after lurking this thread for a while now, i think it is time that i gather up a cloud fund and purchase one. watching the videos and reading all these responses to the vaporizer have convinced me! the hardest part might be deciding which hydratube to go with...
Still debating which package to go with.
How did you guys make a decision on which glass to go with?
I might just play eenie meenie miney mo soon...
I too am about to purchase this state of the art vaporizer, after using the EQ since it was released years ago. I think this will be more than just a step up! lol But like ///// above, i'm not sure which HT to purchase and as of now I think it's just all about aesthetics? I mean, they all do the same thing, just differently, or I suppose it's not a very big deal? I never used my EQ with glass/water so I anticipating big things, like much smoother cooler hits to start. Just wanted to say hi to everyone and soon will be joining the revolution.
Heard back from Bryan who informed me that the HT was shipped in a separate package. I'm sure they feel that is the best way, but it is confusing to not get both numbers or any indication that there are separate packages . . .
Circs is probably a bit more durable than Trees. Circs will fire bubbles at random size from 0 to how much you pull (because of vertical slits). Slow pulls offer more diffusion than trees, fast pulls are stormy.
Trees are beautiful and will fire same sized medium bubbles (because of horizontal slits) and fast pulls will make more of these medium bubbles. That will make wall of uniform bubbles and so more diffusion with faster pulls. With slow speed they will not bubble much visually and offer less diffusion.
It is quite possible that the items are shipped from different locations, using different systems. The Cloud itself is shipped from the contract manufacturer. The HT's, ELB's, shirts, botanicals could all ship from the same point, but that would mean that VXL was using the contractor for inventory staging too, i.e., VXL is paying suppliers to ship to the contractor which receives/stocks/fulfills those items too. That's all additional expense that might be avoided by drop shipping or at least mitigated by using a less expensive aggregation/fulfillment point.
Integrating a multi-point transaction is very expensive assuming it's even an option. If the transaction is multi-point, it would be advisable for VXL to make clear that the order ships in separate parcels from separate locations, and that tracking is not an option for certain items.
. . . First all of products ship from the same location . . . fullfillment is a process two systems come together to tell the kind folks that package up everything and send them out for us. When they went to package some of the recent transactions our packing slip listed SKU's that were not in there system . . .
Hmm.. has me contemplating a second. I kind of feel gluttonous buying a second when some people are still trying to get their first, though. I think if they keep the inventory stable I'll go ahead and do it. I just don't want to deprive or delay anyone else...
Hmm.. has me contemplating a second. I kind of feel gluttonous buying a second when some people are still trying to get their first, though. I think if they keep the inventory stable I'll go ahead and do it. I just don't want to deprive or delay anyone else...
So I am ready to place an order for a Circs but I am having second thoughts.
$500 is a lot of money to me, which I am ready to spend on a Vaporizer, but I need piece of mind.
I have been asking Cloud owners how they like it, what they dont like, etc. I've been talking to 2 people who have had issues with their cloud (one was a few months old, the other a few weeks old), quit working. After long waits and headaches from customer service they had their units replaced under warranty. I am also speaking with another guy who had his Cloud for a little over a year and it broke on him (says it turns on, lights up but NO HEAT), he contacted customer service multiple times with no response and finally when they did respond they told him his warranty was up, and refused to fix it and told him to purchase another Cloud (this right here could be a deal breaker for me).
This makes me VERY nervous, I dont want to spend $500+ on a vape and be 'screwed' when something happens to it (i'm talking product failure, not user failure). I understand electronics fail from time to time, nothing can be perfect forever. I also understand there are MANY members here who own a perfectly fine Cloud. But like i said, $500 is a lot of money to me, and if I buy a cloud I dont want to be jerked around trying to have the product fixed/replaced if need be.
Sorry for the slightly 'negative' post, but I am doing as much homework and research as possible like I do with any other high dollar purchase I make. There is no question the Cloud is an amazing vaporizer, possibly one of the BEST in the industry, but what scares me is after the sale customer service and warranty.
The Cloud loves TGA strainsI'm actually sippin on some Ace of Spades myself. Cheers @Shrike!
There are inconcistencies in your sources statements. First of all, there is not one single production cloud on the market that is over a year old. Secondly since I review every return case in the history of VXL, this scenario has not happened, so your source is misinformed. Secondly all of our returns are handled in a timley manner and I think have been mislead in general regarding the warranty.
I really appriciate the phone call and thank you for clearing up my issues/questios.
I was misinformed by a few people, quite frankly I am not sure why they would 'lie' to me about their problems with the Cloud (maybe they are not a fan of the Cloud and want to persuade my future purchase).
Once again, Thank you Troi for calling me and answering all my questions.
Does anyone use something besides a cork or paper towels to plug the cloud's bottom joint for cleaning w/ isopropyl alcohol?
I guess I'm put off by exposing rubber/cork to a highly abbrasive solvent. Just occurred to me that a 18mm ground glass "stopper" would be perfect for a long soak, but would need one that is flat so it could stand vertically.I use a #3 rubber stopper, from the local hardware store.
I guess I'm put off by exposing rubber/cork to a highly abbrasive solvent . . .