@O-G-Reg, I struggled a bit with pulling the ELBs when I first got the EVO, but a few months later it was old-hat to me. No real problems especially now, even with cut nails, plus it's never too hot in my use. And I'm a serial ELB puller, lol. A dull butter knife is an option until your comfortable and get the hang of it; use it like an old school bottle opener.
I'm a fan of the glass path too
. Using the Helio dry mouthpiece or a hydratube is top notch for me. I can easily and often clean glass and then get all the flavors pure. Unfortunately one can't do that with a whip. And no whip replacements are needed either. I've seen some wild glass use to get from a separate water piece to an upright EVO
. People definitely do it.
After that fun Friday session I posted last week, I enjoyed the EVO Sat and Sunday as well and have settled in with starting the first fresh flower draws with the Helio dry mouthpiece... followed by a temp bump and finishing the ELB with a wet hydratube
I'm just on the EVO again this Friday eve. And in the groove
. Enjoying the Strawberry Cough experience (think
). It's a lot of cerebral fun times, and I'm easily distracted
. I enjoy the whole cannabis routine since I don't do it every day, even pulling out and setting up the vape as well as selecting/grinding the flower or concentrates. Maybe that's why I pull the ELB every time. I clean the glass daily and my VapeXnails sparkle clean
Enjoy the EVO and the weekend everyone