Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Well-Known Member
My VXC faces backwards on my cabinet at least 50% of the time, so either way works for me :lol:
Does anyone know the diameter of the HydraFoot base? Can't seem to find it anywhere...and does it look exactly like the picture on the VXL website? I thought I remembered seeing one that had a flatter base like an Ion.


Sith I care
First - do you think I meant the glass was unbreakable? What your saying is like me commenting on how a fucking hummer is built like a tank but I got flat for no reason so in essence its really not built that well? Does Mobius glass suck because if you drop it it breaks? Come on - be for real, my comment is disagreed with because you watched a cloud glass stem break?

The phrase "built like a tank" means something can be superficially scuffed and scratched but damaging functional parts or impairing functionality is very difficult, not that it's made of metal. No glass is unbreakable, but thick glass is surprisingly fucking tough. Witnessing a cloud fail like that during normal use is certainly not consistent with the tank comparison. Hell, my Extreme Q's heater cover is thicker than that and I've broken two of them so far just trying to remove stiff connections.

Also, (real) Hummers don't get flats. Run-flat tires. The "Hummer 2"s you see folks in are essentialy just a Ford pickup truck in a body kit. But even then if my transmission fell out driving down the interstate I'd be fucking surprised.

Second - you mention the screen - again, if I wanted to look at it your way I would have to say that the fucking weed in the path eliminates the ALL GLASS statement. I mean no disrespect towards anyone but I didn't need to be called out either!

Yeah man, there's totally no such thing as an all-glass-path, huh? Well, except the substrate isn't part of the path, it's the payload. Personally I don't care about a tiny bit of stainless mesh in the path, it's not gonna outgass anything at vape temperatures, but it'd be nice if they made titanium ELBs as an option for the paranoid/health-concious folks. Still not an "all glass path" but it is a "fully inert path" up to like a thousand degrees or so.

Anyway, while the "all glass path" feature is nice, it's far from unique nowadays. The real big deal with the cloud is how well the heater works and extracts (although by reports there seems to be a bit of variation between units there too). Still, I don't see why it can't look just as nicely-made and consistent from unit to unit as other vaporizer models costing much, much less.

Also would be nice to know whether we can strip, polish and repaint/anodise our own units' casings without voiding warranty. If I can clean up, mirror polish and chrome my casings, I can live with them arriving scuffed. Probably wouldn't be too hard to DIY a copper-plating and high-temp clear coat on the heat shield, either. However, if it voids warranty, it's not really an option.


Out to lunch
The Vriptech VHW with a glass-screen in the lower-bowl would be the first & only (that I know of) absolute, 100% glass-path vapor device.
You're not aware of the Vapolution? It's been around for a long time.

Obviously VXL has never claimed that the Cloud has a 100% glass vapor path. :\


Vapor concierge
johny chaos...if it really bothers you, the outer shield comes off with simple unscrewing and you could turn it around the right way.

I can't think of any reason why iloveboobs' warranty would be in danger simply by pimping the outer shell.
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Singer Song Writer Stoner
All these new HT looks amazing! I have no idea which one to get nor any favorite...I wish I could have seen bigger pictures of the HT themselves in vapexhale.com


Vapor Enthusiast
Obviously VXL has never claimed that the Cloud has a 100% glass vapor path. :\

Yes they have. I would venture to say all glass is 100% glass. Right in the first page of this thread:

Welcome to the official VapeXhale Cloud Thread.


The VapeXhale Cloud has been released on a limited basis as of 02/13/2012, the Cloud is VapeXhales first vaporizer and it provides an all glass air path, non-eroding heat, and moisture conditioned vapor all within its vaporization system.

Why an all glass vapor path?

To ensure the best tasting and unaltered vapor possible. Sure it wasnt the easiest material to work with but the results should please the end user.


I have been having crazy Cloud nightmares. I've never really had an object that causes me recurring nightmares. I wake up, find that I left my Cloud on, and the HydraTube on top, and it got too hot, and the HydraTube melted the GonG joints. I do not think this could happen, but it's a freaking scary nightmare. LOL then I wake up in real life, and go hit the Cloud and feel better.


Singer Song Writer Stoner
Yes they have. I would venture to say all glass is 100% glass. Right in the first page of this thread:


I have been having crazy Cloud nightmares. I've never really had an object that causes me recurring nightmares. I wake up, find that I left my Cloud on, and the HydraTube on top, and it got too hot, and the HydraTube melted the GonG joints. I do not think this could happen, but it's a freaking scary nightmare. LOL then I wake up in real life, and go hit the Cloud and feel better.

LOL, auto shut......................... no more nightmares ;)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
All I was getting at in my post was that I didn't buy the cloud for its looks. I simply bought because of its production of vapor and with that being said - I could not be happier with my purchase! I've had plenty of vaporizers that were prettier than the cloud but none (IMO)from what I have tried come close to the clouds performance.


Vape Obsessed
I just got another cloud off eBay for $50 + free shipping.
It has some problems with it but I can send it in for an upgrade. "New" cloud+ for ~$250 in total I'm hoping! :freak:

I'm pretty sure if you didn't pay full price ($450) and have a receipt to back it up they won't honor the warranty. I feel like I read that info in this thread somewhere.. Imagine how much money the company would lose if everyone did that..

I spent over $1000 to have 2 units, it would piss me off if all I had to do was find someones broken one and pay $150 for the upgrade. I'd be very interested to know if you actually were able to do that..

BTW - Both of my clouds look flawless, no scratches no nothing..
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Well-Known Member
Have been absolutely loving my plus. Just a follow up to my previous post, my new plus definitely runs a bit hotter than my original launch ticker from march last year. My sweet spot on my plus is around 10 o clock, at noon the abv is a nice solid brown, not a light brown like my ticker at noon. 10 o clock produces that nice light brown ABV. At 3 o'clock to full temp I can take real nice dabs, with the whole dab vaped in one hit. My original ticker also could not do this, it would take upwards of 5 to fully vape a dab.

Also in response to all the talk about scratches and scuffs, honestly I didn't even really give my plus a look over when I first got her back. But my plus is nearly perfect, I can't find any noticeable scratches or scuffs on my outer shielding. My inner shielding pieces are not aligned to NASA spec, but are aligned none the less. My original ticker had more cosmetic defects than my plus. While it's no longer very important to me, I can understand the frustration expressed over the cosmetic imperfections on their units. When I first got my cloud I did feel a pang of disappointment over the cosmetic defects, but I quickly stopped caring after my first hit. The cloud is purely a utilitarian device. If the cosmetic appearance puts you off enough to prevent you from enjoying the cloud, then I think you are missing the essence of the cloud itself.


Sith I care
johny chaos...if it really bothers you, the outer shield comes off with simple unscrewing and you could turn it around the right way.

I can't think of any reason why iloveboobs' warranty would be in danger simply by pimping the outer shell.

Wouldn't painting the pieces properly involve removing the shell? That tends to void warranty.

I'd like to open mine and install a plug where the cord enters, but I'm betting I can't.


Well-Known Member
Thought you guys might be interested in my latest podcast, which features my first experiments with my new Cloud + International!

On this month's episode of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast, the Dopefiend talks about the continuing fractures in the UK legalisation community, which sadly looks to have squandered an opportunity to galvanize and make real progress in the wake of the Peter Reynolds saga, and instead continues to be characterized by in-fighting and apathy. The Dopefiend makes the point that only if cannabis activists stop seeing themselves as perpetual outsiders, operating on behalf of an underground counter-culture, will legalisation ever become a reality. Moving on to the emails, the Dopefiend reads a report from dopetriber m0sh about his recent visit to the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, and why he feels disappointed by the event. Next, the Dopefiend fires up his beautiful miniVAP vaporizer, takes some tasty tokes of UK Urban Trainwreck, and talks about why he feels it's not use of psychedelics and cannabis alone that inspire creativity, but it's the way in which we use cannabis and psychedelics, and how this theory seems to be borne out by recent neuroscientific discoveries. Following a musical interlude from scottish DopeTriber Steg G, the Dopefiend celebrates the arrival of the phenomenal, world-class, award-winning VapeXhale Cloud Vaporizer at the Dope Den, compares it to the miniVAP and the Arizer Solo, and talks about what makes this product, in the Dopefiend's view, the best vaporizer money can buy. Finally the Dopefiend reads an email from ZyBear in defence of the Capital City of Cannabis, Amsterdam, which implores the Dopefiend and the DopeTribe not to forsake this once great bastion of cannabis freedom.

Download this episode here: http://traffic.libsyn.com/dopecast/Dopecast350.mp3

I can't say how happy I am to have the Cloud back in my life, I'm really loving it, and I love how easy the draw is with the Swagger Circ. I chose the Circ rather than the Double because I was concerned about drag with the Double, but there's so little drag with the Circ it's making me think the Double might be pretty easy to draw on too.

Also- I've discovered a cool easy way to clean the hydratubes without having to use loads of alcohol or other cleaners. I bought some rubber bungs, the type used to cap test tubes, and with the right size bungs you can plug the bottom of the hydratube so you can pour in a small amount of iso alcohol and some salt, then put a (smaller) bung in the top of the tube and gently shake it all around. A good thorough rinse with water and the hydratube is once again shiny and sparkly! It'd almost be worth VapeXhale supplying the hydratubes with the correct size bungs, they're cheap as chips, especially wholesale.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
. . . I'd like to open mine and install a plug where the cord enters, but I'm betting I can't.

IMHO it's good that you're betting you can't. :wave:

Because that mod would be more problematic than it looks. Might not even be possible at all. :bang:

Bob Loblaw

not true, a previous member showed his pics of pulling the cord, inserting a plug and detachable computer cord. on this thread
Bob Loblaw,
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