This is great news. I love the different variations in the type of wood used for the vapman.
On a related note I've been toying for a while with the idea of staining one of my vapman. I have one of the old Pear tree basic/pure vapman lying around that I rarely used and decided to give it a go.
There are a couple of natural non toxic wood stain that you can make yourself such as beetroot and turmeric. I've read that the sugar in bootroot would likely cause the wood to rot so I've delved into using turmeric. It's non toxic and stains nicely. Interestingly, on the research rabbit hole I went down, I found a science paper on carbon in turmeric and it's effects. Burning turmeric and inhaling the smoke is commonly used in India to relieve nose and throat congestion so I was confident it would still allow my vapman to be functional.
I made a mix of turmeric to water in the ratio 1:2. Heated up this made a nice paste. I took the vapman apart, separated the bowl, and unscrewed all the metal parts. I tried a applying a few coats using a sponge, letting it dry for a day or two between coats. despite my best efforts this left a streaky uneven effect.
At this point I tried applying some boiled linseed oil to the top piece but it really dulled the yellow effect of the turmeric.
I tried the process again and this time I was left cautious about applying the paste. I blocked all the open holes with toothpicks and just dropped the vapman into a small pot of the paste fully covered for a minute or so. After taking it out I let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping off the excess paste.
I'm really happy with the result. It's difficult to get a true image of the colour but it's a very mustard yellow.
A couple of end notes; I've taken a basic apart a few times before but for some reason this one was an absolute nightmare to put back together again. If anyone does feel the need to take their basic/pure version apart I would sit the top section in place aligned with the arm springs and then adjust the bowl underneath.
In case your interested there is no smell or taste of turmeric from the vapman.