Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Out to lunch
I guess my ;) wasn't sufficient to convey that I was joking about the level of dissatisfaction I have. None of my nails are up to the job, and I suspect that's the case for a lot of people. It's easily remedied with a tool and not a big deal. I also suspect that some bowl connections are easier to deal with than others.

I like the video boobs, especially the background. :tup:


vapor accessory addict
my thumbnail is almost non existent and it works fine. everyone has there own wish list I am perfectly happy with my cloud and don't plan on buying another vape maybe some different glass but that is it.

Since you've brought me into this max...

My comment was that it is a manicure buster. I know you gents aren't too concerned with this, but I get my nails done. The ELB, especially when new, is a real detriment to the polish on my thumb nail.
I'd love to see a tool included. So would my nail gal. :lol:

But.... certainly not a reason not to use the Cloud!!!
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Apostle, Church of Vaporization
... all of the varying comments again just lead me back to the conclusion that the quality is inconsistent.

Two comments . . .

First, IMO you are making the right decision re not purchasing the Cloud. You have a very particular set of requirements, and a very particular expectation. That's fine; no product of any kind suits everyone. It's wise to save yourself the frustration that it appears you expect you will have.

Second, I do think this whole business about "the perfect vape" and "inconsistent quality" needs to be put in some perspective. IMO the term "perfect" is not helpful, the word itself suggests an absolute, and besides the substantial degree of subjectivity in evaluating any product, the distinction between design characteristics and product flaws gets blurred. The "clicking" is a, er, perfect example of this. For what is clearly the majority (probably the vast majority), it is a non-issue. However, a small number feel that it is major annoyance, and so consider it a "quality issue" - but it's not, it is a characteristic of the product's excellent heat electronics. Since it does not affect function or performance, it becomes a design flaw only when a large number of buyers reject the product for this reason, and in that case, it is a design flaw not from a function perspective but from a marketing perspective.

I think it would be very useful to clearly delineate between subjective opinions and what are actual defects which at some point constitute "inconsistent quality". Enumerating Cloud defects, so far IIRC there have been 2 reports of a failure in the heating sub-system, plus 1 report of the glass airpath shaft being pushed down ~1/4". With the HT's, I recall a report of 1 leaking, and on several it appears that the Vertigo logo is peeling. Within a population of ~250 shipments, this small number of reports does not begin to reach the threshold of "inconsistent quality". Every product ever released experiences a percentage of failures, especially in the first production runs. What matters is the level of frequency, the nature of the failures, and the manufacturer's response. So far the frequency is very low and well within industry norms (particularly for a product in this class; this is not an Apple, and such comparisons are ridiculous), all or at least nearly all the reports point to resolvable burps in manufacturing, and VXH has been very responsive making the customer whole in each case. I don't see any real issue, either quantitatively or qualitatively.

Complaints about clicks and screws and a warmer than desired housing are just that, complaints. Not that they aren't legitimate for those who find these to be unacceptable annoyances; they are. Which is to simply say, this product is therefore probably not suited for those folks. But again, these should not be mushed together with actual product failures, and none of this should rise to a level of real concern until a genuine pattern emerges.

My :2c: :2c: .


Low temp deadhead vaporist
nice vid iloveboobs the hydra circ looks wild. I will have to see what they cost. I think oldebutagoodie makes several good points. If for any reason you are not happy with your cloud sell it I am sure someone will buy it . If you are looking for a reason not to buy the cloud don't this is a pre production run. I have faith in sm and his team to address any real quality control issues during this phase of the start-up and make good on any defective units although they seem to be small in number. My :2c: :tup:

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Is that the VXC clicking that i hear in ILB's video? If that is what i'm hearing that is much faster and more annoying than i imagined.
SF Giant,


Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone, it come the time for me to order my cloud, but I'm having some problems changing the adress for the shipment, since I have a friend adress in Miami to avoid the 150$ shipment to Spain, but the webpage dont let me change the original adress I had when I originally registered, I know the VXL crew are so busy and that must be the reason why they didn't answer my email regarding to that matter.

Just want to know I anyone else is having a similar problem or had it in the past.

Thanks and excuse me for my english.


Well-Known Member
Is that the VXC clicking that i hear in ILB's video? If that is what i'm hearing that is much faster and more annoying than i imagined.

Yes that is the clicking that your hear. His recording device just seems to really pick it up and amplify it. I've gotten so used to mine that there's been times I thought it wasen't clicking and was like ohh no my cloud broke :lol:


can i stick my male joint in there?
yeah my mic is super sensitive, normally i always have to edit my volume because of it. but i left it like that so people can hear what the ticking sounds like, and also the sounds of the hydrocirc in action too. i honestly almost never notice the ticking when i leave it warming up.

Giant Robot

Well-Known Member
Hi all -

I decided to underline and illustrate how much of a nonissue this clicking noise is in an attempt to bring closure to the issue. I have attached a video of a sound level meter test, using a trusted source that I have used during many home theater calibrations. Yes, this particular meter is a cheap portable, but works well and is constantly tested and in sync with my fancy schmancy one.

As you can see, it measures dB from a range of 50-126dB in roughly 10dB steps. To cut to the chase, the audible clicks did not register in a quiet room at the meter's lowest setting until the mic was practically on top of the cloud, at which point it just barely registered at the meter's absolute minimum of about 50dB. Given that most people don't sit with their ear touching the cloud, my trained ears would speculate that the more realistic average sound level at about 5-10 feet would be about 35-40dB.

To add perspective, silent ambient noise in a suburban home starts at about 30dB. This covers the sound of your refrigerator in the background, or the sound of wind/trees/birds when you're inside. 40dB is just slightly above that, perhaps the same home in an urban environment. 50dB is the sound of a quiet conversation in the suburban home. 70dB might be the average TV volume, etc.

End result, this is a very quiet noise. I hear it and then tend to tune it out and like others have said, it just reminds me that it's on and working. It's about the same click noise but significantly quieter than when you turn on a gas range or perhaps just slightly louder than what you get from a hard drive when it's writing data. I don't get annoyed by it but I understand sensitivities of others might be at a different tolerance. Nonetheless, for those in the middle 90% of a bell curve, it shouldn't dissuade you, it just is what it is.

Hope this helps?

Giant Robot


Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
Lastly, the In house hyrdracirc. This one looks cool, probably works fantastic, but doesn't have the name brand cache that the others do.
However, I am not clear why the relationship with SG has ended.

name brand? dude get over yourself.

I could think of a plethora of reasons why sgw may not want to keep making these and would rather do his own thing

I originally only came here the other day to mention that VE could skip my order in case any of the staff needed to know ... because after I emailed them my a short message indicating my decision to not order the response I received was another set of instructions for how to order...
so I just wanted to make sure if it needed to be noted that it was.

Anyway, there you are.
I apologize for taking up an entire page with this, but I felt obliged to share.

Order it and i'll pay you cash for it if you don't open it. after showing my friends the video they are chomping at the fucking bit for one.

Honestly to those who are frightened by a few posts of faulty units, get over it. It's a brand new product, have any of you experienced the trials and tribulations of producing something?

Not to mention someone who doesn't have a problem is much less likely to post about it than those that did.


It seems as if out of the original 3 ht's that were offered only one is actually available to buy. Some might.call that a bit of a bait and switch, but because the vxc crew has been upfront and explained why the changes have occurred, i wouldnt say that. However, I am not clear why the relationship with SG has ended.

SG is the biggest name in glass and beyond busy. Mass producing anything has never been in his interest. It's not surprising that he doesn't want to make trees for hydratubes. There just aren't enough hours in the day for Steve to be involved in all the things people would like him to do.

name brand? dude get over yourself.

I could think of a plethora of reasons why sgw may not want to keep making these and would rather do his own thing

SG isn't making trees for HTs anymore... SGW still is.


Notmy Well-Known Member
SG is the biggest name in glass and beyond busy. Mass producing anything has never been in his interest. It's not surprising that he doesn't want to make trees for hydratubes. There just aren't enough hours in the day for Steve to be involved in all the things people would like him to do.

SG isn't making trees for HTs anymore... SGW still is.

I would be surprised if Steve handled every single piece of glass that left his shop. I have a feeling the bottom line didn't make sense for him any longer. I am sure he could make more $ doing something else, namely, selling his own glass. A 'collab' project with a (please note the quotation marks here) "upstart, no name vape company" probably isn't in Sg's interest, given that his 'bread and butter' comes from combusters who don't care about vapeing. Which is why I previously stated that the in house brand by had no name brand cache amongst that crowd. Obviously (most) all us fc'ers know the difference, but we are a small percentage of the glass market

Btw, Preston isn't making trees for the vxc, he's making 'shower domes'.


Vapor Sloth
I am definitely liking what I see in the in house glass with the HydraCirc. From boobs' video it looks sturdy, functional, and easy to clean. I know I won't get my invite to purchase for a long while but the bright side is that there might be a larger selection of in house glass to choose from when I do. You never know . . . :)


War Criminal
I just loaded a fresh omicron cart, and was about to take the first rip when I spied my HT sitting there, and I thought no...it couldn't be. I had to record the results for science, this is the first time I've ever tried to hit my omicron cart thru my HT. Perfect fucking fit.

Goddam. Fucking awesome. So tasty :D


...the first time I've ever tried to hit my omicron cart thru my HT. Perfect fucking fit.

HA nice thinking :) I've been using it to hit my volcano bags though when i have friends over to do the side by side comparison... might have to try this one myself!


Apprentice Daydreamer
Is that the VXC clicking that i hear in ILB's video? If that is what i'm hearing that is much faster and more annoying than i imagined.
Yes, and for me, it sounds so quiet. Much quiter than EQ on F1. Actual drawing is 20 times louder there. This is no way preventing me from buying the Cloud when it arrives in EU. Also that HydraCirc is lovely! I love how many slits are there, how thick the glass is, the recessed joint, wide stable base and it clearly look very durable. The perc is joined to the female GonG so nicely. SGW looked really weak there as it was thin.


Well I figured I would take my shot at making a little video of my cloud. Just finished editing it and uploading it to youtube.

I would say that the cloud provides the smoothest, best tasting vapor i have ever had. Definitely lives up to the hype for me. The clicking doesn't bother me at all to be honest and i have absolutely no flaws on the cloud itself. There is a mark/scratch on the neck of my hydra tube that I'm not too concerned about to be honest... the HT to me is all about function. if it was a 800 dollar custom tube or something i would be pissed but the circ has no drag, great diffusion and provides a really smooth vapor hit :tup:

I can't complain and I've already turned a few volcano heads around and they want to know where to get their cloud... i said to get in line ha ha :)

Thanks again to everyone at vapexhale! this thing rocks :rockon:


="notmyrealUSERname, post: 209813, member: 4232") A 'collab' project with a (please note the quotation marks here) "upstart, no name vape company" probably isn't in Sg's interest, given that his 'bread and butter' comes from combusters who don't care about vapeing.
Steve is fond of SM and respects the fruits of his labor -- the VXC... SG is merely backlogged with tube orders.
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