Vaphit Quartz Cap -


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again

I mainly use my VH on dry pipes, I like the addition of a quartz bowl!


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
You know, now that I look at it a tad closer, the bowl out on the end with now a hollow glass quartz tube ‘inside’ the quartz heater tube…I wonder if you heat down low by the intake holes, will that internal tube heat up enough to create a mini-Electropath style heated chamber for the vapor to pass through?

I’m not saying it would be anywhere on the same level, mostly tongue in cheek…


Well-Known Member
Regularly use my Vaphit X but funnily enough completely forgot there are two quartz heaters in the kit 😂. So far have only used the smaller one. How does the thicker heater compare? What heater do you use?
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