A little confused. Are you asking if they'll upgrade your unit for free?Can anyone verify that all units shipping from vapexhale will be a cloud plus model? I just sent mine in for a warranty repair last week.
Can anyone verify that all units shipping from vapexhale will be a cloud plus model? I just sent mine in for a warranty repair last week.
Close to 36 hours have passed now since the last reply from VXL staff regarding my deceased Cloud. I hope this doesn't turn into one of those back-burner situations.. I dropped a lot of money for my unit and having it fail only seven days after purchase scares me a bit. Will I get any closer to a replacement Cloud if I call VXL directly, or will I not get anywhere unless through email? How long until you received your replacement after it malfunctioned? So many unanswered questions. I just want my Cloud working again. :/
Are you assuming you are getting the cloud plus retrofit? Or did you speak to them and they told you that you were?
Sent my first Cloud in for C+ retrofit.
Most of us get the retrofit through our connection with Grant, and Franklin (vapexhale really likes those guys)...Are you assuming you are getting the cloud plus retrofit? Or did you speak to them and they told you that you were?
In the process now.....
Had my cloud just 6 days before it broke. Ordered on friday Feb 11 , received it Saturday feb 16 (express mail). and it broke on Friday feb 22. Opened a support ticket that same night; . Ordered on friday Feb 11. I did not received an email until Tuesday night Feb 26 with the information needed for me to ship out my broken cloud,and it broke on Friday feb 22, received it Saturday feb 16. Based on tracking its supposed to be delivered today March 4th I shipped it out the next morning the 27th. Based on tracking its supposed to be delivered today March 4th. Based on how long its taken so far, I'm guessing It will be at least another week until I can begin to expect my cloud. I shipped it out the next morning the 27th because I Ordered on friday Feb 11. friday Feb 11 , Ordered on friday Feb 11. I did not received an email until Tuesday night Feb 26 with the information needed for me to ship out my broken cloud on the Feb 13,and it broke on Friday feb 22, received it Saturday feb 16. Based on tracking its supposed to be delivered today March 4th I shipped it out the next morning the 27th. received it Saturday feb 16 (express mail). and it broke on Friday feb 22. Opened a support ticket that same night; .. Based on how long its taken so far, I'm guessing It will be at least another week until I can begin to expect my cloud. I shipped it out the next morning the 27th because I Ordered on friday Feb 11 its supposed to be delivered today March 4th
Are you assuming you are getting the cloud plus retrofit? Or did you speak to them and they told you that you were?
Sounds like something is wrong. Black abv, almost combusting, vapor that looks like smoke...Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement for any vaporizer, let alone the Cloud. You may want to get that looked at.got a new cloud directly from xapexhale last week and it rocks. I assume its the latest and greatest plus technology. At 12 this thing rocks- I would say perfect to almost too hot. I have almost combusted at 12- the avb was black. This this is amazing it truely redefines vaporizers.at 12 this this makes vapor so thick it looks like smoke. The cloud it an atom smasher!!
That's a bummer. I planned on ordering a Cloud tonight. Are all of the distributors not sending out Clouds as well? I would like to see someone from VapeXhale confirm this.Just got off the phone with Vapexhale . Apparently they are having an issue with all cloud plus models because units are not receiving the proper information from the motherboard. So they are not sending out any cloud plus's until they recieve the correct motherboards this friday. So basically their are no working cloud plus's right now. I don't know about you guys but this is really discouraging. I know that they're a new small company on the rise but its obvious that its still WIP. So for those of you who are on the fence about getting one now or waiting for a finer tuned Cloud, I'd highly suggest waiting just little bit longer.
I was considering ordering another one in case mine was not qualified for the plus retrofit, and just to have two (one for back up). But even if I did order a new one it will most likely be the same model that I just sent in to get repaired.
When you all are using a HT do you keep your cloud positioned on a desktop or do you pick it up closer to your face?
When you all are using a HT do you keep your cloud positioned on a desktop or do you pick it up closer to your face?
Mine arrived. I won't be home for another 2 hours..![]()
For anybody who bothers looking, this post was made 45 min into a hour long (live) broadcast. It's not up yet, but it looks like the show does archive.For anyone that didnt know, VaporRing is currently live on Time4Hemp @ http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/