I have been starting my loads at 9. Using just a pinch of herb (I think less is MORE for this experiment), barely enough to cover the bottom (for comparison, just about HALF of what I would load for the Nano)... I'm estimating it as under 0.05 gr. closer to 0.025.
Pre-heat as usual, then set to 9, wait for green. Straight mouthpiece for flavor.
I am getting AMAZING flavor, and some noticeable effects!
I have marked the dial, a la @
Deadshort480 , at 9, noon, and 3, with two marks equidistant between 9 & 12, and from 12 to 3.
I now work my way up the dial, hitting at least once at every mark, and I can! sure, the final "3" hit is a little bit weak and thin, but I'm getting medicated at every step, and the flavors are amazing. When I'm done, I have a tiny pile of beautifully browned (caramel/chocolate) ABV. Almost powdered as I pour & brush it out of the ELB.
Second "AHA!" moment today - my hubby has discovered that you can stash your ELB, between hits, in the top of the hydrofoot! It isn't airtight, but it sure will cut down oxidation losses if you like to spread out your session over several hours (he does). I use the HF for my mouthpiece. I would imagine if you actually used it for an HT, it would have even more of an air-lock effect. Just wanted to share that.
I love my EVO. Have I mentioned how much I love my EVO? Yeah, that much.