones. Therefore the bowl cannot be set apart from the ring. You can't soak it in anything because the mica will peel. With a lot of precautions you can try to plug the ends of the tubes with toothpicks and pour a few drops of iso inside the bowl until it is fully filled and wait a night or so… And then remove the iso carefully with cotton and then rinse without allowing any liquid to touch the mica.

Edit : I am sorry for the book I just wrote but I am really admirative of the craftsmanship involved in the making of the Vapman and I tend to be a bit extendible when talking about it…

Maybe the simplest way is to ask @vapman what do they think about it…
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Well-Known Member
If you want to do a deep cleaning you could try this (or parts of it ;))
i used acetone to clean a wooden dynavap stem and it left the wood all white ... i used linseed oil after to condition it so it looks ok but has a very acrid taste on the lips ... not sure i even want to use it again ...

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
i used acetone to clean a wooden dynavap stem and it left the wood all white ... i used linseed oil after to condition it so it looks ok but has a very acrid taste on the lips ... not sure i even want to use it again ...
Acetone will completely dry the wood. If it comes white after cleaning it is because acetone can also remove pigment from colored wood. (I hope your dynavap stem wasn't colored. But that only the oil on it gave it a darker color.)
Pure acetone leave no residue (and no taste). If it taste acrid maybe you didn't used pure acetone... (polish nail remover is not pure acetone)

Is is a widely used method among the users of this forum and we all agree that it cleans the wood perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Acetone will completely dry the wood. If it comes white after cleaning it is because acetone can also remove pigment from colored wood. (I hope your dynavap stem wasn't colored. But that only the oil on it gave it a darker color.)
Pure acetone leave no residue (and no taste). If it taste acrid maybe you didn't used pure acetone... (polish nail remover is not pure acetone)

Is is a widely used method among the users of this forum and we all agree that it cleans the wood perfectly.
ok i just checked the bottle of "pure acetone" and apparently it is 98% acetone ... not 100%

could that 2 percent really effect it that much including giving it an acrid taste? if so i'll find some actually 100% acetone before i use it on my vapmans

any recommendations or links to the best to get?

thanks for the help!
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Comfortably Numb

Well-Known Member
ok i just checked the bottle of "pure acetone" and apparently it is 98% acetone ... not 100%

could that 2 percent really effect it that much including giving it an acrid taste? if so i'll find some actually 100% acetone before i use it on my vapmans

any recommendations or links to the best to get?

thanks for the help!
I would think 98% would work....I get 100% at Walmart in the make-up dept for $3.00 for a pint....make-up remover is less than 20 % if I remember correctly...
Comfortably Numb,

Grass Yes

Staff member
I would not use acetone on any wood vape that I own. It's an extremely strong solvent. It can make wood brittle and even cause wood to rot. Even with wood furniture I would use a more gentle cleaner unless I wanted to remove varnish.

I thought about saying something earlier, but I didn't want to directly contradict folks experience.

Anyway I would leave any damaged piece alone for a couple of days. Then I would absolutely slather it in wax. Leave that for a couple of days. Wipe the wax away. Maybe apply more wax a day or so later.


Well-Known Member
My mp is stuck :(

I think the olive wood became resinous because of the heat
I had a white pom stuck on a basic pear about 3 weeks ago and Per René “Try to take it off after a session when it is still warm. Of course always take the mid-section off before pulling on the mouthpiece. In case you can’t get it off, leave the mid-section in the fresh air over night, the humidity will expand the wood and the pom might come off easier.” I took mine in the shower (hot) for 5 min, slipped right off ;) hope this could help.


Well-Known Member
I would not use acetone on any wood vape that I own. It's an extremely strong solvent. It can make wood brittle and even cause wood to rot. Even with wood furniture I would use a more gentle cleaner unless I wanted to remove varnish.

I thought about saying something earlier, but I didn't want to directly contradict folks experience.

Anyway I would leave any damaged piece alone for a couple of days. Then I would absolutely slather it in wax. Leave that for a couple of days. Wipe the wax away. Maybe apply more wax a day or so later.
Using the aceton was the only option left, when I had issues with one of my vapmans. I agree that it shouldn't be done frequently to not stress the wood too much. It worked great for me and I had no smell or taste afterwards. I applied some coconut oil on the middle piece after aceton bath and drying out in fresh air.

I haven't seen anyone here having problems with aceton, so I think it would be worth a try if nothing else works.

Also Rene himself mentions it as a possible treatment:
It is as easy as you wrote: Remove the filter and mouthpiece from the middle section, scrape off as much condensates as possible with a small knife or similar. Make sure not to touch and harm the rim on the bottom where the mid-section stands on the heat protection ring! Cotton swabs with acetone or ISO can also be used for removing the coarse part of condensates. The wood can now be submerged in acetone. In order to economize acetone, use the smallest container possible. For a higher degree of cleanliness, the process can be repeated by rinsing the wood part in fresh acetone.

Acetone evaporates very quickly, the wood will be dry almost instantly and there is no need to wait for days for the wood to be dry. With a dry burn you can make sure, all the acetone is evaporated and your vapman is ready for usage again.

FYI, cleaning with acetone is not a must, it makes most sense when traveling and having to go through baggage check.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!:)



Well-Known Member
ok i just checked the bottle of "pure acetone" and apparently it is 98% acetone ... not 100%

could that 2 percent really effect it that much including giving it an acrid taste? if so i'll find some actually 100% acetone before i use it on my vapmans

any recommendations or links to the best to get?

thanks for the help!
If you put 2% motor oil in your SO's cocktail I guarantee you're shopping for a lawyer tomorrow.

Principal Guy

Well-Known Member
Not using my Vapman much nowadays. Beautiful little device. Perfect vaporizer when times are tough with weed supply as I experienced during the pandemic. What I do use daily is the included small screwdriver. Perfect tool for stirring and tamping!
Principal Guy,

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Breakfast is served :razz:
I hope you all have a great start to the week!

This is a gorgeous breakfast indeed. I see the beautiful RAW tray...are those Magic Flight grinder and storage? The wooden bowl is beautiful...and you have the three Vapman's...can you tell me which ones they are please? ...and the Vapman brush and torch. I love this photo. Thank you for sharing it.
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