I ordered the EVO with Circ glass on 11/23, and it arrived yesterday, exactly two months later. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm pretty new to cannabis. I've used it for a year, only at night before sleep, and only in a Pax, no experience with other vapes or consumption methods.
So I unpacked the box, filled the tube with water, loaded a ELB with the same 125mg (or so) of Ingrid I'd use in the Pax, let the EVO warm up, then tried a first hit. Huh. Am I even getting anything? Try again. OK, yeah, I'm tasting it, I'm still not sure how much I'm getting though. Tried turning it up from noon to 1:00. Now I'm definitely getting visible vapor, I see my exhalation and I'm tasting it more.
It occurs to me that I'm used to judging the amount I've taken by how annoyed my lungs have gotten breathing hot vapor, and that method won't work anymore. Which is a good thing!
I still don't really know how much I've gotten. It doesn't really seem like I'm getting much, but I don't know. I take several more hits - keep in mind, my lung capacity isn't much, so this is less than you might think - and then shrug and put the EVO away and get up to go brush my teeth. And promptly fall over.
I've had that kind of "oops, head rush, lying flat on my face in the hallway sounds really good right now" reaction from Ingrid before, but only the first couple of times I used it. It's not that I enjoy falling over, but in lesser degrees it's more "feeling pressed down, want to lie still" which is useful in getting to sleep, which is why I keep coming back to Ingrid from other indicas. It was very odd to get hit that hard by it again, using the same amount of bud I've been using near-daily for months.
I did eventually manage to get my teeth brushed, and myself (mostly) undressed and in bed. (Removing my shirt seemed unnecessary and far, far too complicated to be worth it.) And man, while I was very firmly pinned to the bed, my mind was wandering wildly all over the place with colorful images and free-associating ideas. Again, not an unusual reaction, but much STRONGER than I've experienced at any point since the first week or two I used pot. I fell asleep within about 20 minutes, but those were 20 interesting minutes.
Final verdict will require further testing - EXTENSIVE further testing

- but I'm liking this thing so far.