Dr. Plutonious
Well-Known Member
So does no one know the estimated time before the devastator will be available for purchase on the website?

I Understand You are one of the many Cheerleaders for this Product but "Obvious" only comes into play when I experience problems first hand..I haven't heard too many complaints on this thread probally due to your squad cheering so loudly that many jeering get drowned out..Regardless Ive never vaporized and as a medical card holder was looking for a healthier way than what I was used to so I took the leap..Now either way I'm at a loss and will be waiting on Vapexhale before further commentingYes, like any electronic product you buy, the Cloud will be "hit or miss." Your just buying a product, that has less customers, than say an iPod. So, out of the smaller group of customers, you stand a better chance of getting a defective unit. it happensBut, don't worry, VapeXhale always makes things right, when they need to be.
If it's obviously hit or miss, than you knew what you were getting into.
I Understand You are one of the many Cheerleaders for this Product but "Obvious" only comes into play when I experience problems first hand..I haven't heard too many complaints on this thread probally due to your squad cheering so loudly that many jeering get drowned out..Regardless Ive never vaporized and as a medical card holder was looking for a healthier way than what I was used to so I took the leap..Now either way I'm at a loss and will be waiting on Vapexhale before further commenting
After reading this forum I went ahead and ordered cloud..Was Happy to see my package ordered Wed Arriving today and quickly got to it,But to no avail..It started to heat up then simply got cold..lights work but it will no longer turn to green nor heat.WTF!! Has Any one else has had this problem ...
Sorry to hear you received a possibly defective CloudYour best bet would be to submit a support ticket, on the Vapexhale website
I Understand You are one of the many Cheerleaders for this Product but "Obvious" only comes into play when I experience problems first hand..I haven't heard too many complaints on this thread probally due to your squad cheering so loudly that many jeering get drowned out..Regardless Ive never vaporized and as a medical card holder was looking for a healthier way than what I was used to so I took the leap..Now either way I'm at a loss and will be waiting on Vapexhale before further commenting
StickStones, has posted info both recently, and a while back, comparing the SSV and Cloud. Search for his posts/ check the last couple pages.I can deal with a lack of flavour quality, I was more interested in the size of hits and such. It seems like a cloud gives better hits than an SSV through glass does. But maybe that's just me.
T-Dub, and myself, posted VERY detailed info/links in the last couple pages. Here, did a little work for you, this time. post by t-dub, on filling/cleaning the showercap.For people with the showercap, how are you cleaning it?
I think I agree the Devastator + Swagger Double + Cloud Buddy is probably the craziest in terms of cloud performance.
I bet! Someone mentioned something along the lines of, the devastator and a hydratube together, stripping too much flavor, etc, from the hit...I think, it would be a great way, however, to get a very large hit, and not have any of the typical ill effects, of harshness/heat, even if you sacrifice a little bit of vapor/flavor to condensation... (snip)
Loving my Cloud :-). Hurricane is coming over here to NYC. Hopefully my power won't go out. I got two days off to get reacquainted with my Cloud. I love this thing. Yesterday i took a 3 hour nap. LOL![]()
If I may interject...I Understand You are one of the many Cheerleaders for this Product but "Obvious" only comes into play when I experience problems first hand..I haven't heard too many complaints on this thread probally due to your squad cheering so loudly that many jeering get drowned out..
Someone with a silver surfer should post a video, of this small of an amount of flower being vaped...
i don't know about the left (min amt loaded) but for my dbv, i loaded about the same as the 2nd from left. I'd use the elb cover, and then insert the cover into the DBV wand, and i could get many sips if the herb was good. think the cloud would be more convenient though, and easier to vape evenly if what i hear is correct. but the ssv/dbv seem to have less electronic parts, hence less likely to break down (my personal opinion).
I have to say, even though I have to turn off my unit twice before it starts, (it's a kind of ritual now, LOL), my unit works so well. It's truly an engineering marvel :-). Anyhow, the point of this, is that my GonG joint on my Cloud unit is so perfect, all my ELBs fit ridiculously easy in them. My first unit was ok, my second unit was really really really tight, and this unit fits them all in no problems. It's perfect!
That makes the experience so much easier in my opinion (rather than to have to fight with getting the ELB in). I've used 6 different ELBs already (I have a lot). :-)
I Understand You are one of the many Cheerleaders for this Product but "Obvious" only comes into play when I experience problems first hand..I haven't heard too many complaints on this thread probally due to your squad cheering so loudly that many jeering get drowned out..Regardless Ive never vaporized and as a medical card holder was looking for a healthier way than what I was used to so I took the leap..Now either way I'm at a loss and will be waiting on Vapexhale before further commenting
Mod note: You need to acquaint yourself with the section of the rules page that addresses being nice. This post tests it.
Hi people! I'm one of those guys waiting for the european version, really jealous of you all with a cloud lol
I have a couple questions, hope you can answer it. Is there a way to know exactly at what temperature works the cloud in each position? I remember reading somewhere than every cloud had little diferences in their temperature. It's combustion posible at full temperature? I'm a medical user with asthma and want to avoid any smoke.
Also want to know your opinion about my Hydratube choice. Here where I live there isn't any tradition with bongs, in fact I'm the only one of my friend that always loved using them. Reight now I have an Iolite and when I'm in my house I always use it in my ice bong, much better and soft hits that way. Well, I have decided to buy a Swagger, but not sure if a circ or tree. What are the diferences between the circ and the tree?
Thanks for the help guys, I'm still a noob when it's about glass.