FUCKING SERIOUSLY? Your package was delivered with the packing list on the front and visible???
VXH Crew---Please realize that not everybody lives in a "medical" state. All it takes is a curious postman and a phone call to cause someone grief.
Sorry, I love my Cloud but shipping this way is putting your customers at risk.
Thats nuts if thats how it was shipped
Yeah that's a little ridiculous...I'm in TN and really glad my package didn't come like that, just a brown box with Vape-X and the address on it. I know SM said they've already corrected this, but it wasn't like that on all shipments and none should've been shipped like that in the first place. It's almost like whoever packed the boxes didn't know the packing slip is supposed to go inside...
That's how mine came shipped. It didn't happen to be an issue, but very seriously could have been. My postal delivery man is one who tends to leave packages that require signing, without a signature if we're not home...knowing that our neighborhood is a fairly safe place, and packages don't tend to up and disappear. That being said, if a family member of mine happened to come by my house before I got home, and saw that, things would be a bit shaky. I have a very conservative family, with views that don't coincide with MMJ. I am a card holding patient, but aside from those in my household, no one in my family knows that I use cannabis at all.
Also, it does happen on occasion, that I receive one of my neighbors packages, by mistake. I never can tell, or would care to for that matter, what's in the package, cause it usually just has the address it's being sent to, and maybe from. I can't say that my neighbors wouldn't be so nosy as to read whats on the box, next to my name and address.
I really hate to be 'that guy' that makes a stink about something considered trivial to some, but I just feel that this is an issue that should be rectified. I see that SM posted that VXL will use a more discrete labeling system, but the fact that they didn't in the first place kind of has me scratching my head. I was too blown away by the vape to really be upset about it, but digging out my box and seeing what was printed on it does kind of bug me.
If you ordered a sex toy, would you want to have it come in the mail, with a short description of the toy on the side? How about medications? Expensive/sought after items in general? How about I don't want to tell anyone who can see my mail, what it is! I've ordered parts for vapes from random ebay "vape stores" with more discrete labeling/shipping.
Just saying. Sorry for the rant.
Back to the Cloud, and not the box it came in...........Is anyone here considering the 'FC Bubbler' by Planet Vape, when it's released, as a piece for the Cloud? I know I am...I'm also eyeballing a HT or two in the meantime. I'm thinking the Double chamber Swagger is my first pick for next HT. In a tie for second, are the HydraLine, and the ShowerCap. If my wallet would allow, I'd have em all and more!
Another thing, that has been tossed around a bit in this thread, and I'm hoping becomes a reality at some point (fine, let em' release the international first

) is smaller ELBs. I know I can just load my big ones less full, but I accidentally don't, and don't realize until I can't get the thing to stop milking
Still in love with my Cloud