Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Active Member
I'm gonna have to go with that skinny bent neck. Even though the straight tube with ice pinches is probably a more durable piece, for a while now I've been wanting a bent-neck piece. They are much more comfortable to hit sitting down. Luckily If I need an icy tube I can rely on my vertigo :cool:


Vapes on vapes on vapes!
I wish I could get the money together to donate at the $500 level, but late Friday night I will have enough to donate at the $350 level. I guess I won't have to debate which tube to get. At least not until I can afford to buy one on its own and miss this great deal, but such is life. I am getting a deal enough to get an Eagle/EVO at $350 so I suppose it isn't all that bad. Congratulations to VapeXhale for clearing $100k! You guys deserve it and I hope the final boost goes well for you. As I stated above I will be one, I imagine, of the many last-minute donors. :tup:

Edit: I just tried two-capping with herb to help pace myself and I'm really enjoying this so far. I'm not sure if I'll always do this when I'm vaping solo, but it does make for another good herb efficient option.
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Well-Known Member
So after a really long day of work at the Philadelphia office, the VXL Team is in the Vapor Lounge. We have the indegogo on a projector on the wall on auto-refresh, every-time we see it tick up we enjoy a ELB full of remedies. We are getting quite medicated this evening. Last minute Push to ignite project HP? Come on late Fanatics I know you are out there!


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to wait until the cloud EVO is officially released before i put money down on it (i dislike pre-ordering products that don't have proper reviews out yet).

But i'd be interested if someone made a Cloud Plus and Cloud EVO comparison.

If anyone even wants to send me a cloud evo to do a comparison video i'd be more than happy too ;)
I'd promise it'd be a really high quality professional video they could put on their website as well hehe!

But if not then you gentlemen that have already ordered should definitely do a comparison video.


Well-Known Member
Once I get my evo we can do a side by side comparison :brow:
Between us we'll have a Cloud+, Cloud EVO, and 3 hydratubes :D
And you'd probably have the stereo matrix repaired by then.

Sounds like a definite plan! And maybe we can try and hook something up so we can hit both at once :science::whoa:

Also i haven't been keeping up with the new hydratubes much. do you know which one you're getting yet?


Well-Known Member
I went with the $500 Early Bird Option.
Which gets me the EVO, and a Swagger Circ to Turbine :D
And, if I read SMs earlier post correctly, I get the choice between a bent neck, or a straight neck with ice pinches :brow:

True true.. i would like to try out a turbine piece.
Ice pinches or bent neck is a hard choice. I think bent neck will be the more popular choice.
I like the idea of both personally. both have pro's and cons. Have you decided yet?

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I'm thinking ice pinches.
If I want the ergonomics of something with a bent neck, I've got all my other bubblers etc. so I'm thinking the versatility of ice pinches will be the winner.

Having said that, I never really bother using ice in any of my pieces that do have ice pinches :lol:
I'll probably flip flop between the 2 until I have to actually choose :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!
How long can the cloud be left on. Would it withstand being on for 12 hours daily?
12 hours daily? How about 24/7?

I like my Cloud to be ready to go at all times, even at 3:00 AM if I'm having issues with insomnia. I happen to think the auto shutoff feature is an unecessary PITA, So...

WeMo to the rescue! My Cloud + has been on 24/7 since May 24th this year, that's 24 hours a day for 72 consecutive days! BTW that Kill-A-Watt you see in the photos was added recently because I was curious as to the cost of running the Cloud continuously. Results? Running the Cloud 24/7 costs 3.5 cents per day! (based on $.08/kilawatt hr.) The Cloud only draws about 27 watts, and only draws that for about 50% of the time to maintain heat at a 2:00 O'Clock setting.

The only way to go, IMO!




Budzman! you rock dude! thank you for bringing the wemo to my attention! very interesting post btw. :)


Active Member
Good info Budzman. I've always been curious what it would cost to keep the cloud running all day. :tup:


Rocky Mountain High!
What's the belkin power adapter? Is that like a remote control?

Pretty slick setup my friend!
Read the link I provided, or <Click Here>. Everything you need to know about the WeMo is in that thread.

One other reason I decided to keep my Cloud energized 24/7 is I have a theory as to why so many Clouds have failed:

I believe that the constant expansion and contraction of the internal components of the Cloud due to the multiple daily on & off cycles due to the auto shutoff feature is what causes the heater power lead to become disconnected. When my original Cloud failed after six weeks of typical use (on and off several times a day), and considering what I paid for the unit I felt that I had the right to know why. So here's the result of my "autopsy".

The symptoms when my Cloud failed was the infamous blinking red & green LED's and no heat. As you can clearly see from the pics, the power lead had become disconnected. And for you curious techies who might appreciate the info I also got curious as to what voltage the heater was running on, and as you can see, the heater runs on line voltage (in my case 125 V. AC).

Hopefully the new heater in the soon to be released EVO will have this defect fixed. Hopefully there will be a mechanical attachment of the power leads instead of this inferior spot welded attachment you see. I believe the unequal expansion rates of the dissimilar metals (the wire itself & the attachment point on the heater) is what causes these failures on so many units.




John Lewus

Well-Known Member
The WeMo is an awesome solution that I have been using for 6 months myself. Right as I am leaving work I grab my phone and tell the WeMo to turn my cloud on. By the time I am home it is hot and ready and the WeMo, using ifttt, keeps toggling it on and off to keep it always hot. I am glad to know how little it costs to operate because I let it run all night sometimes when I get lazy to turn off. By lazy I mean I don't' want to turn on my smartphone at night to toggle the ifttt script on/off. :tup:


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
First post since the new format change!! what great news for VXC! So excited for them and can't wait to hear all of the updates to come! Yesterday, my state (IL) finally began an MMJ program. So it begs the question...

Who is gonna be the Illinois rep??? :D:lol::whoa:


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
. . . Hopefully the new heater in the soon to be released EVO will have this defect fixed. Hopefully there will be a mechanical attachment of the power leads instead of this inferior spot welded attachment you see. I believe the unequal expansion rates of the dissimilar metals (the wire itself & the attachment point on the heater) is what causes these failures on so many units.




Great work, I had a helluva time taking my (earlier version) unit apart. In response to your point about a mechanical connection being advisable (that was my thought, too), IIRC SM posted that this connection has been dispensed with altogether. The heater is altogether new, but I don't know how the power feed is done. So I got the impression that this is a non-issue now. If I'm wrong, SM will no doubt correct me here.


Well-Known Member
As you can clearly see from the pics, the power lead had become disconnected... I believe the unequal expansion rates of the dissimilar metals (the wire itself & the attachment point on the heater) is what causes these failures on so many units.
I agree spot welds are just cheap and fast, but if you get yourself some silver solder and a +30W soldering iron you could redo both connections and fix it permanently!


Well-Known Member
Well, to the member that said the Cloud is inefficient, I strongly disagree. Example follows:

I've been collecting all my avb in one of my C-Vaults that is mixed with some good ol fashioned. Probably a 75% AVB to 25% fresh grounded maryjane ratio. Life was good until I ran out of meds...what the hell am I going to do? What I did was crank my cloud to 3 pm and loaded an ELB halfway.

I kid you not, my big Mona bubbler milked up three hits and a few more whispy hits. The best part is the taste is like a fresh ELB two hits in which is perfectly fine! For reference, I've tried this experiement with my SSV before which lead to a few whispy, harsh tasting hits. So I'm not dry on meds with the cloud, but rather re-vaping what I already vaped, just at a higher temp. Translation = Efficent

mod note: @Nevertheless1090, it is against the rules to mention a sale outside of Classifieds.
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I agree spot welds are just cheap and fast, but if you get yourself some silver solder and a +30W soldering iron you could redo both connections and fix it permanently!
Were you able to do this. I have high expertise in soldering and could not do it without cracking the ceramic heater. I would try a different solution next time. Like trying to imbed a post in the connector and attaching to that.
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