Do you think I havent used both? Ive had an SSV for a couple of years. Ive had my Cloud for 4-5 months as well. When we used the SSV, we would go through X amount of weed a month. When we use the Cloud, we go through X amount of weed a month. I know how much Im buying compared to when we were using the SSV and our usage habits havent increased.
But so what? If I use more with the Cloud then so be it. Its not a lot more and the Cloud is consistent. Ive never combusted with the Cloud but I cant say the same about the SSV. There is a reason our SSV hasnt been out of its bag in months.
I envision a plastic cover that goes on after use. It would protect the male joint and extend far enough down the Cloud that it would not damage the male joint if it took a hit.
This is the flared bottom one
and this is the new one
I was also told the new units do not click but the old one do.
can't wait to see it, purp...and thanks ahead of time!
Your doing everyone in the community a solid and apologizing? Nah man, take as much time as you need!And thanks!
It's going smoothly, at about 10%, and I'll upload to youtube/here as soon as it's done.
It certainly is, IF you load and/or vape less, but to say that there's some kind of design feature on the 7th Floor model that lets you get the same amount of 'high' from less weed, is just not true.
This makes sense. Your analysis is based on purchase and consumption habits, not load comparison. Both the SSV and the Cloud have the ability to be huge weed hogs. My point is that the Cloud at least can be used with smaller loads and enter the efficient vape comparison very strongly. The SSV can't even be used with such small loads. I could easily go through more weed with the Cloud simply because the vapor is more enjoyable. I think once you play with the Cloud using small loads you will be very impressed and start using even less weed.
We dont ever do small loads so I wouldnt have any first hand experience with small loads.
^^Same here.
Really... Small, itsy bitsy loads in the vape? Why in the world would I??
Someone with a camera needs to show a 12:00 hit with barely more than covering the screen of the ELB. I can't imagine beating that.
So, I didn't want to be "that guy," to promise and not deliver. I try not to do that at least.I'll get right on thatI'll do a few different sized loads, from not enough to cover the bottom, to more than enough, and in between.
Maybe Ill break mine out next week.
Thanks once again to the VapeXhale team.
I jumped on the sale just before it ended Thursday night and picked up the ShowerCap HT. Got my confirmation email, but didn’t get anything else on Friday. I figured they were probably pretty busy getting sale purchases out the door and I’d probably get it early next week for sure since I live in the Bay area.
Came home this afternoon and couldn’t believe my eyes...a discretely packaged box on my porch. Lo and behold it was here already.
Blown away immediately after opening the box since right on top was one of the silicone covers. I’d asked for one a while back, but hadn’t mentioned it in the order, but they remembered! Kudos VapeXhale. One question though, why not black like the unit itself?
First impression is its smaller than I expected, but no big deal. Also difficult to clean/get the water out. I always clean my new gear to start but this will take some practice. You’d think it would be easy so maybe I’m missing something. Tips?
Easier emptying would be useful since it uses so little water that it gets pretty ugly after only a couple of ELBs. An amazingly little amount of water by the way. You almost need to use an eye dropper to fill it. I’ve tried it to just above the cut slits. Higher would seem to make splashing into your mouth possible. More experimenting is definitely called for!
Flavorwise it is tops (I also have the ShowerDome HT, HydraLine HT and a Mobius Ion). Probably because there is so little water that it is closest to a straight unfiltered draw. Consequently I think a lower temp setting is also called for (I’m using 11:30 instead of my regular 1:00 to start). This is a style that will work well with the portable Cloud (which is surely in must be because I’ve actually had a dream about using it). You’d want to have a minimum amount of water I’d imagine. Something like a Solo with a mini HT?
Back to the experimenting...
the portable Cloud (which is surely in development
Tips:You’d think it would be easy so maybe I’m missing something. Tips? Easier emptying would be useful since it uses so little water that it gets pretty ugly after only a couple of ELBs. An amazingly little amount of water by the way. You almost need to use an eye dropper to fill it.