Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


in flavor country
I know it seems like we could make some kind of living with this much info all crammed into our heads. :lol:

I've been watching some cloud vids...Tdub put a few of them out there, thanks Tdub!


Am I the only one around here who thinks the shut-off timer and it's ability to reset in on demand is a good feature?
I think its a terrific feature. Sometimes when I'm blazed to the gills I forget that I left the cloud on and I'm gone for 5-6 hours! I would hate to have the beast running for that long, seems unnecessary.

Fire Bad!

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one around here who thinks the shut-off timer and it's ability to reset in on demand is a good feature?

I actually do like that the Cloud has a shutoff timer as I easily can forget to turn it off. It really is a great safety feature. I just wanted to put some Con in my review and I do wish the auto shutoff was a little more flexible and user friendly. I know that I will adapt to either resetting the unit and leaving it running or turning it off to rest and then restarting it when I am ready to go back to the Clouds. I can wait 10 minutes for it warm up, I just had to include my ideas for modifying this to make it better but I understand it would add to the cost and add another possible part that could fail. So it is probably not worth making any changes to the current design, I will just redesign how I use the Cloud instead! Thanks :peace:


Burly Member
Hey guys. I've been looking for a way to step into the magical world of vaping. After careful deliberation, I decided on the Vapexhale Cloud. I pre ordered this vaporizer last week. I was curious if anyone knew the wait time on this? I can get the $450 within a few weeks, but if I will have to wait 6 months, then I will order an underdog to hold me over. Does it seem as if the wait time for this vape will be up to 6 months? I would hate to order the underdog and then have nothing leftover for the Cloud. Thanks for your help. I apologize if this question has been asked before.
Hey guys. I've been looking for a way to step into the magical world of vaping. After careful deliberation, I decided on the Vapexhale Cloud. I pre ordered this vaporizer last week. I was curious if anyone knew the wait time on this? I can get the $450 within a few weeks, but if I will have to wait 6 months, then I will order an underdog to hold me over. Does it seem as if the wait time for this vape will be up to 6 months? I would hate to order the underdog and then have nothing leftover for the Cloud. Thanks for your help. I apologize if this question has been asked before.
Naw I think you'll get it really soon. I say just sit at the email and hit refresh :)


Burly Member
Naw I think you'll get it really soon. I say just sit at the email and hit refresh :)

Is this supposed to be sarcasm? I've read through many of the pages prior to posting, however there are over 300 pages to view. The search function yields little results. Based on what I have read though, people have waited a year to receive their pieces. I realize that the more profit the company makes, the more they can produce, etc. Thanks for the generous input, but I suppose I'll go ahead and purchase an underdog. It will set me back $200 dollars, but I don't expect to receive a cloud any time in the near future.
Is this supposed to be sarcasm? I've read through many of the pages prior to posting, however there are over 300 pages to view. The search function yields little results. Based on what I have read though, people have waited a year to receive their pieces. I realize that the more profit the company makes, the more they can produce, etc. Thanks for the generous input, but I suppose I'll go ahead and purchase an underdog. It will set me back $200 dollars, but I don't expect to receive a cloud any time in the near future.
Of course its sarcasm lol. I figured you knew the answer and my sarcastic remark just let you know that you were in fact right.


420 Gamer
@VapeNStone: You're a meanie VapeNStone :p. I'm channeling all of my built up jealousy and trolling ya!

@BigBurlyBill: Anywho, BigBurlyBill, I ordered on March 2012 and haven't received an invite. I'm thinking about December is when my turn will come (Hopefully soooner).


Well-Known Member
Two weeks into a T-break, longest I have gone in nearly 10 years! I'm transferring to UF in the fall to finish my undergrad in philosophy, and I felt I could use a clear head for the fall semester! Boy do I miss my cloud, I have her packed up and hidden away out of sight. Not sure how much good it's doing, I feel more burnt and cloudy headed now than I did before (ADD in full effect!). Promised myself I'd go a full month before bringing the cloud back out, so far so good! Wishing VXL had time to release those botanical listed on their website, at this point I'd be willing to vape anything! :D

Hope all is well in vape town! Fatty out!


Banned for life
I have a feeling the botanicals are a secret until the new website launches? I hope so, since it's been so hush hush.

I just came off a 4 day tolerance break and hit the cloud with some omg berry and i just can't believe how nice it tasted.

I love how easy it is to maintain the cloud too... it's really just iso bath elbs and occasional iso q-tip or paper towel/pipe cleaners on the unit very infrequently, nice.


Darth Vapor
Am I the only one around here who thinks the shut-off timer and it's ability to reset in on demand is a good feature?

I agree Seek. Can't tell you how many times I've ripped a few ELB and left to go out somewhere with the vxc still running. No big deal to turn on and off for a reset. Great feature. On m original beta, I think there was a 15min timer, but that was before heat issues had been addressed fully. I used to rip that beta with oven mitts on, it got so damn hot.

Maybe heat doesn't bother me as much as most but I don't think any of my units get too hot to hold within an hour. Sure, it gets warm... very warm even. But I never have an issue and never think of it.


Head of Pot
The only time i notice any real outer hotness other than directly touching the screws is when I have reset it at least once and its been on for more than 1.5-2 hours.

Last couple days I have turned it on and off per session. Works for me!
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Apostle, Church of Vaporization
The only time i notice any real outer hotness other than directly touching the screws is when I have reset it at least once and its been on for more than 1.5-2 hours.

Last couple days I have turned it on and off per session. Works for me!

Pretty much the same here. In the evening I usually have several mini-sessions of a few hits each. I off/on the Cloud a couple times to keep it completely ready, and it does seem that the shield builds up to the point of being pretty hot at the top. I just hold it at the bottom. So no matter, works for me, too.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
I have been pretty conservative with the timer. I generally heat it up, have a session and then shut it down again. I guess I have been afraid to just leave it on (or reset it and leave it) It does heat up pretty quick so it's not a problem. I just want it to always be ready when I want it so I have gotten in the habit of just turning it back on about ten minutes before I am ready for another hit. Someone on here said that when the red light flashes it is still heating, which sounds great, but I do not believe it works like that because it seems to still take a 5-7 minute pre heat to get it back up to deliciousness again. Am I wrong about this?? Fuck if I know- I'm stoned a lot! :rofl:
I used to leave my EQ on most of the time (and reset it after the 4 hours) but I guess I am trying to baby my cloud...:D


Banned for life
Bluntcrush, I see you stll have an EQV... do you find you even use it much anymore after getting a Cloud? I couldn't ever see myself going back to whips or bags after this new genius discovery/invention of the hydratube! With or without water and/or ice, the hydratube is just so much more awesome than using a silicone whip or plastic bag. It's about about the taste baby.

Since i like to use the hydratube dry sometimes, it still would be awesome to find that piece of glass someone had up on here before (in a J shape), it was part of a bong I believe. I would use it all the time!


Well-Known Member
it still would be awesome to find that piece of glass someone had up on here before (in a J shape), it was part of a bong I believe. I would use it all the time!

An inverted GVG (Glass Vapor Genie) works too. I chose that for my somewhat inebriated neighbor to use, versus the hydratube. Worked well I stuck with it and some 18/14 adapters. HT gets broken out just a occasionally now.
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