On point #1: a tank(?) with a very fragile (& non-warrantied) center. Unfortunately, I too have a failure to report.
My client's "Bamboo" broke off right in front of me.

No impact (that we know of), no stuck joint... it just seemed to be super-heated (at 10 o'clock setting) and, when the HydraTube was pulled to clear the chamber, what you see pictured above came right out with it. Anyone else have a non-impact induced bamboo breakage? For glass that is subject to thermal and torsional (perhaps slight bend/flex as well?) stress, I was surprise the glass was that thin.
On point #2; it's neither an absolute 100% glass-path, nor the first along those lines. The ELBs are 100% metal, 1.8gms or so with no glass alternative (of which I am aware). The Vriptech VHW with a glass-screen in the lower-bowl would be the first & only (that I know of) absolute, 100% glass-path vapor device.