Happy to report a quick cleaning of everything, and I'm back on track, packing nice and light, probably just under .2. Ahh... heavenly. My helio was a little dirty, and the glass on the unit was a bit tacky. Could this throw off my mojo so much?
I wonder how, why, even slightly dirty glass can degrade performance so much. I am cleaning my glass every day.
Good to hear performance is back. I haven't found that EVO performance suffers with dirty glass or ELBs

. There are a lot of variables in vaping with the EVO that could have caused that behavior. Heat soak time, variability in ELB loading, etc. If looking for consistency, I highly recommend a weigh scale for cannabis dosing over visual ELB volume. I picked up an inexpensive digital scale that measures to 0.001 grams and have found that cannabis volume/density is hugely variable from batch to batch and at times within a batch (sugar leaf vs cola, stem content, etc). The frostiest cannabis batches I weigh out can be literally twice as dense as more typical product for example... and I'll see half the volume in the ELB for a given weighed amount. Weighing is much better than eyeballing volume for dosing. Cheers and enjoy.
Into my second week with my Evo and im really enjoying this unit. My daily driver is my Enano log but i was missing proper bong rips and wasnt into using the log for them.
First I will def say that im impressed with how efficient this device is. I expected it to use more material than the enano, but that was not the case. I feel like taste with concentrates is a bit difficult for me to dial in right now . I find myself needing to set it to 12 at the max or i get a burnt taste but the clouds from this thing are insane and its an amazing flower vape. The Hydratube def needs to be cleaned way more often than I figured but the function on it is beautiful. My dumb ass also got one of my beard hairs stuck in it

over all im very impressed and i think a bit more time with the unit will solve most of my problems.
Sounds great and congratulations! The EVO is a very efficient device and I've used as little as 0.013 grams in the ELB... just enough to cover the bottom of the basket.
It took me a while to dial in concentrate use with the EVO as its setup can be quite susceptible to burning/toasty flavors. This concentrates technique I developed over time brings the goods and flavors, try it, see what you think and adjust to preference from there. Use a small amount of concentrates in the VapeXnail, a rice size piece or less... otherwise you will spill concentrates into the bamboo, not good. Drop it in the slit in the nail. Preheat the EVO 15-20 minutes with the heater dial set to ~12:15-12:30 (~365F). Put the VapeXnail into the EVO, look down in and watch the concentrates melt and bubble. Begin gently rocking the heater back and forth to distribute the concentrates evenly across the bottom of the glass nail, and as soon as vapor wisps begin to come out of the top of the nail put a hydratube on it to capture that and begin a timer. After the timer reaches ~17 seconds, it's ready to vape and simply take a long slow steady draw. This method brings zero toastiness and a single decent draw will finish the dab off (more than one draw with EVO & concentrates will give toasty flavors. If one wants to dab more, simply do another dab... one can set up the EVO with 2, 3 or even 4 nails preloaded and ready to go. Back to back even, if one wishes.
Hope all that helps. Continue to enjoy and dial in your EVO use... it can take some time, but the EVO is very flexible and widely optimizable to everyone. Stick around and we look forward to your EVO talk! Good luck and enjoy!
The EVO is bringing the goods again this weekend

. Here's some Lamb's Bread, Jamaican sativa, I have in the EVO.
Have a great weekend everyone.