What do you mean by overheats? You realize that there is an auto-shutoff that kicks in after ~60 minutes? If it's too hot, there's a knob for that. Counter-clockwise might be your friend, here.About how long does your guys unit last because the vapor being produced is too hot? Mines around 45 minutes then it overheats at around an hour.
That just isn't long enough for me. I might have to use this as an excuse to purchase another vaporizer
What do you mean by overheats? You realize that there is an auto-shutoff that kicks in after ~60 minutes? If it's too hot, there's a knob for that. Counter-clockwise might be your friend, here.
Yes two hands, I can personally do it with one though, I got special skillsDoes it take two hands to remove the Hydratube from the stand?
Just toggle the switch every once in a while, and you'll be fine. You can also get a WeMo that cycles the Evo for you automatically. 45 minutes sounds like a long time for heatup. It shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes for a full heat soak IME.
I think most will agree what you're describing is not a defect. The unit is packed full of insulation, and after being on for as long as you described, will become "heat soaked". Thus, the actual temperature output will be slightly different versus non-heat soaked. A unit freshly turned on at 12 will be significantly cooler than a unit turned on for an hour, if you find it too hot, just dial back the temp knob Until you find a comparable setting. Additionally, I find a heat soaked unit produces a much "fuller" vapor, regardless of knob position, as the heater no longer has to fight the cooling effect of air running through the unit as hard.Nah it doesn't take 45 minutes to warm up. Mine works properly haha. Yeah turning it off and back on would prevent the auto shutoff problem. I'm just saying the heat that the unit gives off mixes with the vapor producing a warmer than normal vapor (This is after 45 mins of use) (Anytime before about 45 minutes and I have no issues at all)
I think most will agree what you're describing is not a defect. The unit is packed full of insulation, and after being on for as long as you described, will become "heat soaked". Thus, the actual temperature output will be slightly different versus non-heat soaked. A unit freshly turned on at 12 will be significantly cooler than a unit turned on for an hour, if you find it too hot, just dial back the temp knob Until you find a comparable setting. Additionally, I find a heat soaked unit produces a much "fuller" vapor, regardless of knob position, as the heater no longer has to fight the cooling effect of air running through the unit as hard.
I run my unit from 8am-9pm daily for over a year non-stop!! Cool and smooth vapor!!I said that mine does work properly. I said after being on for 45 mins - an hour the vapor starts to irritate my throat.
So your saying your able to use your unit for multiple (3+) hours and its just as comfortable vapor as it was when first turned it on?
Yes two hands, I can personally do it with one though, I got special skills![]()
I still couldn't get a comfortable vapor after the 45 minutes. Maybe its just me..
Do you leave the elb in between hits?
If you don't mind, walk me through your setup ritual and let's see if there aren't some places for adjustment to get you where you want to be.
You'll have to change your methods a tad bit.Of course!
1. Flip the Evo power switch on. Turn dial to 12:00. Wait until it turns green
2. Then i take 5 minutes to let the unit heat up slightly more. i also load the elbs during this time with .1
3. Next, i load the elb into the unit and let it sit there for about 60 seconds
4. I inhale and clear the hit
5. Remove elb and dump out the abv
6. Repeat the process starting at step #3
You'll have to change your methods a tad bit.
Edit: 1)Try turning your unit on
2)set the temp to max
3)allow the green light to come on
4)wait 5 min
5) turn the unit back down to your 12 setting 6)allow it to turn green again
7) insert your screen with .1
8)pull slowly for 2secs then pick up the draw speed a bit
9)don't empty the screen until you've had at least 2 decent length hits. Even if you pull the screen out too shake it , put it back in for one more hit!
Of course!
3. Next, i load the elb into the unit and let it sit there for about 60 seconds
Get rid of this step for a bit and see what you notice. The only thing this step is doing is allowing radiation and conduction to start working on the load. imo, these two types of heat contribute more to the taste you are complaining of.
I do the same thing @Cannabis Connoisseur does, except I eliminate his step 4, which contributes to the heat soak that you don't like. So I do this:
1 -- turn unit on and all the way up and wait til it turns green (prep your elb here)
2 -- once green, turn it down to between noon and 2 and wait for it to turn green
3 -- pop the elb in there and start huffing until done
4 -- [optional] turn it all the way up and finish it off. this step will, of course, take you into the bad taste zone
This method gets me hitting it at the temp I like, with minimal heat soak, and in and out of a session in under ten minutes from the time the unit is turned on. Give it a go!
I use a flat, folding cord that came from an old printer. You probably have one laying around your house. The stock cord is too rigid for my liking.Fucking evo's thick ass desktop chord knocked the unit off the table and broke the 18mm fitting.
It is now unusable. Is this under warranty? Also how do people prevent this? I mean the form factor alone makes this prone to tipping.
Anyone print a 3d ceremic plate on the bottom to make it heavier yet
Or do I have to order a koozie for my glass fitting too?
Cord...let's call it the power stick.I use a flat, folding cord that came from an old printer. You probably have one laying around your house. The stock cord is too rigid for my liking.